We Wake, We Sleep, We Say

Songs of the morning starlings greet us

Silently the tangerine beams of sunshine awake us

Its light bends around us and keeps us aglow

From the open window a slight breeze tickles the sheer ivory curtains

Making them dance and cast shadows upon our still selves

The scent of jasmine and lilac fills the air

Cherry blossoms sail pass the sill

With my head still calmly against your bosom

I wake next to you

My love that keeps me alive

And keeps me awake


We carry on with our day

Knowing that you walk upon the same earth as I

Life is abundant with small enriching atonements

Time eludes us quickly without warning

Evening reveals itself in its common routine

As the night stars gaze upon us in jealous awe

We say our goodnights

So we may sleep once more


My kiss to you was my very last

For come next dawn

Wake I shall not

I have released you from my grip of affection

And I have escaped from this prison

Into the waters of the state’s divide



© 2013 David Greg Harth


Bypass the Abyss

