Untitled (Thoughts Behind)

I come to you in the night

    by way of the stars.

I awake with you at the yellow dawn.

    by way of the morning sun.

I embrace your loveliness

    by way of my arms.


I take you by the hand

    I guide you to my water.

I cleanse you up and down

    I show you the water.

I clear your thoughts

    I soothe your back.

I tear at your heart

    asking for more.



I stand behind you

My hands on your shoulders

Rubbing your back

My knee against your bottom cheeks

My arms wrapped around your waist

I guide my hands to your navel

The suds glide downward, my hands upward

My fingers run across your breasts

Tight squeeze

A hug of love

Behind you, I am not ashamed.

Behind you, I am erect.

My hands run across your hard red nipples.




© 1996 David Greg Harth


Untitled (Mystery Woman)


Untitled (Dark Love)