Can’t Wait

I can’t wait to take you to the park to play catch.

I can’t wait to take you to the circus.

I can’t wait to take you on the Circle Line boat around Manhattan.

I can’t wait to take you to the Museum of Natural History.

I can’t wait to take you to see the Egyptian art.

I can’t wait to take you to the top of the Empire State Building.

I can’t wait to just be with you on a sunny spring day.

I can’t wait to build a snow man with you and have hot chocolate.

I can’t wait to startup your Matchbox Car collection.

I can’t wait to color outside the lines with you.

I can’t wait for all these wonderful things

All these wonderful times

You and I will have together

Because you are my nephew



© 2002 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC


Don’t Wait Up For Me


You’re old trash now.