I Know

I know nothing

Of what is right and wrong

I don’t know politics

And I don’t know science


I know I have been close to death

On multiple occasions

I know I grew up in a good home

And I know how much I adore my niece and nephew


I know I don’t love my day job

And I know I want to do fine art full time

I know one day I’ll exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York

And I know who likes my art and who understands it


I know I write poetry about love

And I know I’ve made CD mixes about love

I know I’ve been a firm believer of the fairy tale

And I know I’ve been a rebel against it


I know what inspires me

From music to art

I know that I inspire others

And I know how to exchange ideas


I know many have fallen for me

Some even in love

I know how not to pick up women

And I know I am a Ladies’ Man


I know what I like to eat

Or what airline to travel

I know where to go for groceries

And I know the best spot for a cab at Penn Station


I know which Avenues go North

The nearest exit at a subway station

I know the quickest route from A to B

And I know the path we’ll take


I know I donate platelets at least once a month

People need them like I need you

I know the donations I’ve made

And I know the donations I’ve accepted


I know how beautiful you are

Inside and out

I know when we are together life is amazing and wonderful

And I know how I feel when I’m with you


I know my heart can be powerful

Even overwhelming for the greatest of lovers

I know the passion can surpass logic

And I know that I love you



© 2006 David Greg Harth


The World Knows


Death (Version #2)