
Blow me into the heaven I belong

Make me feel the pain that I have caused

Demonstrate the suffering I only dreamed of

Become the death beat in my pulse


Remind me of my father’s love

Listen to my buffalo thoughts roam

Tear open my skin and reveal my truths

Prevent me from eating the disease


Make me shiver in the coldness of tonight

Deliver your message with more conditions and rules

Show me the reflection of the past and image of the future

Become the agony from which I cry from


Get lost with my soul and make me beg for life

Reach for the sockets that hold my art sight

Make me wash my clothes continuously and never remain with the blood

Become my fallen teeth nightmare and crack me


Settle the upwards issue

Blow to my brains that will be televised

Let the hollow hole bring light to the earth from which a flower does not grow

Restore my history with your learned beauty


Stare at my darkness and hidden causes

Make me think about swallowing and never do

Feed me to the pit and make me never decompose

Cut loose the ties which bound me to my beliefs


Make a run for the silent hills

Make me shackled and naked and false

Make me love until I ache in fetal pain

And forget about me as I become my gorgeous depersonalized self



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC


Sexually Explicit Uncomfortable-ality


I’m Getting Married