For You

Feel the wind

Take you there

Feel the thigh

Feel you there


Feel the sunshine

Upon your chest

Upon my breast


See those colors

The ones you cannot imagine

I make them for you

I give them to you

For you

I would die


For you I would revolt

I would make pain

I would conquer the world

For you


For you I would climb

I would dive

I would divide

I would render

I would shoot

I would kill

For you


For you I would be wind

I would be time

and the womb which you protect


For you I would be the rain

I would be the fire

And the hurt which you feel


For you I would be the mirror

The reflection of your hatred

The reality of life

The wonders of birth

For you



For you I would tear at myself

I would rip apart

Seal the insides

And give you my pride

For you


For you no secrets are allowed

No possessions are understood

No time without you is real



For you one cannot hold

For you one cannot be

For you I would die


I would take you

To feel the wind

Upon my breast

Your holy chest

Upon the Cross

Where my father had died


For you

I would create sunshine

And pour the rain

Down your back


For you

I would love






© 1997 David Greg Harth



