Who Am I?

I’m an artist.

I’m a lover.

I’m a giver.

I’m a looker.

I’m an absorber.

I’m a feeler

I’m a human.

I’m a devoted.

I’m a fan.

I’m obsessed.

I’m lively color.

I’m a smell.

I’m a healer.

I’m a taster.

I’m a listener.

I’m a musician.

I’m a painter.

I’m a writer.

I’m a believer.

I’m a thinker.

I’m a toucher.

I’m an exhibitionist.

I’m an installer.

I’m a maker.

I’m a flexer.

I’m a speeder.

I’m a disobeyer.

I’m a revolutionary.

I’m circular.

I’m medium.

I’m here.

I’m a lurker.

I’m a rotator.

I’m a typist.

I’m a letter.

I’m a character.

I’m an age.

I’m an actor.

I’m a filmmaker.

I’m an animal.

I’m sexy.

I’m a bomber.

I’m a shooter.

I’m thirsty.

I’m a drinker.

I’m an eater.

I’m a cannibal.

I’m violent.

I’m silent.

I’m sweet.

I’m kind.

I’m me.

I’m for you.

I’m all around.

I’m yesterday.

I’m available.

I’m someone’s child.

I’m someone’s lover.

I’m a learner.

I’m a teacher.

I’m you.

I’m them.

I’m for all.

I’m fucked.

I’m a city.

I’m a display.

I’m a show.

I’m pornography.

I’m photography.

I’m a helper.

I’m a runner.

I’m an exorcist.

I’m a priest.

I’m a leader.

I’m a player.

I’m a baker.

I’m a mother.

I’m a father.

I’m a baby.

I’m a tree.

I’m my life.

I’m a fruit.

I’m yours.

I’m an audio session.

I’m lasting.

I’m funny.

I’m laughing.

I’m cautious.

I’m adventurous.

I’m exciting.

I’m daring.

I’m a darling.

I’m with.

I’m new.

I’m improved.

I’m subjected.

I’m pressured.

I’m left.

I’m right.

I’m write.

I’m bright.

I’m a fighter.

I’m a sleeper.

I’m a fucker.

I’m a sucker.

I’m a strawberry.

I’m a cleaner.

I’m a sweeper.

I’m a poet.

I’m an illustrator.

I’m a hit.

I’m a number one.

I’m an ego.

I’m space.

I’m a shopping bag.

I’m a master.

I’m a slave.

I’m poor.

I’m rich.

I’m in hope.

I’m in love.

I am love.

I’m your belief.

I’m your lie.

I’m your thought.

I’m your shadow.

I’m lost.

I’m found.

I’m dead.

I’m happy.

I’m jolly.

I’m to continue.





© 1998 David Greg Harth


A butterfly in the wind


The Hit