Chaos: A new Beauty

chaos is in the air

the scent invades my mind

my senses take over

by a truth of lust


chaos is in the air

the doves flew home tonight

brown eyes stare

blue eyes welcome


love is defined

he paints a picture

together they are poets

separated from birth


a welcoming horizon

never thought to exist

a real being found inside

can no longer hide


a barrier once built

now taken down and defeated

a castle of overwhelming magnitude

tracks leading to the fields


vast plains constitute

lions guard the dens

as perfume prevents desires

a cure is near


chaos penetrates my being

the smell conquers my thoughts

she moves swiftly

stinging lioness going for a kill


infiltrates my mind

intrigues my inner self

a poetry writer

a sculptor at heart


beautiful bi-line

twist and turn

a recommended St. Jude

I see an angel in my reflection


running through God’s waters

I find a lasting place

an unexpected face

is what I found in this state of grace


a gyration of fluid

a simple mind

a complex thought

share, bond, comprehend


a goddess from heaven

a Botticelli’s slast dance

sunset colors

and blood dried dreams


an embrace of warmth

glowing from within the heart

I tear at myself

rip apart my soul

so, you can enter

and dance with me

in the midnight sky


a small town womyn

Japan a far

romantic scenes

portrait of an enigma


classy through choice

an 80’s lover

a 90’s conqueror

a developed reason


chaos is in the air

someone fainted back there

lift me up, guide me through

I found someone tonight


chaos is in the air

I breathe it all the time

chaos is in the air

I make love to my dreams


chaos is in the air

the beauty is stunning

the mind is beyond a wish

chaos is my lioness

a reality of my truth

an existence together




© 1997 David Greg Harth


Untitled (Time)


The Lion & The Blue Man