Eight Thousand Dollars

If I had Eight Thousand Dollars

I would have a limo

And a flat with a fireplace


I would have fruit on board the jet

And laugh at the fare in the air


I would pay for you all to visit me

And phone you when I’m in a coma


I would have wooden floors

And birch trees on the walls


I would treat you like flower gold

And enjoy the sunshine year-round


If I had Eight Thousand Dollars

I would still deliver meals to the homebound

And collect records from rockstars


I would eat instant mashed potatoes

And continue my misspellings


I would fight for my own undelivered freedom

And always wish I was between your thighs


I would share the stars with you

And embrace our friendship forever


I would listen to frogs talking

And hear the gulf stream more often


If I had Eight Thousand Dollars

I would have space for a motorcycle

And retro lights and tables


I would still ignore mother

And be closed to all of you


I would paint and write all the time

And have a bigger studio to do it in


I would be above Heartland

And see myself on the widescreen


I would meet face to face with rabbits

And have even more to lose



If I had Eight Thousand Dollars



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 nyc @ 1515 nyc




Loneliness and Hopelessness