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I gaze into your beauty

see strength deep within

sexy in a grey color sweater

underneath, slip a few



lifted to enjoy


and protect your eyes

leading to the bridge


like the figure below


I get lost

in your brown eyes

over and over again

I can travel your pathways

and long hallways

any day

all day


Traveling through

your mystery brown eyes

baby seal eyes

attraction at its peak

your eyelashes at guard

only a glimpse

captures me

and makes me dive deeper

and sink into your eyes

beautiful brown eyes


I trace your curves

your smooth skin face

with my eyes

or feathers or ice

to your mouth

parted slightly

rose lips

pink in tone

for a nibble tonight


When you smile

all wars come to a halt

around mother earth

we stand still

at sight of your

glorious smile

healing a wound inside


Still a passenger

I travel down

see your sexy neck

outside you protrude

from the sweater cover

your hair


with the black

the brown

and the red color around



to the touch


fingers through your hair

streak down

stroke upwards


The surrounding


your mind of wonders

intelligence projected

ice water placed

down to earth

of Egyptian decent


If you were across a sea

I would row a boat

build a steam ship

create a bridge


If you were atop a mountain

I would be the first to climb

parachute down

or fly to your soul


Come with me

take a walk

an imagination

a chance of no other

your beauty interlocking



becoming “a one”


Dance with me

to the moon’s hymn

and the sun’s first open arms

with the animals of the forest

and the wonderful desert skies

and later

a dessert

to expand a horizon


And now I wonder

If your bolted tongue

slithers like that of your mind

and your beautiful brown eyes

down a slippery escape

of today’s reality





© 1997 David Greg Harth