E, 2011 - 15 David Harth E, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Epic Battle

These monsters combat my moral insides

These demons assault my daily breath

I attempt to abide and keep in control

But the more I live on

The more I want to die by suicide


© 2014 David Greg Harth

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E, 2011 - 15 David Harth E, 2011 - 15 David Harth


Life suddenly becomes revitalized

Collision course to seppuku avoided

Curtain lifted, veil removed, stones collapse

Poisonous eyes mesmerize






Like a sword drawn from its sheath

Upon fields of cherry blossoms

Hovering over the asphodel meadows


This is the fire we’ve all been waiting for

Burning thoughts reveal truths

She injects me with her secret venom


The soldier marches on

Through the forest of the forgotten

Battles his raging conflicts of love


He comes forth






A beauty like hers is rare

No precious stone or mineral

An abbess of my intromittent organ

Owner of my locked cave


At the entrance with the passport to my heart

Standing in a halo’s trinity

A shadow suspended over me






She is the enchanting one

And enchanted I have become



© 2012 David Greg Harth

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E, 2011 - 15 David Harth E, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Endless Possibilities

She took my heart

I offered it for free

I told her she could have it

I told her it was hers


She took my heart

She had it for a week

She remembered me entirely

For weeks and months to come

Only to discover I am not who I am


She threw out my heart

She threw it away

She disregarded it and disengaged

She refused to do anything with my heart

She disposed of it

She let it escape without a resting soul


She could have done anything with my heart

The possibilities were endless

But instead, my heart is now gone

Forever disappeared

And forgotten



© 2012 David Greg Harth

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E, 2011 - 15 David Harth E, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Erasing The Sky

As I laid down on the freshly cut grass

And looked high above me

At the amazing vivid blue sky

With beautiful white clouds

So fluffy and puffy and angelic

Organic shapes floating by

I took out my yellow number 2 pencil

And I began to erase

One by one

I took my little pink rubber eraser

At the end of my yellow number 2 pencil

And began to erase the clouds

Gently removing each beautiful cloud from the sky

Blowing each of their remains

Into the wind



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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E, 2011 - 15 David Harth E, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Eat Me A Banana

Take it all the way in

You eat it perfectly

Oh, so perfectly that even months after

I remember the moment

That you ate that banana


© 2011 David Greg Harth

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E, 2011 - 15 David Harth E, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Explaining Death

One day

The lonesome horseback riders

Drift upwards under the secrecy of the fog

Creeping from the hidden black sea

Ascend the rugged cliff sides


One day

Shed tears drown out a raven’s call

Extracted discoveries interrupted

Forgotten past brought forth

Torture until the end


One day

Taken and stolen

Ended while the koto was played

Buried without a granted wish

Snow blanketed the warm coffin


One day

There will be no one

To explain to you

What happened to me

And I’ll be gone


© 2011 David Greg Harth

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E, 2011 - 15 David Harth E, 2011 - 15 David Harth

The Emperor Has Returned

Emerging from silence

One thousand years forgotten

He becomes tranquil

Among past thieves

With pheasants roaming

And doves aviating


The Emperor has returned

Awakened from a deaf suspension

Awakened from a blind desolation


Emerging from secrecy

Time became irrelevant

He becomes euphoric

Among past maidens

With comrades commandeering

And enemies vanishing


The Emperor has returned

Awakened from a still coma

Awakened from a written dogma


Quest of the darkest deep

Shattering the ground beneath

Has interrupted this very sleep


His warriors end the pursuit

From latitude and longitude

They’ve given up the route


Endless to the very end

Beyond the cliffs of paradise

Only now he may transcend


The Emperor has returned

Awakened from an untimely death

Birthed once more into locus amoenus

With this kiss he has one more breath



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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E, 2011 - 15 David Harth E, 2011 - 15 David Harth


Let me tell you a story

About my elbows


When I was younger

Younger, meaning just a few years ago

I was in horrible pain

My elbows


I decided to divide my arms up

First the left side

I took a hacksaw in my right hand

I cut off my left arm, just below the elbow.

I then struggled to wrap a tourniquet

Just below my elbow

Using my right hand

And my


I can assure you it was very difficult

After wrapping the lower portion of my severed left arm in wet gauze

I placed it in a huge thermal container of ice


The next part

I took the hacksaw again

With my right hand

And cut just above my left elbow

I placed my left elbow

In a jar filled with formaldehyde


I then unwrapped the lower portion of my arm

From its frozen gauze

Placed it on the table and lined up my now shortened

Left arm

I removed the tourniquet

Steadily, with my right hand and my


I sewed my lower left arm to the upper left arm

My elbow




The next part proved itself quite difficult

I’m a right-handed person, not



I took the hacksaw in my left hand

And cut off the lower part of my right arm

This was difficult because I could not remain steady

I did not have a clean cut

Quite jagged




But I managed to remove the lower part of my right arm

And like the left

Next came wet gauze, ice, tourniquet.


Following along

I then cut off my right elbow

And placed the right elbow

In a separate jar from the left elbow

And like before

Following the steps previously

Only extremely more difficult

With my left hand and teeth

I sewed my lower right arm to my upper right arm


In the past you have incorrectly perceived me

To be a man with two elbows

What you don’t know about me

Until now

Was that I am man

With no elbows

Except for my two jars at home

Each containing




© 2011 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth










I didn’t agree to the agreement.

Don’t be angry with me if I leave early.


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Elbows In My Knees

These bones

These bones

These over ground fixtures



            out of print junctures


Complicated architecture

Swam that archipelago

My name is Michelangelo


Wife is an archer

Protest marcher

Molesting preacher

Heroic teacher



These bones

These bones

These problem solvers

            hand held revolvers

            soul survivors

            deep sea divers


Spread solvents

Innocent adolescents

Censored advertisements


Identity notarized

America terrorized

Keeping on my eyes

I’ve been dehumanized



These bones

These bones

These left overs

            push overs

            under covers

            community lovers


Liquid dykes

Mathematical hikes

Mystery nights


Silent secret protected

I was the last to be selected

Mirage reflected

With no fault, erected



These bones

These bones

These dark clothes

            dirty hoes

            friend and foes

            eagle’s nest, street crows


Obscene gestures

Earned tenures

Digging caterpillars


Nuclear rockets in the sky

Earth’s shadow – magnify

Innocent claiming “Oh My!”

Standing tall, do or die



These bones

These bones

            These mighty bones!



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Everything For Angola

You illuminate my heart

I am sad when we are apart


You are my lasting kiss

And my three year tryst


We believe in fate

Beyond heaven’s gate


Trusting your instinct, fall into my arms

Around your neck, a lover’s charms


Exquisite in every scent

Goodbyes are never meant


Buckle in bravery

Encourage my ancestry


Vast open African skies

Lost in your very brown eyes


Better squash butter

My tongue does not stutter


You are my cause of reality

Capturing my admiration silently


Remembering touching your soft skin

Fire burns inside our own kiln


Let us stand up tall

You and I, will never fall


In a week’s time, something

In a lifetime, everything



© 2009 David Greg Harth

Skin & Kiln rhymes in Harth’s mind

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Eight Servings

Yesterday I had so many

My stomach hurt; my stomach ached

I went to the doctor, I went to the witch


I connected and I fell

I established and I stumbled

I created and I demolished


Yesterday I only had one

I took some medication, I took some drugs

My hand contemplated feeling, but never did


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Eight Hours

She lives

I don’t know where

She sleeps tonight


Beating drum sounds

Calling sons and daughters

Down aisles true


Beneath footsteps

Imprinted moments

Atlantic dusk, Mediterranean dawn


Night shadows descend

Her smile infiltrates my mind

Her eyes penetrate my soul


She sings my song

I hear her wings

I hear her fall


Just eight is what it took

A kiss, a little touch


A forever memory

A forever love



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Everyone Has A Crooked Toe

I met a woman

She was crooked.

I met a violent criminal,

She was crooked.

I met a corporation,

She was crooked.

I met a politician,

She was crooked.

I met an artist,

She was straight.


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth


My time has come.

I’ve turned into thin dust.

Howling winds collected my remains.

My love for you has been carried away.

Silent tears break the waves of enchantment.

My heart is crushed to a pulp.

Dead beneath the sea.

Nothing can revive.

I’m expired.


© 2006 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Not one,

Not even her,

Or his brother or his sister,

Not even his grandfather, mother or father.

Not even his co-worker, his friends out west or on other continents.

No one believed it would ever happen.


It was a cold day in New York.

Freezing to the bone.


Cool air collected in one corner of the room.

He had a headache.



December 9th

A knock at the door

Found him dead on the floor.



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Ending Pain

Take your knife

Follow the delicate patterns

Trim me complete

Follow my scar lines

Somethings are better left not understood

Remove me from this life

Slit my throat

Reach up inside

Tie my tongue in a philosophical knot

Rip my hair out

And tear off my fingernails

Burn my flesh

Feed my bones to machines

Put my cock in a noose

Swallow my insides as I am alive

Let the people honor me at my funeral

Write notes in class

My lover’s disease is no sin

Show no mercy

Place your sword against my heart

Now thrust



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Everyone stops to think

and everyone stops to reflect.


Everyone stops to smell the flowers

and everyone stops to inhale.


Everyone stops to smile

and everyone stops to laugh.


Everyone stops to rest

and everyone stops to sleep.


Everyone stops to create

and everyone stops to grow.


Everyone stops to thank you

and everyone stops to welcome.


Everyone stops to write

and everyone stops to read.


Everyone stops to witness

and everyone stops to admire.


Everyone stops


But who will stop to love?



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth



When all the spectators have dispersed,

When the last crow sung its morning call,

When migrant workers marched on,

When heaven came to meet the horizon,

When your open heart became available,


It’s when I kneel,

hold, kiss, and touch

and become the man

of your half.


So, declare your honesty,

Let the silent heart speak,

For I have been listening.



Beneath the stars,

We’ll make love by the Mediterranean.



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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