Plastic Wrapper

Do you know what it’s like?

To not be able to open the plastic wrapper?

Your mind wants to

Your fingertips wish too

But your coordination cannot succeed

Because you are not yourself

You are not you


The car travels on Route 6

Over Bear Mountain

You know who the champion is

But that does not matter

Your heart beats

But still

You are not you


Speaking with the person across from you

Dinner on the table

You may fall asleep not knowing

What tomorrow will bring

Not knowing when the switch will turn

You are not you


So, you put on the repeats

You read nothing

Taste nothing

Speak to no one

You have no Mr.

You have no misses

Alone trapped in a mirror

Suicide is an option

You are not you


Shatter the glass

Not Picasso

Not on the 12th floor

And let her watch

As you get thrown down in restraints

Let her cry knowing

She never got to love

You are not you


Do you know what it’s like?

To not be able to open the plastic wrapper?

I bet you don’t

And you thought you’d make it out alive

I assure you

You can’t


You are not you



© 2006 David Greg Harth




I Believe The Beatles