P, 2011 - 15 David Harth P, 2011 - 15 David Harth


The frost takes control of my heart

Hardening into impenetrable stone

You had complete jurisdiction

Behind closed broken glass

You saw me at my deepest lows

And you held my hand hoping for the highs

Together we heard whispers

From little footsteps on the hardwood floor

You lost twice

For twelve more years I’ve gone on

Buried the three of you so long ago

With such magnitude my heart aches

Turning corners on each city street

On every airplane bound trip

I hope I’ll meet you again

My rage is premature

A dozen more times I attempted

And I have failed

In the past I got such pleasure

Out of this constant thirst

That I have for you

Wandering in a state of existence

Not wanted without you

I question what I’m supposed to do

All I have now is desolation

That no one understands

I’m planning my departure

© 2015 David Greg Harth

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P, 2006 - 10 David Harth P, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Problem Solver

Let’s stop eating --

My cock sure could use a good beating

These useless goats are stuck in my head

Son of Man told me to neighborly break bread


So, I’m howling at the moon and I’m not making any alterations

Saluting complex decisions made by enemy nations

U.S. of A. is launching radar-evading jet fighters

While Commies have jailed rebellious writers


Lower the disguise, do not hide

Not my fault, Dear President lied

Inside battle not yet won

Truth is, my grandfather thirsts for a gun


All is quiet with death at the door

My Muslim brothers declare a backyard war

While my ex-girlfriend is finally seeing someone new

Several months have passed, I remember you


Salty cow’s tongue (against my chest) tasted like honey

Sold under black market tables, whoring for lots of money

Packing up my luggage, heading for Argentina

For years I secretly wished to date last year’s ballerina


Once told a man that I’d be on a box of cereal

Addicted to St. Matthew’s Vaseline material

Milk missing and children missing

Shorelines of Jersey reminiscing


Scattered synapses transmitted

Neurological institute committed

One day masturbated in her sight

To Freud’s mother, a trans-Atlantic delight


Politics at Brooklyn’s wooden table

Architecture to God burned to a child’s fable

Remind you: my next-door resident is a digger

Truth is, I’d pull my grandfather’s trigger


Bring on the jungle and mount the Veteran’s flag

It’s my wide girth that gets every little old fart fag

Offend you with my art, offend you with my words

Fourth day sunrise, we’ll kiss the Kurds


Debt rises with the ticking of the clock

Mounting doubts among the shepherd’s flock

Worldwide spread of McDonald’s juicy lard

Let me promote myself and give you my card


Coffee consumed and I have to take a smelly piss

Exhausted of watching the common Republican hiss

Return of the fighter jet and grandfather’s revolver

How have I become the number one problem solver?



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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P, 2006 - 10 David Harth P, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Pantheon Drip

Drip, drip, drip

I see your hot pink drip


Pigeon goes,

Pigeon flies


I hear a river flowing

Drip, drip, drip


Blonde bird

Brunette bird

Red bird



White man

Helmet man

Suit man



Drip, drip, drip


Drip, drip, drip



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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P, 2006 - 10 David Harth P, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Polish Electricity

I was feeling faint

Weak, fragile and unreal

I was about to collapse

Decompose and fall apart


The end came

Before the start

Old age lines

Spread like disease


Chanting languages

Movements understood

September thunderstorms

Bolts break open the sky


Sitting behind desks

Crossing legs

Misplaced elastic

Spell check


Couple of donuts

Four pack hold

Didn’t get named

Watergate laughter


Burned inside

Dozen times




© 2008 David Greg Harth

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P, 2006 - 10 David Harth P, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Peter Cetera

I admit it

Right now, I’m listening to the song

“Glory Of Love” by Peter Cetera.

And you know what?

I’m not embarrassed.

Nothing embarrasses me.

I’m proud of the music I listen to.

Each song over the course of my life

has a special moment

and continues to bring back that moment.

Music sparks a certain memory

in the data bank of my brain.

Brings back the history of that time.

I recall the moments exactly.

I enjoy this song.

It has helped form me into the person that I am.

Into the knight I am.

Chivalry still lives.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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P, 2006 - 10 David Harth P, 2006 - 10 David Harth

A Pigeon Sits

To the left of me

In the abandoned brick window frame

A pigeon sits

Just hours ago

I bent over my porcelain toilet

And vomited yesterday’s meals


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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P, 2006 - 10 David Harth P, 2006 - 10 David Harth


For days now I’ve been blind.

I woke up two Tuesdays ago blind.

Not knowing how this happened, I led my current life puzzled.


Put your arms out and guide me across this street.

Filled with chaotic delivery trucks and bike messengers.

Take me to the other side.

And let me be free, on my way.


Someday I’ll come across you once more.

On one knee I’ll fall.

And ask you to marry me.



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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P, 2006 - 10 David Harth P, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Plastic Wrapper

Do you know what it’s like?

To not be able to open the plastic wrapper?

Your mind wants to

Your fingertips wish too

But your coordination cannot succeed

Because you are not yourself

You are not you


The car travels on Route 6

Over Bear Mountain

You know who the champion is

But that does not matter

Your heart beats

But still

You are not you


Speaking with the person across from you

Dinner on the table

You may fall asleep not knowing

What tomorrow will bring

Not knowing when the switch will turn

You are not you


So, you put on the repeats

You read nothing

Taste nothing

Speak to no one

You have no Mr.

You have no misses

Alone trapped in a mirror

Suicide is an option

You are not you


Shatter the glass

Not Picasso

Not on the 12th floor

And let her watch

As you get thrown down in restraints

Let her cry knowing

She never got to love

You are not you


Do you know what it’s like?

To not be able to open the plastic wrapper?

I bet you don’t

And you thought you’d make it out alive

I assure you

You can’t


You are not you



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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P, 2001 - 05 David Harth P, 2001 - 05 David Harth


I was eating a peach,

and I thought of you.


The soft fuzzy skin of the peach,

Reminds me of your soft cheeks.

Your touch.

Against my hands

Against my soul


The rose red color of the peach,

Reminds me of your rose lips,

Your pink tint

Your hue of love


The orange color of the peach,

Reminds me of the joy

You brighten the day with

You bring to my heart


The yellow color of the peach,

Reminds me of the happiness

We’ve shared with our times

We’ve bloomed upon


The sweetness of the peach,

Reminds me of the sweetness of your heart

The glow you possess

The glare you share with my eyes


The firmness of the peach,

Reminds me of your sensuality

Your desire within

Your breasts so perfectly you


The moistness of the peach,

Reminds me of your inner beauty.

The heart you encompass mine with

The lips you grasp me with


The scent of the peach,

Reminds me of when I shed my amorous gaze upon you

Your smells from the back of your neck, below your ear

Your smells from your clean washed hair


The peach in my hand,

Reminds me of love

That you are an angel

And you are my peach.



© 2005 David Greg Harth

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P, 2001 - 05 David Harth P, 2001 - 05 David Harth











































© 2004 David Greg Harth

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P, 2001 - 05 David Harth P, 2001 - 05 David Harth


It’s pouring out,

down the west coast beach.

Rain is pouring in

and all about.


It’s pouring tears,

rolling down lost cheeks.

Sea water salt is penetrating

and haunting my soul.


It’s pouring down stream,

and making smiles turn into aches.

Lovers wed out there

and bend around turns here.


It’s pouring out,

I can hear the birds singing.

Seeing the waves crashing,

I can only but think of you.


It’s pouring heartless actions,

among all the lovers.

I remain cold with a warm inside,

while waiting for you.


It’s pouring stirred emotions,

as the bay sounds its flute.

The orchestra of kingdoms

are ignited during my chivalry.


It’s pouring out,

through my endless search.

I’ve found you melting like stone

in the deepest part of my heart.



© 2004 David Greg Harth

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P, 2001 - 05 David Harth P, 2001 - 05 David Harth


Please talk to me,

whisper in my ear.


Please walk with me,

hand in hand.


Please listen to me,

hear my heart.


Please live the rest of your life with me,

loving me,


I love you.


© 2003 David Greg Harth

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P, 2001 - 05 David Harth P, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Put Your Gloves On, I’m Coming Home

Turn the heat up

Turn it on

Get underneath the blankets

Look overhead at the fighter jets


My work is done here

No more time to spend,

Must not delay my lover’s end

Put your gloves on, I’m coming home!




© 2002 David Greg Harth

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P, 2001 - 05 David Harth P, 2001 - 05 David Harth
























© 2002 David Greg Harth

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P, 2001 - 05 David Harth P, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Peace, Goodbye

Fighter fly

Go away

I don’t want to see you




Shed your wing

Split up the light

The twins once made shade


It surrounds us tonight

Stench of rotting

Death at my door

I don’t want to cover my mouth anymore


Whole digger

Dig your own

My family is hurt

And I bury my friends


United States

I don’t know what to say

I burn your symbol on four

But today I see the shine from sea to sea


Come back and set foot

Put you in the ring

And a street fight from my fist

Ill blow you to bits

After sitting down forever in peace




© 2001 David Greg Harth

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P, 2001 - 05 David Harth P, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Pain (Version #2)

I know what pain is.

Lifting your index and middle finger upwards,

forming a “V”

That international peace symbol,

now a memorable symbol for Verizon.


Staring out the small glass window of that

locked wooden door. The glass with the wire mesh

imbedded in it to prevent breaking and smashing.

The wooden door with sharp nails that protrude outwards,

towards my white face. The nails I might have thought about

smashing my skull against and splitting my head open

or my dream open.


Sitting on a porcelain ivory toilet bowl,

staring at blue tiled walls and praying to God

that you would have a normal, solid shit. Praying

you wouldn’t have diarrhea scattered with corn again.

Praying for one instant in your life to be good.


Looking at yourself in the mirror and unable to see.

Unable to see the stubble forming on your face. Unable to

see the color of your iris. The lashes surrounding your eyes.

Unable to split the fog open and see the truth, your skin,

and the sins you never had a chance to commit.


Watching television for hours, watching the News, reruns,

talk shows, comedies, soap operas, infomercials, dramas,

entertainment shows, car races and realizing the only

programs you understand are movies you have seen before,

because you base your understanding of it by your recollected

memory of it.


Eating your favorite mashed potatoes or French fries with

red ketchup and not tasting a grain of salt. Listening to

the wind howl outside of your 12th floor room and wondering

if Tic Tacs changed your life. Reminding yourself that

when you write this, that the only person that will fully

grasp most of these implications is your father.


Walking down hallways with patterns unrecalled, and one day

you see a water fountain that was not there for months.

But today it is there, and it always has been.


Contemplating why you aren’t allowed to have deodorant next

to your bedside. Perhaps fear that the Black Man or White Man

or the So-Called Man will eat my deodorant, overdose on the

freshness and die. Leading to a lawsuit?


Drawing dots, being punched, being thrown around, being stared at

and being worshipped by voices I never heard, but only dressed in

white and sweats even though I was not working out. Sleeping every

night, being comfortable, with no pillows.





I know what pain is.

The pain that only 1 in a billion get.

The pain you can’t describe

The pain you can pretend to illustrate by smashing glass frames

holding portraits of 3 wise and 3 blooms.

The pain you can pretend to express by sleeping forever.

The pain you can pretend to share by writing.

The pain you can’t touch, hear, see, smell, or feel.

The pain is so large that you know it will happen again.

Because my pain, saves the lives of millions.


© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

Read More
P, 1996 - 00 David Harth P, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Poem For A Girlfriend

I’m sorry I made you cry

I never wanted to hurt you


I’m sorry we shared those moments together

I never wanted to waste your time


I’m sorry we connected and lasted so long

I never wanted to deceive you


I’m sorry I encouraged you into commitment

I never wanted to lead you wrong


I’m sorry we dedicated so much time to us

I never wanted to confuse you


I’m sorry for everything I have done

But you didn’t tell me

You had a dick.



© 2000 David Greg Harth

Read More
P, 1996 - 00 David Harth P, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Peeing & Peeking

She was peeing and peeking

Peeking while she was peeing

Peeing on the potty

Peeking around the corner


Pee-Pee she made

And peek she did

Peering out


Around the corner, she peeked


Peed she did

Not in the pool

Or on top of the stool

But in the potty

There she made pee-pee


Peeing & Peeking

Thats what she did

Looking around the corner

I see her peeking


Peeing and peeking

She peed a peeked

And  peeked a pee

She peeked when she peed

And made a pee-pee


Peeing and Peeking

No peep or poo

Just a pee and peek

For me and you



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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