
Well, there is

This one

And that one

But the one I love most

Is always the one I’m in


That version is the best

It feels good, looks good, is good

That version is the best


Well, some are odd

Some are evil

And some do not work

But the one I love most

Is always the one I’m in


That version is the best

It is like a glorious sunset

Or two love birds chirping

Or a butterfly’s pattern

That version is the best


Some of them break me

Some of them make me weak

Or can even kill me

But the one I love most

Is always the one I’m in


It is like fire

Wind and water

A tornado of lust

A hurricane that sweeps you away

Off your feet, to new heavens

And new worlds


That version is the best

The one I’m in

The one I live for

The one I lay beside

Run to and find

The one I cherish and hold

That version is the best


Like a candle

Erect in position

Sturdy of nature

Blessing at whole

That version is the best

And that is the one I love most

The one I’m in



Through jokes and laughs

Tears and pain

Through heights and lows

Mirrors and horrors

Through tunnels and valleys

Mountains and clouds

Through deserts and oceans

Jungles and plains

That version is the best


The version that is best

That is the one I love

The version I’m in

Is the one I love

That version

Is always the best for me

Because I am in it

And they are not




© 1997 David Greg Harth




A Holy One