Never Again

Never Again


Will I make midnight cab rides

To underplayed Stevie Wonder fans

To fall in love with them

And rush back home


To wash up

Go to sleep

And bite my lips

To bed


Never Again


Will I repeat digits for those who want

Company and profit

Under black and blue skies


Or roll around in comfort

To be watched by hidden eyes

Behind locked doors


Never Again


Will I work up the courage

To tell you the truth

And share my friendship


And to tell you when it’s time to go

When I’m tired

And when i will dive off building tops


Never Again


Will my love be lost

Or my time be spent

With you


Because you are a waste of time

And you make me cry

And huddle in the puddles I create


Because you are not real

And you make me mad

And make my stomach spin


Never Again


Will I be your belly dancer

Or proud pounder

Or teacher


Never Again


Will I catch you

Protect you

Or save you


Never Again




© 1998 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 1515 NYC




My Cat