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Don’t Look At Me

Look the other way,

I don’t want you to see me like this.

Don’t look at me.


I’m in pieces,

little bits,



I’m in shit.

Don’t look at my pimply face.

My scars.

My ratty hair.

My dandruff.


Look over there.

Not at me.

I’m horrible.

My puss oozes.

My hair is falling out.

I stink a stench.

Get away from me.


You don’t want to be around me.

Look at me fall apart.

My finger nails bitten.

Lint between my toes

And my ass crack.

Who am I?


I’ve been sleeping these streets.

Poor these streets.

I’m in puddles of filth.

Spit & urine.

Who am I?

Don’t look at me.


I’m nothing.

Not even a discarded piece of trash.

I am but trash. Garbage. Rotten.

Look at my teeth.

Yellow. Aged. Old.


I’m death.

And death parted me.



© 2006 David Greg Harth