G, 2011 - 15 David Harth G, 2011 - 15 David Harth

The Ghosts We Have Become

With nothing to do

I place stories to nameless faces

Trying to reconstruct false memories


I make love to islands of women

And prevent true love from penetrating

Every defense system I’ve put in place


Falling from Hudson’s cross

I count the countless

And become just another statistic


It was so transparent and evident

But you were so blind and deaf

To all the signals and calls


Today’s decree witnessed by passersby

Aloft with yearning above my own termination

Until I am adrift with my last love letter to you


We have conceded to the future’s deathly grip

Permanently free from this perverse sense of rapture

All we have become are ghosts of yesterday


© 2013 David Greg Harth

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G, 2011 - 15 David Harth G, 2011 - 15 David Harth


This ground I walk upon

I get lower and lower

Feel its texture against my feet

I get so low 

Until finally my face is being scraped 

Bloodied and scabbed

But at least

I am grounded


© 2013 David Greg Harth


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G, 2011 - 15 David Harth G, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Gulnara Khamatova

She jazzed her way to my couch

With Wham! She certainly is no grouch


From Moscow she jetted across the ocean

Her photography catches the musician’s emotion


While mending my internal scar

She consulted my heart from near and far


Continental leaping beyond yesterday’s tide

In my closet her tall shoes do reside



© 2012 David Greg Harth

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G, 2011 - 15 David Harth G, 2011 - 15 David Harth

The Greatest Crime Of All Time

You had no arsenal of weapons

You had no formal training in the art of war

You had no battle plan

You had no battalion

You had no armed forces

You had no strategic maneuvers

You had no undercover intelligence

You had no fleet of ships

You had no armored tanks

You had no air force

You had no maps of the terrain

You had no ground troops

You had no team of special agents

You had no advanced technological secrets


Yet the greatest crime of all time

Was committed by you


The greatest crime of all time

Was the day you stole my heart



© 2012 David Greg Harth

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G, 2006 - 10 David Harth G, 2006 - 10 David Harth


It struck me

As I was leaning against the gas station wall

We're on this road

Traveling together

But I had no idea

Where our destination was

I did not wonder

I wasn’t worried about directions

I wasn’t concerned about routes or boulevards

I wasn’t looking at the compass

And I wasn’t noticing where the shadows fell

We filled the car with gas

We cleaned the windshield free of dirt and bugs

We filled our snack bag with Twinkies and coke and chewing gum

And we admired the low gas prices at this small town gasoline station

The air here is crisp, as if a rainstorm just passed.

I can see rainbow swirls of gasoline in recently birthed puddles

The fresh scent of the pine trees behind the gasoline station infiltrates my nostrils

And you call to me, signaling that you are ready to go, ready to depart, ready to move on

So I leave my leaning position against the gas station wall

Leaving a slick muddy footprint from New York

With keys in my hand I walk towards you

And I asked, “Do you have your keys?”

With your answer,

It struck me,

We’re on this road

Traveling together

But I had no idea

Where our destination was

© 2010 David Greg Harth

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G, 2006 - 10 David Harth G, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Nameless creature of the earth

She is a Goddess presented before me

More than a decade of existence is one of many barriers

Not to mention the vertical erectness of limited time

Summer is upon us and soon the wind will carry her away

Again, I am not sure


The golden light has shined on her feet

Engulfing her steps from each point of departure and arrival

Where she walks, flowers bloom

Where she gazes, animals are born

She is a Goddess without name

Her eyes are poisonous to the glare

Testosterone fueled men drop to their knees in her wake

Mother earth is jealous of her beauty

Her passion makes the sun and moon dance with envy


It is certain, it has been said, and it shall remain as so

As the man I am, the man I once was,

As the man I have become, and the man who I will be,

I am not allowed to know her name

For she, the Goddess in golden light

Is a nameless beauty forever out of reach


© 2010 David Greg Harth

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G, 2006 - 10 David Harth G, 2006 - 10 David Harth

The Great Fall

Speeds unknown

No passenger stops

Drop off points

Never refueling


Passing torch

Growing up

Burning ideas

Exhausting breath


Forward thinking

Throttle pushed

Helpful hints

War treaties


Kissing ahead

Making secure

Holding tight

Aging fast


No turning back

Rewriting books

No rewinding history

Only falling fast



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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G, 2006 - 10 David Harth G, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Guides, Rules, Lessons, Book

The crowd raises their voice

Yell through the streets

Bring him to the town center

String him up on the highest pole

Let him hang with rope around his neck

Allow the blood to fall and be soaked up by the dirt


Strung him up

Bound, tied, gagged

He lies

He lies

Upon that highest pole

He bleeds

He bleeds


The crowd raises their pewter cups

And drink the sorrow from the sand



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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G, 2006 - 10 David Harth G, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Guns & Coleslaw

I’m African,

I’ve got a Black fella’s cock.

And I’m just a little white cracker.

Salt my open wound,

Let my stick take a dip in your hot flesh.

Burning sensations won’t yield my thrust.

And now I’ve got a gun up my ass,

Pass me the biscuits, beans,

I’ll give you a hot load of gravy.

I’m shot,



© 2007 David Greg Harth

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G, 2006 - 10 David Harth G, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Good Morning, Blue

Time to rise

Time to wake


Fall out of your sheets

Eat some jelly and toast

Start thinking of your morning excuse

Plan on the time you’ll call me

Your day after call on the phone


Time to rinse

Time to make


Crawl out from under the truth

Let it be slippery – slide through your fingers

Mud wet wed


Turn the dim lights on


And I wonder these days,

Why don’t you recognize me anymore?



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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G, 2001 - 05 David Harth G, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Going Down (Version #2)

It is where I would like to be most.

You are my leopard; you are my host.


Tonight, my tongue is a serpent.

My touch upon your lips will be potent.


Let me gaze upon your passage way.

Welcome to the kingdom of foreplay.


As I taste your inner beauty.

Inside I explore deeply.


Our tryst has just begun,

It’s where I nuzzle upon your sacred garden.


I will lick voraciously forever.

I’ll move in even closer.


With my tongue I orchestrate a symphony.

I first start out so very gently.


Then with a strong powerful thrust.

I taste, I must.


You are my Aphrodite in essence.

I swallow your innocence.


Summer moon in the mist.

Gyrating in and out, just kissed.


Humming birds have nothing on me.

My speed is fiery.


I gather your moist lips with my tongue.

Your orgasmic chorus has been sung.


The clock strikes midnight.

A torrid affair we unite.




© 2005 David Greg Harth

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G, 2001 - 05 David Harth G, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Going Down

It is where I would like to be most.

Right between your legs,

You are my leopard; you are my host.


Let me gaze upon your passage way.

Right between your legs,

Welcome to the kingdom of foreplay.


Our tryst has just begun,

Right between your legs,

It’s where I nuzzle upon your sacred garden.


As I taste your inner beauty.

Right between your legs,

Inside I explore deeply.


Tonight, my tongue is a serpent.

Right between your legs,

My touch upon your lips will be potent.


With my tongue I orchestrate a symphony.

Right between your legs,

I first start out so very gently.


Then with a strong powerful thrust.

Right between your legs,

I taste, I must.


I will lick voraciously forever.

Right between your legs,

I’ll move in even closer.


You are my Aphrodite in essence.

Right between your legs,

I swallow your innocence.


Summer moon in the mist.

Right between your legs,

Gyrating in and out, just kissed.


Humming birds have nothing on me.

Right between your legs,

My speed is fiery.


I gather your moist lips with my tongue.

Right between your legs,

Your orgasmic chorus has been sung.


The clock strikes midnight.

Right between your legs,

A torrid affair we unite.



© 2005 David Greg Harth

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G, 2001 - 05 David Harth G, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Godzilla short changed me at the dairy counter, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Bing, Zing.

Ding, Bling, Gold Ring.

Swollen. Holy. Shitty. Fiery.

Fat. Cow. Chance. Hat. Bat.

Smack. Smunk. Punk. Skunk.

Lizard. Gizzard. Hillary Dillary.

Muff. Puff. Huff. Snuff.

Shush. Hush. Dart. Tart.

Except. Regret. Be. Sea.

Knowledge. Beaten. Heaten. Eaten.

Look. Right. Look. Left.

Round. In. Out. About. Shout.

Wash. Rinse. Cycle. Yell. Smell. Fell. Hell.

Hidden. Digging. Skulling. Hulling.

Bully. Pulley. Pussy. Goofy.

Razor. Bulldozer. Holzer.

Switzerland. London. Bangkok.

Red Light. Die Tonight. Great Fright. Small Might.

Wear it tight. Wear it close. Wear it near. Wear it far.

I’m in white. Better not win. Got nothing to lose. Got nothing to gain.

I’m afraid. Short changed counter. Platform shoes. Cancer’s disease. Man at his knees.


© 2004 David Greg Harth

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G, 2001 - 05 David Harth G, 2001 - 05 David Harth


I haven’t heard from you Grapefruit.

Where did you go?

I knew someone that fell in love with Grapefruit.

He was one of my very good friends.

Came home one day, found you sleeping in his bed.

Came home one day, found you left of the right.

Dear Grapefruit.

I miss you and I have yet to blink an eye.

The clock has yet to strike twelve.

It is a brave new world.

I’m off before you know it.

Give me a last goodbye, a last goodbye.




© 2004 David Greg Harth

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G, 2001 - 05 David Harth G, 2001 - 05 David Harth


You’re pulling me nearby,

I can’t let go.


I recognize how much I love,

But I cannot face the truth.


You’re overwhelming,

I must bow out.


I see how much you love me,

But I can’t be here for you.


You’re not letting me be myself,

By depersonalizing me.


I hear your voice calling my name,

But I refuse to hear the words you speak.


You’re not loving me,

Smothering me with your heart.


I hear the door lock,

The key falling to the floor.



© 2003 David Greg Harth

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G, 2001 - 05 David Harth G, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Gold, Silver, Ruby, Shrubby, Bush, Powder, Sluts, Whores, and Me

Been there,

Did her.

Did that,

Did her.

Did her, did she, didn’t do her, did that, did this, around back, around front

did it, did it again

did do, do that, did the deed, planted my seed

forget that forgot that holiday inserted

advertise with me

lighted buildings

take me in your arms

make a stain on my bed

took out - out back

took your bottom, made a smack!

push pull - pull push

plump pimp stump smash sunk punk funk dunk

you’re in luck,

I’m ready to fuck


© 2002 David Greg Harth

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G, 2001 - 05 David Harth G, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Goodbye (Version #4)

I’m sorry, I didn’t want to say goodbye.

I told you if you smothered me with your love,

that would push me away.

Further and further away I would travel.

Abandon the love we had and future we could have had.

You rushed me too much.

I couldn’t travel the pace you were at.


I’m sorry, but I must hide now.

I cannot take the pain that both of us would develop.

It’s already too painful.

You know my love for you exists.

I apologize that I have huge walls that border my emotions, my feelings, my mind.

I’m sorry for all of this.





© 2002 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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G, 2001 - 05 David Harth G, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Golden Chevrolet

She took me for a ride

Brought me to her back seat

Of her golden Chevrolet

We made love in the hot humid summer air

The crickets spoke in the night

Moonlight shed its tears on our skin


Her car overlooked the city lights

Our sweat combined

I would slip my tongue around her stiff nipples

As she straddled my thick cock

With her arms up and hands on the ceiling


We would rock back and forth

As the rusty car creaked

And my ass stuck to the vinyl seat

My fingers in her hair

Pulling and tugging her closer to my body

So, we became one


My cock slides deep inside her wet velvet pussy lips

We would kiss each other with immense passion

Sharing our love and our intense heat

The summer air surrounds us and heightens our sensations

As the rhythm of our shared penetration ignites further


She took me for a ride

Brought me to her back seat

Of her golden Chevrolet

We made love in the hot humid summer air

The scent of summer heat invaded our senses

Our body odors of sex, lust, juice, and cum filled the air


Every time my cock entered, her pussy lips grasped my shaft

Together we moaned in the darkness

I felt her inner walls tighten around my cock

Pull me in closer and closer

Hungry for the thickness entering her walls


We made love all night in the summer heat

Over and over, we had orgasms

Sharing our love, our thoughts, our warmth

In the back seat of her golden Chevrolet



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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