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Home is where you think

Home is where you choose

Home is where you live

Home is

Over here

And over there

Home is mine

And yours

Home is his, hers, and theirs

Home is below and beyond

Above and inside

Home is music and art

Home is sex and poetry

Home is my lover and my partner

Home is my family and friends


Home is where children are beaten

And kids go home to kill themselves

Home is where wives get beaten and raped

And men get drunk and snort

Home is a junkie’s palace and whore’s nightmare

Home is a July bath and pilgrimage

Home is a safety slut and music concourse

Home is a rotten body in hell

And a governor’s secret


Home is a religious sacrifice

And a family reunion

Home is a place for self-esteem escapees

And starving rabies


Home is America and Antarctica

Home is Singapore and London

Belfast and Chile


Home is butterflies and flowers

Daisies and valleys

Home is tunes and currents

And fellowship wings

Home is brothers and sisters

And kind thoughts progressing


Home is a coffin

And cemetery

Home is a church and temple

A revenge and jungle

Home is my control

And your lost feeling


Home is a devil’s prophet

And a ruler’s gold

Home is a bunker and a blanket

A sailor and a buddy


Home is a doll and car truck

A river of scum

Flowing down earthling drains

Home is a toilet

Constantly being flushed


Home is the de-fucked earth

Swallowed up in corporate problems

Spilled oil

And burnt forests

Hard-to-breathe air folk

And jet engine silence


Home is Nuclear war

And racist handshakes

Home is color bled dyes

And revolution wars


Home is sweet

And to be shared

Home is ours

And will forever be there






© 1998 David Greg Harth