
I wish I could hold

All the people that contemplate suicide


I wish I could give them something to cherish

And hold on to


I wish I could hug them

And cradle their entire life

In my pale palms


I wish they would call me

And ask me to help


I wish those who think

About suicide

Those who want to act upon it


I wish they would see me

And discover me

So, I can show them light

A new sunny way

A path of freedom


I wish I could hold

And give them warmth


I would bleed forever

And starve myself

To save the souls of the self-killed


I wish you knew me

When you took your life


I wish I didn’t record

My memory stopped

As you created an end for yourself


I wish I could rewind

Correct the wrong

And share life with you


I wish I could stab myself

To give you joy

And life once again


Many people will say

All sorts of things

But I remember you

As a reflection in a mirror

Of oneself that ended

So suddenly






© 1998 David Greg Harth


11 (Version #2)

