
You’ve all become witnesses

Hear me now and hear me clear

Time has come and time is near


All before me now have come to this ritual moment

When time collides with existence

Mind leaves inclination at a distance


This space between becomes unnatural

Filled with fire and rage

Motionless and trapped in a cage


You wanted truth and honesty

From the deepest crux, I gave you all

My ship has departed, carried on this mammoth squall


As the ocean always does

Put up your walls and keep your locks

I shall voyage until I find new docks


Embers always glowing

A tortured soul brings awareness

Covering the innocent from bareness


Wait for the arbitrator and wait for the guardian

I pull off my cloak and lie down upon these rails

The purest heart now sails


Judge me now

For no matter my shortcoming

I’m dissolving into nothing


Dismissed into eternity

Ideal time to be fleeing

Terminated from being


Until we meet again

My limbs disconnected

Until I’m resurrected


© 2013 David Greg Harth


We Wake, We Sleep, We Say

