
Nameless creature of the earth

She is a Goddess presented before me

More than a decade of existence is one of many barriers

Not to mention the vertical erectness of limited time

Summer is upon us and soon the wind will carry her away

Again, I am not sure


The golden light has shined on her feet

Engulfing her steps from each point of departure and arrival

Where she walks, flowers bloom

Where she gazes, animals are born

She is a Goddess without name

Her eyes are poisonous to the glare

Testosterone fueled men drop to their knees in her wake

Mother earth is jealous of her beauty

Her passion makes the sun and moon dance with envy


It is certain, it has been said, and it shall remain as so

As the man I am, the man I once was,

As the man I have become, and the man who I will be,

I am not allowed to know her name

For she, the Goddess in golden light

Is a nameless beauty forever out of reach


© 2010 David Greg Harth


Another Day Has Descended Upon Us


There Is A Helicopter In My Pocket