D, 2011 - 15 David Harth D, 2011 - 15 David Harth

The Depth of Darkness

Not even one

Knows the truth

No sister, no friend, no father, no foe

Everyone underestimates

How sad

How lonely

How horrific

How painful

How dreadful

How disturbing

How loathsome

This life could become

And when life becomes

Such a headache

Such a mission

Such a burden

Such a barren

Such a waste

Such a battle

Such a task

It seems to me

One could

Find end

Find escape

Find resolve

Find closure

Find answers

Find steadfast

Find conclusion

Quite easily

If you just look around

At the suggestions

At the architecture

At the substances

At the information

At the methods

At the objects

At the tools

You have readily available

Right in front of you

© 2014 David Greg Harth

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2011 - 15, D David Harth 2011 - 15, D David Harth


Can’t remember the last time I walked steps next to yours

In synch we would walk

Share stories about past loves

Whilst you glistened your lips with ChapStick

And drip last night’s sex from your inner thigh

We’d walk down Flatbush

To the subway

I’d go to work

And you’d get off a stop early

To go back home

While I waited for you

One day more

And covered the windows with plastic

And put a second blanket upon the bed

To keep you warm

Warm at night

It seems like a decade 

Since I last saw you 

In white


Cloudy skies


© 2013 David Greg Harth

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D, 2011 - 15 David Harth D, 2011 - 15 David Harth

A Dozen Times

A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.

A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.


I lurk in the shadows

Peering at you from hidden corners

I play hide and seek with your emotions

Pretending your heart is an elevator to enlightenment


I’ve been told I’ll be alone forever

Unless I sort out these variety packs

Alter these habitual habits of yesterday

Change my ways of nocturnal exploration


A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.

A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.


I rise up on infatuation highs

Like the heroin I shot up

Drink my sorrows into oblivious slurs

Look at myself in the magic mirror


Each woman I’ve fallen in love with

Takes me for a poetic journey

Damaging my epicenter unintentionally

With their intentional misguidance


A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.

A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.


Our story was the greatest secret untold

From the suicidal agreement

To the exchange of self-inflicted disease

The bearings of direction kept us straight


I’ve filed a counter suit

I’m filling charges against you

Bringing in the law

And the men in finest suits


A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.

A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.


Our lives flashed before us

We were headed for a collision course

The consumers and commuters saw it

Sisters knew truths and mothers too


We both wished for something beautiful

But our loss was greater than our gains

The destruction of our consciousness

Became the focal point of our existence


A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.

A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.



A dozen times I tried to forget you

A dozen times I tried to leave you


A dozen times I tried to love you

A dozen times I tried to mend you





© 2012 David Greg Harth

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D, 2011 - 15 David Harth D, 2011 - 15 David Harth


Didn’t hear your voice calling my name

Didn’t turn around

And didn't get off the exit ramp


I know how much you wanted children

As did I

But sometimes our biology prevents it

We tried

We failed


I know how much you wanted me to be someone who I was not






I know how much it hurt you

But not once


Didn’t hear your voice


Didn’t answer your plea


Didn’t hear your voice


Didn’t forget it either


Didn’t turn off

And didn’t turn the key


Didn’t hear your voice

And didn't ask for more



© 2012 David Greg Harth

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D, 2011 - 15 David Harth D, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Debralee Elizabeth Marianna Iacobucci

She was climbing a tree and caught my eye

I met her friends and we grabbed a drink

My cap from Berlin wasn’t lost in the cab

She cooked, woke me up out of my blue

Before I had a square on my wrist


She illustrates with uncommon love

And uncommon brush

Alumni of the same

Years apart


She lives across the sound

And admires the same sound

Naked in the booth

With her good man of the north

After each past bad

Brushed under the tiled floor


She was climbing a tree and caught my eye

She ate my apple

And cleansed my (soul)

At the right timing

And still

She climbs trees


© 2012 David Greg Harth

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D, 2011 - 15 David Harth D, 2011 - 15 David Harth


They transported me by ambulance

Making numerous turns down congested streets

Rain plummeted down upon the grids of chaos

The windshield became a kaleidoscope of city lights

Reflecting hollow truths and past memories


They said I had a very faint vital sign left

A slight pulse which would fade in and out

Gradually it would come into existence

And disappear just as easily as it came forth


They said I was found unconscious on the concrete floor

They didn’t know how long I was there

They were unsure what happened to me

They found me bare, bruised and alone


As I have come out of previous deaths before

It is no marvel that I survived this brush as well

Slowly digesting what the doctors revealed to me

I lay in this hospital bed I’m quite familiar with


The team of doctors in white coats

Came into my room just as I was eating the hospital lunch

Which consisted of slightly warm pasta with tomato sauce that tasted more like ketchup

A pear, a roll with butter, and plasticware wrapped in clear plastic

The plasticware package also contained a napkin and salt & pepper packets

Also included with the lunch was a small carton of 2% milk and a ginger ale

It was then, during my hospital lunch that the doctors informed me

I’ve been diagnosed with a broken heart


© 2012 David Greg Harth

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D, 2011 - 15 David Harth D, 2011 - 15 David Harth


After the wall collapsed, crumbled and disintegrated

It only takes a split second, a moment, to rebuild


When it is discovered

That everything was a lie

That there was an extravagant masquerade

That each evening was filled with deception


When deceit was revealed

And dishonesty was brought forth


When it is brought to attention

That there was betrayal


It is then

When everything in the world ends

And only microscopic dust of bones and flesh

Drift on the next outward wind



© 2012 David Greg Harth

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D, 2011 - 15 David Harth D, 2011 - 15 David Harth


I love diving

There is something so magnificent

About the way your body

Parts through the water

Upon landing


I love diving

There is something so majestic

About the way your body

Parts through the sky

Upon drifting


I love diving

There is something so morbid

About the way your body

Parts through the stillness

Upon the tracks



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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D, 2011 - 15 David Harth D, 2011 - 15 David Harth

The Divided Heart

Divided territories

Borders patrolled

Divided portions

Borders infiltrated


Something to be worried about

Something to be feared

Something to comprehend

And something invalid


This heart of mine is divided

As it often is

Torn in half

Torn in quarters

Torn in eighths

And so, on


When I first laid my eyes upon you

I fell in love

At very first sight


And this happens

Each time I come across you

If only

I knew your name

And forgot hers



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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D, 2011 - 15 David Harth D, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Doctor’s Appointment

I went to the Doctor’s office

Because I had an appointment

9am sharp

And I was there at 8:45am

Because I’m never late for anything

My doctor informed me

That I’m dying

Of a broken heart


© 2011 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Delayed Departure

You growl and moan death rattles

Send a howling wind across the room

Haunting deep songs echoed


Your baby brown eyes are closed shut

As if a tailor had sewn them permanently

To prevent one last look, one last glance


Your dry tongue cracked like the earth’s desert

On the roof and sides of your mouth

Resides a collection of yellow pus like material


A crackling cough is produced with congestion and mucous

Airways now clogged with life, delaying your wished departure

You are late, but your flight will take off


Bad breadth swarms your last cries

Your fresh new diaper emanates

Smells of shit and urine


You bring your left hand to your head

Combing your hair in the opposite direction

Your left arm crosses to bring your limp right one to your chest


Right leg lays still and lifeless

With a gathering of toes overlapping toes

Your nails are fungus ridden, on both feet and your right hand


You look like a photograph I’ve seen from the Holocaust

One of those humans in a pile on the street

Discarded but never forgotten


Your skin is melting off your skeleton

The skinny bones now draped in flesh

Falling off your frail frame, discarding their use


Fragile and splintering

Like a wishbone about to be broken

A twig fallen from the autumn tree


So pale and ghostly

You are white as a winter day

Flaking into eternal dust


Every day you were cold

Bundled in sweaters and shirts and layers

Now you remove the sheets and blankets, warm, moving toward the light


The oversized diaper reveals

Your thin scattered pubic hair

Long strands like Okinawa grass coming forth


Blood clots and scabs and bruises line the contour of your body

Gateways and damns preventing life and death

Your chest bruised from where we tried to wake you


Dentures sit in a plastic jar of water on the porcelain sink

Your aged cheeks sunken in, your moustache still proud

When you sneeze, your left hand automatically wipes your nose


Weight has gone rapidly, more than before

Your wedding band is too big for your thin finger

The ring is sliding off, slowly inching towards the dirt below


Your nipples protrude stiffly through your hospital gown

I can see the impression of the pacemaker on your chest

And feel the slight amount of hair on your arm


Your body quivers now and then

In an uncontrollable vibrating motion

Your knees and legs tremble to a rhythm unknown


You still carry a full head of hair

Thick grey hair so white

You have hair of God


When I kiss you goodbye, afraid I am not

On your cheek, your lips, your forehead

I say goodbye every day



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Death is the End

I watch you slowly depart

Every organ halts

Even your heart


Uncontrollable body secretions

Beg for quick departure

Plead to escape these institutions


So grey and white

Old and pale

Perhaps taken this very night


Frail pile of bones

In a year’s time

Your grave covered in stones


Prayer to your Lord

No more despair

These gates you migrate toward


Last goodbyes

No more heartache

Lost loving eyes


Join her in heaven

Your one true love

One floor above eleven


You’ve lasted so long

Your voyage has begun

You’re about to sing your last song


At the end

All that is left is death

As the angel does descend


Almost free

You are at peace

Where you want to be



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Disease of Difference

In my land of Palestine

I discovered a gold mine

Traveled to the Golan Heights

Witnessed forbidden sights

Washing out the dust

Telling these stories, I must

This smoke, this history

I surrender to the border control

To high walls and west banks

I smuggle in humanity

The necessary, the water

My black shoes now white

From white rock and desert trees

Powder of a thousand years and a thousand deaths

Government forced blood tears

Apples and infiltrators crossing borders

Syrian students hidden from their mothers

Destroyed a Jew, destroyed a martyr

I climbed these walls of stone, I walked over water

Stealing Jerusalem, tunnel digging

Launching rockets, rope rigging

Victory is yours and victory is mine

Rip out the signage and rip out my spine

Jews and Muslims embedded in bed

No answers, no reasons, bury the dead

In cloaks and hats and veils they dressed

A disease of difference confessed

Makes no sense or cents, no flood, no blood

I brush my hair, I brush my teeth

I trust you with rock, I trust you with flame

Their weak heavy tanks roll over my feet

Gather at my wooden table and let us meet


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth


I woke up this morning,

And things were different.

I stayed in bed

To analyze these differences.


I started to speak languages foreign to my own tongue of American English.

I spoke Mandarin and Korean, German and Hebrew, French and Italian.

I spoke Polish and Spanish, Arabic and Swahili, Russian and Swedish.

I spoke Hindi and Danish, Polish and Japanese, Persian and Greek.

I spoke Lithuanian and Thai, Turkish and Portuguese, Catalan and Tonkawa.

To name a few.


I no longer had hair. Anywhere.

The hair on my arms was gone.

The hair under my arm pits.

The hair on my knuckles was gone, the hair on my toes was gone.

The hair on my legs, the hair on the back of my neck.

The hair on my head was gone.

My facial hair, my eyebrows, my eyelashes.

All my hair was gone.

The hair on my chest and the hair between my scrotum and anus.

I was smooth all over. Not a trace of hair. No evidence of its existence.

My hair was gone, I am bare.


Lying still

Thinking about these changes

These differences

I hear a sound upstairs.

A loud thump, a small bang, a coordinated rumble.

I don’t get out of my bed to investigate.

I stay still.



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Down In The Middle, Down In Front

Escaping the grasp

you have over me.

Capturing the last train out,

the last flight out.



Level One

Level Two

Level Three

And Level Four


Fighting for comfort

Fighting for a seat

Fighting for

maddening tea

and salty feet


My view, unlike yours,

Is filled with trees

and sky so blue and high


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Dying A Long Death Without Love

I am not asking you to pay attention

I am not asking for sympathy

I do not plea


I don’t deserve anything

I am not entitled

I am not supposed


I am not given

I am not shown

I am not delivered


I am only you

Only what you could have been

I am calm, washed, clean

I am alive, living, not dead


Until recently


Turned a corner

I looked, gazed

So slowly

A moment passed



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth



In life you are most surprised

By your enemy

or by your love.


I have something to say

to profess

the truth is

I love detergent.


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth

The Darkest Hour

Even at the darkest hour

One must find strength

Before lifting the blade of cessation

Before lifting the graphite of renaissance

Before lifting the armor of crusade



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth


From a distance

Audience watched

Portrayal realistic

No more fiction told

This was the finish

Father would be proud


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Don’t Die

I’m uneasy —

Today this day I die.

This new day, new year.


Bloody palms laid to rest,

Heart beat put to the test.

Glass shards thrown across the way,

I extended my unwelcomed stay.


Morning light, she slits her wrist,

In a fight, he raises his fist.

Night before marched soldiers of contradiction,

Artisan prepared for his crucifixion.


They said love wouldn’t last.

They said it would just past.

I’m a man of my word, commit to the fast.

I put up the sail, I put up the mast.



I returned to the scene.


I’m no longer corporate’s machine.



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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