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Tooth Fighter of the Night

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I won’t let you down.

I’ll rise straight back up

From the dead

From the dirt in which I’m buried under.


I’d burn in hell because I’m the forgiver of greatest sins

I’d make love to you if you were a larva carcass

I’d kill your mother if only she was still alive


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll purchase products by Sony and Mattel

I’ll purchase products by Fuji and Banana Republic

I’ll strengthen my weakness by feeding on your weak

I’ll strengthen my weakness by eating at your soul

Eating the flesh off your back

Licking your blood up off the floor

Your menstrual blood

Your baby blood

Your fuck blood


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll sink under and come up again

I’ll keep coming back for more

You can’t beat me down

You can’t erase me

You can’t make me disappear

You can’t dissolve my image


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll steal your teeth and make pretty necklace charms

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll leave you stamped bills beneath your fluffy pillow

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll fuck your daughter’s angel

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I won’t amend to please or surpass your dream

I won’t soothe or edit text-based imagery

I won’t use nicer words or be romantic

I won’t laugh or cry for your benefit


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll be a fighter

I’ll search and never die

I’ll always reach higher

I’ll always try again and again

I’ll survive

I’ll listen, look, learn, live and love


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night.




© 2000 David Greg Harth