B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Blue Syrup

Flagella plasma


Jewel juice

K-Y Jelly

Fingers twisted


White glue







Palm feeling rotation


Sweat water

Sex song

Sticky syrup

Sorrow and tears


Semen smoke


Unbelievable high



Dark skies and burning




Jelly fish






Bitten tongue

Virgin Syrup














Sin in the green

Soap up the waist

Swim in the silence

Fear of the truth


Edible peeled skin

Hunted syrup




French kiss

Bitten lips

Licked lips

Shut lips







Agony of the heart

Sleep in lonesome



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Black Eyes

Stare into my black eyes

And see nothing

But the distance between Heaven and Hell

Cycle through and travel

In the cold stone



Concrete construction



Stare into my black eyes

Do I remind you of someone?

Or something?

Grab a hold

Watch my wings part and soar

Now I look upon you with fire behind me

And depths all around


Stare into my black eyes

Become a scared rat and run

Watch me step on your tail and make you suffer

Eat your mother’s feces on your child’s lap

And drown in your lover’s urine and spit

As the earth ignites in blue flame


Stare into my black eyes

Search for the emptiness

Pray to your believer

Take your garlic and cross and wooden stake

Your manuals and books and written words

Your theatre and paintings and tongues

Twist them around and carry them off


Stare into my black eyes

My eyes will bite at your heart

And steal your soul and spirit and faith

Hold my hand

As your eyes become black as mine



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296

New York City

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

The Bag Of Shit Side Step

I woke up this morning

In a pool of my salty tears

From now on I will cry

Yet I realize why I have my rules

And why I follow them

Because every single time I fall

I fall into the darkness of emptiness

Where people shed their true skin

And expose their evil intentions and unwarming heart


Once again, perhaps I could have stepped into a bag of shit

But before I could try I got pushed into the darkness



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Blue-Eyed Lost One

If I told you about your blue eyes

How they make the red dirt earth

   crumble beneath my feet

And change the courses of mighty rivers

   through our fields


How they start fire

   on our great powerful sun

Or reveal night-flies

   in the dark shadows


How they create whispers

   in my aged worked palms

Wanting to cover your ears

   from howling wolves from the west


If I told you about your blue eyes

How they capture me

   with endless potion song and dream birds

And invade my thoughts

   during the gathering hours


How they make scattering wide floods

   travel to our salty sea

Or make me reborn

   to my child innocence


How they illuminate those forgotten

   above your bosom

Making roses blossom

   at your beautiful gaze


If I told you about your blue eyes

How they nourish

   the bushes and smokey signals

And make our mother nature

   become jealous


How they fight for each other

   on the buffalo land

Or make strong eagles soar

   in the tinted blue sky


How they make the weeping trees

   full of laughter

Longing for tears to soak

   in the pattern of your deep black robe


If I told you to meet me

Out beside the great white oak in the corn field

If I held your soft forgiven hand

And took on a silent idea

To go where I have not gone before


Would your blues eyes care and be spoken of

To join me with drink and fruit

For a fire burning feast and deep drum beat

For two spirits

Tonight, in the silence?




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 nyc

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Beautiful White Dove

I have never danced with you

Or embraced you during one


I have never moved close to you

Beneath a starlit midnight


I have never made love to you

Beside warm glowing candlelight


Seeing you in my mind


I become a child

And bitter at my lips

Feeling you pound at my heart

Making my temperature rise


I have never known you

Or invited you to meet my grandparents


I have never cooked a gourmet dinner for you

Or gone with you to the theatre


I have never brought you flowers

Or received flowers from you


Feeling your heartbeat

Next to mine

As I sleep through the night


All I can do is dream

Dream of you

The dreams I forget

At first daylight


I have never held your hand

Or tightly hugged you to soothe


I have never eaten dessert with you

Or smile in the photobooth


I have never felt so close

Or distant in an imaginary land


Smelling your scent

On your skin and in my memory

You drive me wild

And make me believe

In things I only dreamed of


I have never painted your portrait

With wonderful colors


I have never washed your hair

In the steamy shower



I have never seen the sunset with you

Under orange and red skies


Hearing your voice

Vibrate in my head

Making my joy rise

And wanting myself to get up

Each and every day


I have never walked through the leaves with you

Or lay beside a fireplace


I have never phoned late at night to talk with you

Or film our holiday


I have never sat beneath the 4th of July fireworks with you

Or glide a romantic rose on your body


Touching your skin

Your lips and eyelashes

Nose to nose

I’ll never forget

How soft you are


And this is why you are mine

My beautiful white dove





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Drinking myself to sleep

I pull down the shades

Have a glass of scotch.


I forget about the women

Yesterday’s lack of sun

And look forward to the music I will hear tomorrow


Take pills for the pain

But still bend over into my fetal position

To heal my internal bleeding


I fall dead asleep




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Bronze Beauty

My invisible tongue remains silent

Until you shed scattered bronze light

At the first sight of tonight’s moonshine


Your beauty is a symphony

Orchestrated perfectly

With honey copper colors

Sparkling like a new found jewel


Your joy is to be held

And forever remembered and cherished


I hear the music

I see the visions

Of your beauty coming towards me


I’ll be the knight

Who guides your way

Through many forests you will enter


I will be tortured to save your innocence

And I will cry to soothe your pain

And I will honor you

Your beauty is strong like sunlight’s penetration through medieval ponds

Your beauty stands out in my mind beyond Michelangelo’s great chapel

Your beauty is a statue with a pedestal I shall compare all flowers too


Whatever your honesty

Whichever penalty you choose

However, you persuade me

Or see right through me


Whether you see it as a beginning

Or the beginning of the end


I’ll never forget your first smile

My first glance


Or the temporary world

We shared


Looking at you

Is staring at the sun and the moon

At once


Seeing you dance

Casting shadows that are venomous

To the ground you stand on


The curves twisting in warm candle light

Eating up my thirsty eyes

Forcing me near Salomé


As you sleep

I whisper sweetness into your apricot ears


I wish you would play in the rain with me

So, I can see water flow down your back

And lick the dribble off your nose


So, I can kiss you

Under sunny showers

Skies that open up


I wish you were my portrait

And you would blossom under my skin

For your brown eyes is all I have

Is all I have






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Bunny Rabbits Don’t Make Mistakes

I’ve made mistakes

I’ve skipped a few


I hide

A run from it

Instead of facing it


Yes, like you, I run

In different directions

A fear of the help


I ran down tree tunnels

And bunny rabbit trails

I hit holes

And travel in the fog


But the bunny rabbits

They continue to nibble

All in the right places


They never make mistakes

They do everything right

Hop along

Away from me

Towards me at times

Those certain times


But I, I made the mistake

The mistakes

I have forgotten the importance

Of patience among care and feeding

... said the little rabbit


Bunny rabbits never make mistakes

They guard the family’s territory

On the land of Christ


They make sure I burrow

Deep down inside

And pretend to not hear


You quickly pull out


As if unnoticed

Not from either direction

In the dark, you are a bunny rabbit

In the daylight, who am I?


Who am I?



© 1998 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

A butterfly in the wind

Feeling rain beneath my neck

Flowing fluid

Around my white waist


She stands next to me

By my river of hope and destination

She stands next to me

Still and cold.


Her nipples stiff

Hard in the rain

White displays my desire

My erection only proven


She is a butterfly today

And showed me the way

She taught me the light

And showed me the sunrise


We sat outside

And smelled the stars

Looked upon

Each other’s gaze


She is a mystery girl

One with wings

I found her tonight

And remember her yesterday


She is my heart

Standing next to me

In a gapless land

In a stretch across heartland


Telling no lies

She is but one truth

Unheard through eyes

Only your vocals

Temperature rises


Beneath covers

Christmas Trees

And laundry days


I sit on a windowsill

Look below me at the ground

I feel the suicide

And sacrifice myself daily


I do the soup and OJ and everything between

I do the goods the bads and the travels

I do the marches the parades and the writings

I do the paintings and audios and the lifts too

But still

What I do most

Is wait




I hear the flapping

Her flapping now

The Butterfly’s wings

Of yellow nature

From out west currents


I feel the flapping

In my arms

Surrounding smiles

And warmth now joined


There is only one

But one

A butterfly in the wind

A butterfly in the wind...






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I gaze into your beauty

see strength deep within

sexy in a grey color sweater

underneath, slip a few



lifted to enjoy


and protect your eyes

leading to the bridge


like the figure below


I get lost

in your brown eyes

over and over again

I can travel your pathways

and long hallways

any day

all day


Traveling through

your mystery brown eyes

baby seal eyes

attraction at its peak

your eyelashes at guard

only a glimpse

captures me

and makes me dive deeper

and sink into your eyes

beautiful brown eyes


I trace your curves

your smooth skin face

with my eyes

or feathers or ice

to your mouth

parted slightly

rose lips

pink in tone

for a nibble tonight


When you smile

all wars come to a halt

around mother earth

we stand still

at sight of your

glorious smile

healing a wound inside


Still a passenger

I travel down

see your sexy neck

outside you protrude

from the sweater cover

your hair


with the black

the brown

and the red color around



to the touch


fingers through your hair

streak down

stroke upwards


The surrounding


your mind of wonders

intelligence projected

ice water placed

down to earth

of Egyptian decent


If you were across a sea

I would row a boat

build a steam ship

create a bridge


If you were atop a mountain

I would be the first to climb

parachute down

or fly to your soul


Come with me

take a walk

an imagination

a chance of no other

your beauty interlocking



becoming “a one”


Dance with me

to the moon’s hymn

and the sun’s first open arms

with the animals of the forest

and the wonderful desert skies

and later

a dessert

to expand a horizon


And now I wonder

If your bolted tongue

slithers like that of your mind

and your beautiful brown eyes

down a slippery escape

of today’s reality





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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1996 - 00, B David Harth 1996 - 00, B David Harth

Brown Ashes

they danced


slithered up

each other’s bodies


bended together


they bonded

candles ignited

the waitress laughed

customers scattered

rotations rushed


water poured

but did not stop us

wooden ones left

as the glass shattered

the mirror busted


drinks on me

they don’t sell well

we are being fed

as the others

left to bled


that night

I lay in bed

wonder how

I escaped

I survived

as a pile of slender ashes

lays beside me





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I am inside

As I tantalize your mind

I enjoy the outsides

I bleed the first time

I love to be loved

He pulls me in

Closer he gets

He gets closer

His full erection

I know I will bleed...

For the first time

I will loose

My flower is his

I want to

He wants to

He becomes hard

Strong in front of me

By breasts against his chest

By ass on the sheets

I know I will bleed the first time

I want to

I am ready

No condom at hand

His erection so strong

So erect and red

I yell

I yell


He forces

He intrudes


Feels me


All over






He rapes me

He fucks me

He makes me bleed

Part of me wanted

But I said “NO!”

And he came inside of me


He raped me

Hard as it was

He fucked me

He made me bleed







I bled

On those sheets I grabbed

On those sheets my ass was on

No condom at hand

Will I have a child?

A child I do not want

A child of blood

A child

That will be raped?

By his father?




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


reach out

touch it

caress it

upon it

love it

fuck it

make it



come here

you can see

you can sit

you can lay

come here


fuck it

the bed


chain up


satin or silk

bed of roses

slim white

black and gold

silver shines

wet promises

fantasies complete



desire a must

competition a lust

make love

make a new



times of the past

moments of the future

the now in my eyes

me in your eyes



take chances

love the lust

curves of such

hair and lean in

toward the shadow

candle beside

the cotton pillow




feel it up

above the shore line


make no promise

propose if you will

in my bed

or yours


baby and child

nurse thy breast

suck thy nipple

suck thy dick





put up no front



make a stand

reach for that heaven

with one another

you can be one

see a time

where all can be shared

a dream

a bed

a bed


© 1997 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


lather it up

soap it up

that strong thing

do what you do best

in leather and lace

make everything nice


fuck it up

up the ass

or in the hole

fuck it up


tonight, we will last

a forever bleeding wound

under the midnight sky

between the thundering thigh

tonight, we will last


reach inside

deep under the sheet

reach for that meat

reach inside


do not be afraid

be an animal

be with me


in the bed

or in the car

in the shower

or in the kitchen

in the park

or in the theater

be with me




you are the one

in mind and spirit

you are the one



so soft

angel wings

devil eyes

let me caress your

ever slender curves

let me explore

your gentle holes

let me inside

deep inside





tonight, is for you.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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