The Sky (Looking Up Towards The Sky)

My answer is never

For its only lost in my chambers


It’s like a cornucopia

Overflowing with passionate wonder


A bond of realism

With a surrealist stroke


A graceful touch

Performed like a dove’s dance


Beautiful beginning

At the birth place


A symphony of warmth

Surrounding gold candlelight


Deep brown eyes

Attacked by blackness of night


True difference unheard

While ignited flames burned


Rules and borders

When I only patrol my own mind


Cotton softness

Slender willow scented like a rose


Breath above her neck

Below the listening sense


A life a little ordinary

Conquered by the extraordinary


Rain poured

Down souls of bodies


I whisper to her skin

   With my fingertips


Touched once

   And forever remembered




© 1998 David Greg Harth


Myself: Destination


Interrupted Silence