2021 - 25, I David Harth 2021 - 25, I David Harth

If you are reading this, it means that I am dead,

Never cried like that –

I read your e-mail

My heart dropped

I fell to my knees

I crumbled into disbelief

I sunk into immediate grief

The earth swallowed me whole

A knife pierced my heart

Profound infinite sadness hit me like a concrete wall

Left with nothing but drifting reasons

I knew about the turmoil

I knew about second chances

I knew about faults

and I knew about the haunts

I knew about the abyss, the loss, the lost

I knew about the frost that freezes you solid

I knew about the contemplations

The methods


The great deep gorge

All else hidden from my position in the inner circle

I knew about the torture

I knew about the pain

I knew about the struggle

The love

The lack of love

The fighting

The understanding

The diagnosis

The family

The torn pieces

The excess of judgement

I knew about the self-destruction

I knew about the fixation

I knew about the desperation

The mourning of the day

The false prophecies

The agony

The self

I read your e-mail

Which path will you choose?

Another statistic?

Perhaps the footsteps of the Leporidae?

© 2025 David Greg Harth

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I, 2021 - 25 David Harth I, 2021 - 25 David Harth

I Love Your Disaster

Your disaster is a hurricane

Twirling fiercely inside you

With untamable winds that refuse to rest

You birth calm out of chaos

Your disaster is a wildfire

Furious and free, shining bright in the night

Always burning without fear of going out

You shed light in forever darkness

Your disaster is a flood

Filling all dusty plains and dry deserts

With midnight visions and journey dreams

You bring beauty out of loss

Your disaster is a volcano

With explosive rage of molten rock

Shooting and seeping and penetrating

You drape your heart around new growth 

Your disaster is a landslide

Aborting trees from their roots

Bequeathing paths of destruction down mountains

You conquer previous footsteps with optimism


Your disaster is an avalanche

Denying to obey gravity

Turning echoing canyons into whisperings graves

You keep serenity to hidden tempers

Your disaster is a tornado

Erasing shadows from the horizon

Catapulting life across valleys of death

You rotate the righteousness with empathy

Your disaster is an earthquake

Raging tremors crack to reveal weaknesses

Refusing resistance from the toughest structures

You always end with reconstruction generously

Your disaster is a tsunami

Torturing the unsuspecting innocent

With fury and rampage crashing upon the shore

You erase pain from solitary abyss

Your disaster is a blizzard

Blinding routes of egress

Icing and freezing without retribution

You bring children guided hope about tomorrow

Your disaster is a pandemic

Breeching agreements among the swan songs of the living

Challenging reasoning of the educated

You infect worldly ideas uninvited

Your disaster is war

Catastrophic at the very core

Edges and cults and riches and ideas

You shake disillusion aside with executed harmony

© 2024 David Greg Harth

2024. (Mohonk Mountain House)


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I, 2021 - 25 David Harth I, 2021 - 25 David Harth

In The Absence

Lean in a little closer

I brush the hair away from your ear

My lips part and I send you a whispering postcard

© 2024 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2016 - 20 David Harth I, 2016 - 20 David Harth

I Once Asked You

I once asked you

If you loved me

You said yes

I once asked you

If you loved me

You said yes

I once asked you

If you loved me

You said yes

Three times of love,

And the sparrow

Is shot dead.

© David Greg Harth (Tallinn > Helsinki)

Read More
I, 2011 - 15 David Harth I, 2011 - 15 David Harth


There are two ways

            of making





Laughter we shared

Smiles photographed


Music we heard

Concert we danced at


Tears we tasted

Mourning in silence


Snow that fell upon us

Running in the rain


Soaring planes

Observing skies


Walking side by side

Holding hands down the street


Conversations had

Games of phone tag


Burgers eaten

Sharing dessert


Taking a photo booth portrait

Visiting an art museum


Laying upon the grass in the park

Bird songs echoing overhead


Riding the roller coaster

Drifting on the ocean’s edge


Waking up late

Eating popcorn at the movies


Standing for eternity

Witnessing a signature


Kissing beneath midnight

Making love forever


All these experiences

And I have nothing left

Nothing to give

And nothing to receive 


Every bone crushed

Every organ destroyed

I become no longer recognizable

I am dead

It was impossible to survive a fall from such a height

A jump

After my body has impacted the ground

The mourners will ask you,

How has he impacted your life?



© 2014 David Greg Harth

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I, 2011 - 15 David Harth I, 2011 - 15 David Harth

I Saw Her Once, I Saw Her Twice

I saw her once,

            I saw her twice


I took out the tin from the locked safe

It held my heart in hidden isolation

From the last till this day

It’s time to surrender to temptation


Seduction has begun

This heart of mine is no longer concealed

The curtain has fallen

I’ve put down my armor and relinquished my shield


I saw her once,

            I saw her twice


First she became a vision

I’m captured and I surrender

Future approaches

Soft kisses tender


Second she became a memory

I’m still and charmed

Standing here with extended hands

Seized with curiosity and unarmed


Third sighting unseen

This story is revealing and untold

Prediction may yield true

This tale will certainly unfold


I saw her once,

            I saw her twice

I’ll see her thrice

            Her beauty is my vice




© 2013 David Greg Harth

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2011 - 15, I David Harth 2011 - 15, I David Harth


I was in love with you

Everyone in our worlds knew it

My faithful affection was true


Ever since you abandoned me

I’ve been trapped in my own prison

Each night I make a wailing plea


I have been unable to repair

This shattered lifeless heart

Nor pull myself from this unbearable despair


Without you I cannot exist

For uncovered reasons

I have slit my wrist


Do not fear

I’ve written you a poem to remember me by

Maybe now you’ll shed a tear


This is not that verse

But if I am dead

Things cannot be worse


Ponder this last ballad

Now that I am gone

I have become invalid



© 2013 David Greg Harth

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I, 2011 - 15 David Harth I, 2011 - 15 David Harth


No turning back

Not heading towards a heart attack


No way to halt

Not turning into a pillar of salt


No direction given

Not an indication of being forgiven


No signals have been alerted

Not the slightest chance of being deserted


No more poetry worth penning

Not a poison in the world preventing


No military brigade could stop

Not the greatest dive off a cliff drop


No escape from fate

Not going to portray myself with hate


No tension released

Not going down on you to feast


No talking with conversation

Not able to rid of admiration


No possibility to find a way out

Not ever going to be your devout


No more pride holding my head high

Not even death would make this feeling die


Once you’re in, you're in

And when you’re in,

You’re in


© 2011 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

In Honor

Look carefully at the warrior I have become

Loyal, selfless and true

Back and forth, I am not quite through


I appear before your next inhale

I disappear before you exhale

I am the air you breathe

I am the wind that carries you


I elapse time between you

I create history beside you


I am the ground that rattles beneath your feet

I am the battle that rages in your heart

I am your unconscious decision


I will reveal my destruction and courage

My addiction, dedication and strong will



It is my destiny, my passion, my instruction

I am noble, brave, and fearless


I am exiled from your world

Filled with power, I come in death

I defy categorization, gravity, and emotion.

I conquer your heart, and become your love


I protect the innocent

Care for the aged

I spawn the non-existent

Cherish the forgotten


I pass through inanimate objects

Drift above cloudy skies

And in a moment’s time

I am gone without a trace



© 2010 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

I See Your Name

I see your name

Come and go

Come and go








In passing, On the list

Come and go

Come and go


But that’s just it.

You are only a name now.

Not a person.



© 2010 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

I’m Forgetting

I’m forgetting those moments and mysteries

Those violations and transitions

Those constellations and presentations


I forget to pause

To think and breathe

I forget to live life


I forget your name, I forget your face

I forget what you smell like and how your voice sounds


I forget this fantasy, this dynasty

I forget the past, the present

I forget to dream and forget my purpose and forget the drive


I forget the milk, I forget the eggs

I forget to call, I forget to write


I’m forgetting everything

My numbers, my phone, my address, my book

My place, my birth, my time, my location


I’m forgetting my senses

I’m forgetting my reasons

I’m forgetting my songs, my disease, my search

I’m forgetting my love, my loneliness, my capital, my gain


I forget which road to take, which path to walk

Which turn to take, which switch to operate

Which signal to read, which offer to take


I’m forgetting everything beyond everything

My left from right, and right from left

My bible, my pencil, my pen, my paper


I’m forgetting the lyrics, forgetting the birthdays

I’m forgetting my appointments, forgetting my meetings

I’m forgetting each time, every time, future time


I’m forgetting this, that, and this and that

I’m forgetting what it’s like

I’m forgetting where to go

I’m forgetting what to do


I forget my place and forget my memory

I forget nothing to everything

I forget how to end

I’m forgetting to forget

And I forget the forgetting



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Warriors roar

Engage at the line

Attacking opposites

Competing for tyranny

Bludgeoned carcasses thrown

Blood soaked soil enriched

Barren fields left unattended

Common battle is extinct

Wounds heal no more

Pumping chambers vacant constant

With a sword of many

Reflection becomes absent

Known as an unfilled void

Only with scriptures from the land

Return as a heavenly secret from the serpent’s tongue

Gather and mourn the defeated

Conflict has ended

Soldier departed

© 2009 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

In The Midnight

No matter how fast I set my pace

No matter how fast I walk ahead

I can’t escape those browns


Those browns that infiltrate me

Those browns that make my life brighter


I try to leave

I try to forget

But who am I kidding?

I can’t, nor have I tried


Because you are mine

And I am yours

We knew it months and months and months and months ago

You were there

I was here

Now you are there

And I am here

But slowly it began

And now it has changed



Yours are brown

Mine are blue

And together

The most beautiful hue


© 2009 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

In The Night’s Memory

Last night among


Invading streets

Of great town’s point


My tongue of


Can no longer speak

Or court


For hosts of

Supper’s past

Came to me

Midnight last


My menu of yesterday

Compass direction South

Ending tale wed

She pierces my heart entirely


© 2009 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Infinite Loop


are on mind

I can’t get you out

I can’t get you out


I’m thinking about you constantly

Every moment of every day

Since we spoke last


I admit my wonder

I don’t know when

I don’t know where

But I give you my word

My word is my bond


That one day

As the sun greets the horizon

As the wind knocks at your door

I’ll lay my lips upon yours

And kiss you until eternity’s infinite loop



© 2009 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

In A

In a moment

In a space


In a car

In a house


In a party

In a family


In a dream

In a relationship


In a battle

In a fight


In a coffin

In a box


In a cloud

In a way


© 2009 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Is It Too Late To Call?

I’m asking now

In the middle of this March night

Is it too late to call?

I want to hear your voice

To know you are alive

Know you are well

I want to know if your heart is beating

And you are breathing.


Is it too late to call?

Can I hear your voice on the other end of the line?

Will I awake you from your sleep?

Can I tell you I love you?


Is it too late to call?

In the middle of dreams

Happy memories scattered

Future experiences planned

Will you answer the phone -

If it rings for you now?


Is it too late to call?

I’m asking now

At this late March hour

Can I call you right now?

Can I tell you I love you?


© 2009 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

I’ve Eaten

I thank you for the offer

It’s very kind of you

But I must decline

I must not have any

For I have eaten already

I’ve eaten

And I’m full


I must decline your offer

But really, it’s very kind of you

I appreciate your willingness

But I can’t accept

For I am no longer hungry

For I’ve eaten

Already, I’ve eaten


I’ve eaten the heart of my lover

The genitals of my enemy

And the brain of my father

I’ve eaten the breast of my mother

The hair of my grandparents

And drank my sister’s menstrual blood


You see -

I’ve eaten.


© 2008 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

I Killed Father

What did they expect?

Something better? Time to go by with no action done?

Did you really expect me to do nothing?

To sit back and relax? To witness the in justice? The wrong? The illegal?

I was tired of no action. I was tired of nothing happening. I was tired of the horrible.

I became focused. I realized my dream. I did my job. I helped society.

I seek no reward. No medal of honor. No salute.

I did what I had to do.

I killed father.



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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