
I sit across from you at the dinner table

watching you decay

slowly age and quickly die

I’m not sure why you chose this path


I wish there was something I can do

instead of witness and observe

and watch you decay

into a mere sculpture of grains


I stand here watching you

act like a professional fool

a man with a huge heart

but at times perhaps too silly in states


I wish there was something I can do

beyond banning or talking

something significant to make a change

I know I can’t make you pregnant


I listen to the sounds

of swigging and hunger for drive

thank you words are not enough

for what you have done


I wish there was something I can do

tell me how I can help

instead of sitting and laughing and enjoying

as I watch you decay


I cry for you daily when you’re in sight or hidden

it hurts so much to see you this way

I don’t want to read a ready-made

a eulogy at tomorrow’s funeral


I wish there was something I can do

I’m exhausted from watching you decay

It’s affecting me and others around you

As you decay into a pool of death



© 2004 David Greg Harth


Through My Brain


Visiting Death