R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Rabbits (Version #2)




Cubed in a matter of time

Lucky in my pocket

How about yours?




Heavy Duty rappers

Mother fuckers




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Mother fucker

You see me in the sack

Your Dead black and white rabbit reds!


You mother fucker

You see me in the hay

You lighted my ass, it’s so grey!!


Lucky stiff - see mine




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Rugged Sexy Rebel

Shake of a bet

I met you at night


A drag you had

The look you gave me


We stared silently

As others looked on


Connected beneath your skirt

As you painted my portrait


Eyes locking & bending

Till Midnight

You watch me walk off



My memory recalls

Sexy attitude

I’ll find an artist’s tool

And phone you later





© 1998 David Greg Harth>NYC10036

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I’m reaching out

I try harder and harder

an open arm

I guide my hand


She fades away from me

each step I take

I can see her faintly

every inch I move

her curves blow away

with the wind from under my breath

and from the heavens


I try to stop myself

from being under

but I can’t help it

I only want to try

try for a welcoming hug

a feel

a touch


But every time I near

she pulls away

further and further

into the darkness

of a corner unknown to me


I try to see her

I push myself

I dig in deep

I conquer any obstacle

tackle warriors

break boundaries

cross borders

all for her



as I get nearer

she fades away...

she becomes silent

pulls herself out of reach...



I wait,

with my hand on my soul

folded arms

I wait

for her

to reach




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Red Addiction #1 (False Version)

slicing up my skin

my vein

clenching my fist

pumping my arm

puncturing it

sliding it in


inject it


an orgasm

a delight

a daydream

an experience of no other

a highlighted color

a god-blessed Mary


my soul intertwines

with the tree trunks

and pathways of arteries

within my flesh


I release

let go

fall backwards

upon the mattress

explore it

feel it

pump no longer


and then

I pass away

at the sound of a doorbell




buzzing in my ear...





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Roy Lichtenstein

I had a friend,

just the other day,

my friend Roy,

he died today


From little ones

to big ones

his dots always

had me

grabbed me

made me unstable

on solid ground


His retrospective

winding up the Guggenheim walls...

His thin, structural body,

standing tall,

another member,

of that Cedar bar,

I’m sure.



why did you have to go?

my bible is empty?

my letter undelivered?


where will you plot?

without a last dot?



how come there is a fighter jet

a child with a toy

yet an image of



Don’t go,

for I only knew you...

for so many years...

and more to come

more to dream of

dream with...


I had a friend,

just the other day,

my friend Roy,

he died today


In New York City

he passed away

Center of POP

for you and me

I’ll be there

will U2?

In the city

glorious lights

Mondrian’s Broadway

city delights



tell me your daughter’s name,

before you go

send me a present

a lesson of the future,

before you go


A beg

a round-a-bout

come inside,

have a cup of coffee,

it’s all I can offer

to a god of pop


a god of pop.





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth


it’s like that angel

one of heavenly desire




it comes from above

and with all its honor and courage

it carries us inside


into the warmth

under the wings

we are guided


the rain pours

mixing the streams with rivers

rivers with oceans

a dance of water

a splash of wonder


he wonders

she sees a reflection

in the distance the sun

a rainbow color


together a one

the rain above

the water flows

cold and down

but the touch

the feel

that soothing rain


let it pour

let it come one

let it be

let it rain







© 1997 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Reach Out

reach out

grab it

squeeze it

hold it


reach out

milk it

suck it

firm it


reach out

love it

hate it

lick it


it makes you weak

it makes you love

it makes you hard


reach out





see it

mouth down

tongue out

saliva glands


see it

reach it

touch it


reach out

compare it

draw it

dream it


reach out






reach out



reach out


What is it?



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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