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I Saw Her Once, I Saw Her Twice

I saw her once,

            I saw her twice


I took out the tin from the locked safe

It held my heart in hidden isolation

From the last till this day

It’s time to surrender to temptation


Seduction has begun

This heart of mine is no longer concealed

The curtain has fallen

I’ve put down my armor and relinquished my shield


I saw her once,

            I saw her twice


First she became a vision

I’m captured and I surrender

Future approaches

Soft kisses tender


Second she became a memory

I’m still and charmed

Standing here with extended hands

Seized with curiosity and unarmed


Third sighting unseen

This story is revealing and untold

Prediction may yield true

This tale will certainly unfold


I saw her once,

            I saw her twice

I’ll see her thrice

            Her beauty is my vice




© 2013 David Greg Harth