#, 2021 - 25 David Harth #, 2021 - 25 David Harth

16-21, 16-08

I first met her at 21

It wasn’t until later that she was at 8

Her eyes opened as soon as I arrived

She looked abysmally beautiful

I was right,

the calendar was incorrect

the hourglass was misguided

the orbit of the planet was wrong

I remember the last time I saw her

Taken away for corrections

Freely volunteered 

Escaping reality

I treasured her even more

A shooting star in the darkness of night

A double rainbow hugging the horizon

A diamond in the forgotten quarry

A four-leaf clover undiscovered

A pearl in the deepest oyster

A hand in my hand

She is my forever recipient

To everything I have to give

© 2025 David Greg Harth

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#, 2011 - 15 David Harth #, 2011 - 15 David Harth

7th 8th 7th 8th

In my experience

The earth usually rotates on its axis

Like a pattern found in nature

Repeating forever in it's tiny little space

In this vast emptiness

This is the beginning of a love poem

In the past I've written love poems

Or attempted to do so

You see, I'm mainly a visual artist

Or, an artist that has been creating experiences

As of recent

An artist who socially engages

Who likes to involve his audience

But, there are times, which I write poetry

I think I'm pretty good

But I can get a shit load better

This is a love poem

It's a love poem

Because, well, I'm in love again

And at the start, this is what happens

I get crazy

And then I'll make a mistake

And like the wind that carried her here

She'll be gone once again

© 2014 David Greg Harth

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#, 2011 - 15 David Harth #, 2011 - 15 David Harth

207th Street and the Sound of Crickets

It was usually a Sunday

Sometimes a Saturday

I would ride the A-train

All the way up North

To the very last stop


I don’t recall reading much

On those trips

Quite often I would listen

To my Walkman

Years later my Discman

Until finally my iPod


Usually, I would make a day of it

I would leave early in the morning

Stay for lunch and depart just before dinner

But there were times

That I came for dinner instead


For some reason

I had fond memories

Of your tuna fish salad

It really was perfect

Better than Dad’s

Better than my own

I remember you bringing me some

When I was at school

You’d make a big tub of it

Packed tightly in

Recycled rainbow sherbet plastic containers

- Delicious!


I regret a few things though

Even though I probably visited you the most

I regret not seeing you even more

I cherished the naps we took together

Hours long, and that would be my visit


I regret not kissing you on your lips

I know our whole family does it

As a loving “Hello” or “Goodbye” greeting

But for some reason I never got used to it

Even Jordan kisses me on my lips

And I feel weird

Like that kiss is only for

My partners whom I have

An intimate relationship with

But as I reflect,

I wish I had kissed you on the lips


I certainly very much

Enjoyed holding your hands

Anytime, anywhere

And how our thumbs danced

I now have passed that

On to Sophie and Jordan

- Tight Squeeze -


I regret not meeting the

Love of my life

Before you both died

I know it’s something

You both wanted for me very much

But you know I try

It’s just almost impossible

For a woman to capture my heart


The lessons of love

You shared with me are invaluable

You were the Prince and Princess Bride

You were Hawkeye and Cora

You were Rome and Juliet

You were Oma and Opa


The other day,

I was standing on an

Outside subway platform

It was an unexpected cooler day

Among what has been a

Hot sticky summer

It was early evening

And I was headed to

Manhattan to have dinner

With Christine, whom you both met (and liked – loved)

The crickets were out

Chirping and singing their songs

They reminded of you



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth


I purchased four (4) Francis Bacon postcards today

at The Metropolitan Museum of Art


The total of the purchase was $5.86

I gave the cashier $11.01

She said to me “You gave me eleven dollars”

I said “Yes, you’ll see what happens.”

She gave me a five-dollar bill, a dime, and nickel as change.


Why are cashiers stupid?


I’d rather have a five dollar bill, a dime, and a nickel

then four dollar bills, a dime, and 4 pennies.



Why are cashiers stupid?



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth

14 Inches Deep

Locked me to the core

Mortared bricks with your name

Garden’s poisonous offering


Climbed up on top of you

For inspiration and fame

In black tie and hunger strike


Rolled down your skin

Got back up, rolled the same

Summer’s heat became an intruder


Transients come and go

Foreign tongues unevenly tame

Slithering down your inside corridors


Descending – ascending traffic

Constructing territories, marking claim

Leaving remnants along your slabs


Gathering of photographic thieves

Meat banquet, witnessing game

Hearing swallowing voices, sitting once more



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth























© 2008 David Greg Harth

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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth


1. In September I’ll be 96

2. My wife died a couple of years ago after 65 years of marriage

3. My son does not talk to his own son and daughter

4. I have not seen my brother and sister in over 20 years.

5. I’m tired and I shit in my pants

6. No one visits me.

7. I can’t remember


I sit at table number 7. And those are the top 7 reasons why I wish to die.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

With Love

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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Took me from mustache city

As the dog did bark

Uplifted her skirt

Was afraid of the dark


Took me where the artists inhabit

As Kiki Kern passes with a skip

Got back to the street

Bent her around, made her strip


Took me from East to West

No more of that long fight

Not even a struggle

My beauty is in sight


Took me back home

After the ugly tucked under

Lesbians crawled out

The Casbah residents always will thunder



© 2007 David Greg Harth

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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth


I was running late for my flight.

My 11 a.m. out of J.F.K.

I was standing outside, near Western Beef,

         on fourteenth street.

I was about to go, about to leave, about to depart

         couldn’t find a cab

Until the last minute


You were wearing your long coat

I leaned in to say goodbye

You were on the phone

I kissed you goodbye

         You never got off the phone



© 2007 David Greg Harth

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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth

4th of July

I was ready to open up,

Almost completely.

You were about to be given a key.

I would have let you inside my heart.

But now,

The door that was once ajar,

Is now closed.


© 2006 David Greg Harth

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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Ain’t no rats

And ain’t no significance.

Ain’t no shade

And ain’t no aunt of mine.

Ain’t no pole dancer

And ain’t no desk worker.

Ain’t no pollution filler

And ain’t no belly tap tipper.


This ain’t no number of mine

This ain’t no number of mine


A twisted fate

And tree roots with a lock hold on your ankles

A leftover date

And dark clouds rolling in over head

A dead mate

And streaks of fire falling from the sky

A breeder of hate

It’s not my fault, but my dear,

You are too late.


This ain’t no number of mine

This ain’t no number of mine


Ain’t no obituary.

And ain’t no surprise.

Ain’t no dinner maze.

And ain’t no donation.

Ain’t no signature

And ain’t no admiration.

Ain’t no scent of intercourse

And ain’t no cherry pie.



This ain’t no number of mine

This ain’t no number of mine



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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#, 2001 - 05 David Harth #, 2001 - 05 David Harth

53 Floors

As I passed the 52nd floor,

         I thought of you, Cara.

As I passed the 51st floor,

         I thought of you, Jordan.

As I passed the 50th floor,

         I thought of you, Sophie

As I passed the 49th floor,

         I thought of you, Marshall

As I passed the 48th floor,

         I thought of you, Martin

As I passed the 47th floor,

         I thought of you, Rochelle

As I passed the 46th floor,

         I thought of you, Nili

As I passed the 45th floor,

         I thought of you, Julie

As I passed the 44th floor,

         I thought of you, Lance

As I passed the 43rd floor,

         I thought of you, Samantha

As I passed the 42nd floor,

         I thought of you, James

As I passed the 41st floor,

         I thought of you, Tiffani

As I passed the 40th floor,

         I thought of you, Meryl

As I passed the 39th floor,

         I thought of you, Jill

As I passed the 38th floor,

         I thought of you,, Jack

As I passed the 37th floor,

         I thought of you, Richard

As I passed the 36th floor,

         I thought of you, Linda

As I passed the 35th floor,

         I thought of you, Jacqui

As I passed the 34th floor,

         I thought of you, Christine

As I passed the 33rd floor,

         I thought of you, Peter

As I passed the 32nd floor,

         I thought of you, Robert

As I passed the 31st floor,

         I thought of you, Oli

As I passed the 30th floor,

         I thought of you, Ryan

As I passed the 29th floor,

         I thought of you, Liliana

As I passed the 28th floor,

         I thought of you, Stacey

As I passed the 27th floor,

         I thought of you, Leora

As I passed the 26th floor,

         I thought of you, Courtney

As I passed the 25th floor,

         I thought of you, Kristy

As I passed the 24th floor,

         I thought of you, Nackie

As I passed the 23rd floor,

         I thought of you, Sarah

As I passed the 22nd floor,

         I thought of you, Sue

As I passed the 21st floor,

         I thought of you, Kai

As I passed the 20th floor,

         I thought of you, Amanda

As I passed the 19th floor,

         I thought of you, Tim

As I passed the 18th floor,

         I thought of you, Robyn

As I passed the 17th floor,

         I thought of you, Thom

As I passed the 16th floor,

         I thought of you, Sol

As I passed the 15th floor,

         I thought of you, Emily

As I passed the 14th floor,

         I thought of you, Bobbie

As I passed the 13th floor,

         I thought of you, Dana

As I passed the 12th floor,

         I thought of you, Anitra

As I passed the 11th floor,

         I thought of you, Sheila

As I passed the 10th floor,

         I thought of you, Melissa

As I passed the 9th floor,

         I thought of you, Erin

As I passed the 8th floor,

         I thought of you, Kaare

As I passed the 7th floor,

         I thought of you, Matt

As I passed the 6th floor,

         I thought of you, Kurt

As I passed the 5th floor,

         I thought of you, Tony

As I passed the 4th floor,

         I thought of you, Jerry

As I passed the 3rd floor,

         I thought of you, Babette

As I passed the 2nd floor,

         I thought of you, Pablo

As I passed the 1st floor,

         I thought of you, Diane


I stopped thinking.


© 2005 David Greg Harth

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#, 2001 - 05 David Harth #, 2001 - 05 David Harth


Happy Birthday.

Please join us for our wedding day.

I love you.

Happy New Year.

Miss you.

Thinking of you.

Your order number.

You owe.


You are invited.













Didn’t even know you

But I’ll send you a postcard from the heart,



© 2001 David Greg Harth

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2001 - 05, # David Harth 2001 - 05, # David Harth


It’s Near Years Day

Come see the lights

Come see the people dressed in black

And see her legs spread wide open

It’s New Years Day

Thousands of years after Christ died

For my sins?

And look at my bloody hands

It’s New Years Day

I’m outta cash

No salt tears to pour with

No thoughts remain

It’s New Years Day

I’m out of it

I’m searchless

Think of a little hope

It’s New Years Day

Shouldn’t be too long now

I’ve got the gauge

I’m ready set go

It’s New Years Day

Dark clouds overhead now

I saw a puppy just the other day

Little life left in a little life present

It’s New Years Day

Don’t be good

Around the corner shot gun

I’ll be back from seven eleven

It’s New Years Day

Don’t shed a tear

It’s going to be thunder

It’s going to be real

It’s Near Years Day

The children are dead

No one to play with

Sugar in my head

It’s Near Years Day

The playground is empty

My hands are solid and numb

My feet are stained with your purity

It’s New Years Day

Put on my dress wear

I’ll hide in a shadow

And see you next year

© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 2594DVA

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth


















































© 2000 David Greg Harth @ I-95/6375

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth

9 O’clock

Underneath the table

Her warm hands were rubbing my thighs

The bar was stale with old-age smoke


The red-light candle was burning

In front of my face, ill

There was a beat on the system


Underground a train would rumble by

Ladies flirting at the table top

Minds wondering and smiles exchanged


All I could focus on

All I could dream about

And get lost in

Your eyes


Put the thick dust away

The sounds, the noises, the bull

I see you through the curtain of iron

The blinds of war


It’s you I’ve been searching for

I’ve been waiting for

For the look in your eyes

And warmth of your touch


Underneath the table

The air is no longer stale

I’m holding your hand


Can you feel the warmth?

The kindness?

The realism?


Nothing bad today

Nothing ill

Nothing wrong


Just our eyes locking

Just ourselves getting lost

In the minds and warmth of each other


Forget about the tonic-stained wooden floor

The cast-iron ceiling and dimly lit yellow lights

Forget about the juke box playing songs of the like

The coasters holding up the drunks and beauties


Forget about the dirty bathroom and overflowed toilet

The beer labels stuck on walls and youngsters believing

Forget about the fried potatoes and beefcake bouncer

The pushed breasted bar tender and slick stud of yonder


Right now, the moment is for us

All of us

Every part of our hearts

As we share and intertwine our flame

At 9 O’clock




© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City @ 296 New York City

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth

10th of July

I heard the shuffle of angel’s feet

Because today I managed to take my dagger

And deepen the hole that creates

My own passion and pain


I’ll see you next year

Same time, same place

Quarter of a century, as long as you remember

Bury me in the garden of the lost


Have bagpipes play at my funeral

And play the soundtrack for all

And let the womyn and men in blue jeans

Create paintings on the grassy hillside


Hear my song and chant

Listen to the wind, the music of the night

Dance naked in front of the wildfire

And look in the mirror and see my shadow


Today I’m an angel

Hear my feet sliding and stomping

Hear my heart pounding and my veins popping

Think about the times

And now I hold my dagger closer


Today is a day how we all remembered him

Always fucking around, not one soul knew truth

Except for the great spirit in Missouri land


Look into my blue eyes

Tell me what you see

Search the rest of the earth

And what you have forgotten


We lay him to rest

On this tenth day of July

In Nineteen Ninety Nine





© 1999 David Greg Harth

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth

54 look-a-likes (Version #1)

I saw a man that looked like Greg

I saw a woman that looked like Tiffani

I saw a man that looked like Jon

I saw a woman that looked like Jill

I saw a man that looked like Mike

I saw a woman that looked like Nina

I saw a man that looked like Scott

I saw a woman that looked like Mimi

I saw a man that looked like James

I saw a woman that looked like Carol

I saw a man that looked like Travis

I saw a woman that looked like Maggie

I saw a man that looked like Thomas

I saw a woman that looked like Ruby

I saw a man that looked like Dave

I saw a woman that looked like Doris

I saw a man that looked like Chris

I saw a woman that looked like Diane

I saw a man that looked like Marshall

I saw a woman that looked like Debra

I saw a man that looked like Opa

I saw a woman that looked like Carrie

I saw a man that looked like Matt

I saw a woman that looked like Constance

I saw a man that looked like Paul

I saw a woman that looked like Megan

I saw a man that looked like Jim

I saw a woman that looked like Nancy

I saw a man that looked like Jeff

I saw a woman that looked like Robin

I saw a man that looked like David

I saw a woman that looked like Jennie

I saw a man that looked like Me

I saw a woman that looked like Kathleen

I saw a man that looked like Peter

I saw a woman that looked like Erin

I saw a man that looked like Richard

I saw a woman that looked like Susan

I saw a man that looked like Jack

I saw a woman that looked like Claudia

I saw a man that looked like Ben

I saw a woman that looked like Jen

I saw a man that looked like Henry

I saw a woman that looked like Mandy

I saw a man that looked like Tim

I saw a woman that looked like Babette

I saw a man that looked like Lance

I saw a woman that looked like Amanda

I saw a man that looked like Charley

I saw a woman that looked like Sarah

I saw a man that looked like Kai

I saw a woman that looked like Marlene

I saw a man that looked like Patrick

I saw a woman that looked like Stacey


© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 1515 nyc

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I adore you

I worship you

And I sleep in your dreams



Full of life and color

You dance the night away

You go-go

You are a great wrapper



Sweet ebony kisses

Wishing you were purple from a 2-way street

Accepting blooms



West coast promises

If only you were purple from my town

Accepting cash



British accent on a rainy day

If only you were purple dancing in running water

Accepting smooth handful kisses



Bermuda sand spreaders

If only you were purple traveling with me

Accepting moonshine down your bare back



New York City kind of way

If only you were purple from last night’s dead beat

Accepting my eye wink on the park bench



You are a whirlwind

Squeezed tight

And tighter





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 8AVE & 43RD ST @ 296

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