Don’t Wait Up For Me

How long has it been?


Operator, please put the phone call through

Haven’t heard your beautiful voice in days


Wish I could be with you for eternity

Your positives and negatives


I just won’t get over it

I just won’t get into the swing with you



How long has it been?


I’ll send you an SOS signal and see if you receive it

Follow me and not get wed or committed


Wish I could share unique languages with you

That can only be understood between you and I


Stay up late with me and ignore me when I’m not me

Wake up early with me for flights to foreign escapes



It’s been forever

Our lines are dead; they never were.

I think of you night and day.

Time is passing.



How long has it been?


Briefly we spoke together at the open table

Discovered hidden truth


Wish I could be among your spot of blue and loneliness

Above ground and below the earth’s lie


Kiss your cheek under the setting sun

And laugh with intelligent curves



How long has it been?


I saw your warm body everyday among my cold sheets

Even met those you care for


Wish you could be my lover’s tongue

That slips in and out of my conscious memory


Run with me to conquer this fairy-tale

Let’s whisper secrets of passion





It’s been forever

I’m closing the door.

Going for a lengthy walk to the end.

There is nothing around but the left over scent of your sexuality.



How long has it been?


Moments could have lasted if we didn’t read ourselves incorrectly

Seen the importance of one another


Wish I could have that rough sensual fornication we share

On those lost rainy nights


Gone blooming like a flower today

Became a perceptual subliminal person today




Don’t wait up long for me,

I’m not coming home tonight.





© 2002 David Greg Harth


Love (Version #12)


Can’t Wait