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Woman In Blue

The woman in blue

My Azul

From Argentina

Showing her belly button

Her smiling lips

Her beauty bending

Few words spoken

Glances from chairs

I wish I knew her name

I wish I knew her name


She sat just a few chairs away

Just before we exchanged questions and answers

She would look back at me

I would look at her

Glancing her up and down

Following her contour

Her bare feet

And black low cut pants

Up upon her waist and her tight piercing-blue top

The curves of her breasts to her neck

And her rose lips and great baby brown eyes


Imagined the love we could make

She was, a guess, about thirty-four or five

Beautiful from the Southern Sea

All we did for the rest of the evening

Was glance at each other

Not speaking a word

Only exchanging smiles of wonder and understanding

And appreciation for the photographic memories


Woman In Blue

I wish I got to know you

Your aging hands and palms and ringless heart


Woman In Blue

I might bump into you and grind away at what makes you tick

Through our connection of wires that brought us together


I’ll see you later

Hopefully at Two

Tonight, I’ll dream of Blue



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 @ 296 @ 296

New York City