Y, 2011 - 15 David Harth Y, 2011 - 15 David Harth

You, The Bank, The Knives

I went to the bank,

you were there.

When I got home,

you were there.


I leaned over for a kiss

You took two knives to my legs

Stabbed my upper thighs

And you ran out of the house


I went to the bank,

you were there.

When I got home,

you weren’t there.


I’m bleeding still

I’ve removed the knives

I’m recovering well,

Thanks for asking.


I went to the bank

I robbed it

And now I’m serving years

I committed this felony

Because I had a gun

Shot nobody

I’m still bleeding


I went home

You weren’t there

You don’t visit me

You are home without me


If it’s money you wanted

Why didn’t you just ask?

Why didn’t you just ask?

I would have given you my greatest jewels



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2011 - 15 David Harth Y, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Your Ass Is Like Moonlight

The last time

I was penetrating you

You were bent over

And I was sliding inside you

From behind.


My view was divine

The last time

Oh! Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh



The last time

I robbed your heart

You were wrapped in my sheets

And I embraced you

From behind.


My view was divine

The last time

Oh! Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh



The last time

I photographed you

You lowered your clothes

And I witnessed your porcelain ass

From behind.


My view was divine

The last time

Oh! Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh



The last time

I went down on you

Your soft lips tasted so sweet

And I lifted you upwards

From behind.


My view was divine

The last time

Oh! Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh



The last time

I was in love

You ran away from me

I said farewell

From behind.


My view was divine!

The last time

Oh! Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh





© 2011 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2006 - 10 David Harth Y, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Your Garden

In heaven’s court

   I am judged


Beneath Washington’s bridge

   I am paralyzed


Behind institution’s doors

   I am raped


Before my friends

   I am defamed


In the wooden casket

   I am burned


Silenced at Museum’s end

   I am spoken


Lynched over Wyeth’s oak

   I am memory


Clean by father

   I am repaired


Picked for Middle East

   I am fearless


Closing on Love

   I am a garden


– I have no light – I have no water


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2006 - 10 David Harth Y, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Yesterday’s Road Is Today’s Tuna Fish Sandwich

Milton took the left road when he came to the fork in the middle of the road.

He climbed the stairs, he’s fallen down.

No more friends and no more dinner requests.

It’s the meaning we all follow.

Paint the pictures, seal them up, heaven awaits packaged goods.

A story untold, it has begun to unfold.

Ring the bell, place your finger on the button, depress.

My grandfather was always impressed.

Margie, don’t worry, you won’t get this one either.

Forget it.

She’s skinny. She’s fat. I had a pint. I gave a pint. I ate a pint. I drank a pint.

It’s not that mint that alarms you.

She called me up after three more years.


You are right, I would like some cheese on that sandwich.

Only if the chemicals are right.

Don’t dispose of that on your face.

You know, your eyes will get stuck like that if you keep doing that.

I have hair on my hands.

I stopped getting groomed.

I’m not worried, are you?

Yes, check in time is Three O’clock in the afternoon.

It would be a lie if I told you I did not want to make love.

To you or two of you?

I started the engine.

The elderly stopped making demands in the twentieth century.

I’m not too proud of the instances.

This is the point in the poem when I tell my reader that I cannot reproduce.

Apart, I’m torn.

I tear one more drop, I move one more type, I turn one more curve.

My conversation has gone.

And I’m back in Boston, where I never did get laid.

Put me to rest, haven’t phoned him back up.

He is restricted and Miami is kissed.

She put on her bear ears, she opened her legs, she called her husband.

I forgot, what was that number again?

Margie, may I remind you, you’ll never make sense of this?

Yes, only for a little while. Cervelat. With eggs or on white bread?


It’s time to go, its five after five.



© 2007 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2006 - 10 David Harth Y, 2006 - 10 David Harth

You Are Dying

Before my eyes you fade

Your bathroom floor,

         sticky from past urine

         a stench


         stains your sheets

         and underpants

Diaper worn

You forget

         (as do I)

How could someone

         So giving

         So loving

         So marvelous

End in such sorrow and waste?

Would it be wrong

         to assist a man

         who wishes to die?

Would it be wrong

         to hand you a revolver—

         your lasting wish?


© 2006 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2006 - 10 David Harth Y, 2006 - 10 David Harth

You Keep Me

Whether it be the Brooklyn bound F train

Or the Bronx bound A Train

I cannot tell you how many times

I often think of bending my head

Over the platform edge


Hover it over the tracks

As the oncoming train comes

So, it hits my head

My death comes immediately


But its only you

Thoughts of you

That keeps me alive



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth

You Left

you came with the flutes

you came with the cello

you came with your symphony

you came with your smile


you left me with a gaze

you left me with a tear

you left me with a twirling maze

you left me with no fear


you came with wings from heaven

you came with surrounding beauty

you came with deepening wonders

you came with heartache


you left me standing

you left me wanting

you left me hoping

you left me listening


you left me a piece

of your heart in mine



© 2004 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Your Voice

Your voice is near,

so far away.

At the other end,

just saying “hey.”


A message heard,

a message left.

A heart is here,

without a theft.


A soothing tone,

beautiful reminder.

Silent keeper,

I think I won’t forget her.


That’s my tale

of your whisper.

Hear it again,

Come in closer.


© 2003 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth

You Went

You had to go

You told me your decision

You have left me for good,

no longer here, my bed is empty


You just got up and went

and left my heart to ache

and now I am all alone


But I never got to tell you

Those very words you had wished to here,

I love you.




© 2003 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth

You Just Know Love

You just know when you are in love

When she smothers you with everything she’s got

And you feel grand every morning...



© 2003 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth


Planted a tree

Next to your heart

Want to see it grow

So, you better not fart



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Your Scent

You walk by,

I sniff you

I pick up on your scent

And from that very same scent that you distribute

to your co-workers and lovers and friends and family alike

I can tell

what you had for breakfast

if you like it up the ass

and if you own a dog or a pussy

I can tell

the last time you visited the doctor

and the last time you had sex

I can tell

if you like peppermint or sushi

if you like strawberries or blueberries

if you prefer preserves or jam

I can tell this all

just by passing through your scent

your smell

the scents you carry with you

in passages you take,

crossing my own

I can smell you

and with those smells

I can tell

the last time you bathed

the last time you went to the sea

the last time you slept

the last corner you turned

the last beverage you drank

I can tell this all

just by smelling you

your scent

I can tell if you are clean

or dirty

I can tell if you use generic or name-brand products

on your hair

or on your teeth

I can tell

what detergent you use on your pillow cases

or the thread count of your bed sheets

I can tell if

you day dream or if you remember your nightmares

I can tell if

you looked at yourself in the mirror that same morning,

critiquing your image


I can tell

if you planted flowers recently

and what your favorite bloom is

I can tell

if you lied to your previous lover

Just by smelling

I know this all

I know where you live, where you work, where you sleep and eat

I know where you were born where you are going to and where you bought your shoes

I know everything about you

Just by following your scent

The smell emerging from your armpit and your mouth

The smell emerging from your vulva and ass

The smell from your hair and feet

The smell that you deliver and manufacture

I can tell all

Just by your scent



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth

You’re old trash now.

You’re trash.

You’re junk.

You’re trash of the sea.

You’re an animal carcass.

You’re a car crash.

You’re space spunk.

You’re shaven facial hair.

You’re a cracked mirror.

You’re zero in a bag.

You’re disposed of.

You’re leftover goods.

You’re last night’s one night stand.

You’re a lie.

You’re rusty nails on a children’s swing set.

You’re not defined.

You’re an expired carton of milk.

You’re dead beat.

You’re boiled water.

You’re unsexual.

You’re not really here.

You’re spit from a retired judge.

You’re junky.

You’re used bacteria.

You’re a monkey.

You’re crumbly eyeballs.

You’re shit blood.

You’re stinky girl’s panties.

You’re a dog’s wet balls.

You’re sweat between toes.

You’re nothing I ever wanted to know.

You’re garbage in the backyard.

You’re old trash now.



© 2002 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth

You Are Not Here

I look to my left, and I see you

I look to my right, and I see you

But when I look above me

or below me,

I don’t see you.


© 2002 David Greg Harth @ Bway & Grand NYC

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth


I can’t give it to you forever

Stand by your side

Give you the love you deserve

Give you the love you display


I can’t give you away

I can only dance with you until sunrise

I can only make love to you until sunrise

I can only share my dreams with you, a little longer


My fingers tremble

My stomach aches

My eyes close


Know that I would die for you

Die daily for you

Every day I would die for you


Please don’t lose your breath

Please don’t lose your soul

Please remember me forever


I can only cry so much longer

I can only destroy my insides for a little while longer

I can only quench the pain for some time

I can only listen to your heart today

I can only listen to my mind forever


I’m alone today

I have to be alone

In this city world

This new world


I have to be alone

No grains of sugar at my bed

No shared kisses

No shared holding

No shared hugs

No shared laughter

Only my tears




© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth Y, 2001 - 05 David Harth

You Mother Fucker

You mother fucker

Bomb the Embassy

Bomb another Embassy

Bomb the USS Cole

Bomb the Pentagon


But don’t ever

Ever step into my fuckin back yard

My fuckin New York City

My fuckin America

And Kill my friends, my family, and my neighbors

Now you’ve really fuckin pissed me off!



© 2001 David Greg Harth

Read More
Y, 1996 - 00 David Harth Y, 1996 - 00 David Harth

You Know You Are An Elephant

You know you are an elephant

But what am I?

But what am I?

Just a fan?

Of your marriage?

Your song?

The kitchen chair you sit upon?


You know you are an elephant

Big and grey


Scared of the little mouse

Sit on my lap,

I’ll tell you a goodnight story


You know you are an elephant

Big ears

Hearing round and round

From California bay side

To the New York harbor

To the early night in Cork

To the last night in Europe


You know you are an elephant

Listening to the closed door

Hearing those two on the other side

Listening for hints, sounds

Making mental notes

Spreading the news


You know you are an elephant

Sleeping around

An animal of sorts

A dead vegetable

Going to Yorkshire


Going to the art fair

From machine gun alley


You know you are an elephant

But what am I?

But what am I?

I’m a lonely clover

Sitting upon your shoulder

Looking and reading into your thoughts

Sniffing at your hair

I’ll leave you alone

If you scratch my back

Scratch my back



© 2000 David Greg Harth

Read More
Y, 1996 - 00 David Harth Y, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Yellow & Red

An angular turn toward the sky,

A screeching yell

He opens wide,

Yells to the heavens...

Maybe asking, a Why?


He turns, twists,

As the thunder holds him,

Tightly grasps him, squeezes,

He yells, screeches,


His pain, in red and yellow,

furious anger,

it rages above the land,

above the white cotton fields,

above the singular eggs,

above the smell of death,


His pain, he yells,

Maybe asking, a Why?

The reds, oranges, and yellows,

The anger, the pain,

Always alone, never lonely.


His teeth, sharp

His tongue, drips of blood,

bitten too hard,

after a midnight puncture


A morning call

A nighttime fall

After hours,

No more


Liquid down, time to feed,

the wind breaks the silence

the passengers cross the river

the obesity, the unshaven, that voice above,

and maybe later,


A higher one.


His pain, he yells,

In yellow and red,

for no love can rescue

for no love can predict


He thinks they are fake, they are real

He notices one by one,

and takes a poll


He comes down

for a while

Watches the shadow

from a 12th floor window


Watches the rain,

the beasts,

the rich men too.


The arrested man,

convicted from his mother,

from gold to poor,

from a voice of no more.


His pain reaches out,

for a higher reason,

a wonderful dream,


not this time.


Yellow and red, slash them tonight.

Yellow and red, may I be yours tonight?

Yellow and red, he fuck her, she fuck him.

Yellow and red, my father


Yellow and red, a lover in bed

Yellow and red, he wants suicide

Yellow and red, one is good

Yellow and red, anger is food


His pain, it comes deep within

But surely you know,

It isn’t a jX or a hooker

It isn’t a nX or a chic

It isn’t a gX or a cheese

It isn’t a pig or a fowl


It’s that Yellow and Red.


The blood of anger.


You know what it is

What it is caused by.


Maybe you are part of it.

Maybe you are not.



Yellow and Red.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

Note: View the painting goes with this poem.

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