I Don’t Know

I didn’t know what to do

I was afraid of where I was heading

I couldn’t recall my name


I didn’t know how she felt

I was unaware of the possible outcomes

I couldn’t think straight in this state


I didn’t know about the past

I was blind to the truth

I couldn’t pretend anymore


I didn’t know my own history

I was in an unfamiliar deepness

I couldn’t see the light


I didn’t know how to react

I was covered in my own cause

I couldn’t recover from my illness


I didn’t know where to turn

I was in trouble with my one and only law

I couldn’t come around and share


I didn’t know who I was

I was wishing too hard when the dream collapsed

I couldn’t build myself to recognition


So, in the world alone

In the world that not one person on earth can even imagine

or know about

or even begin to ponder

I hung myself

I jumped in front of the train

I cut my wrists

and became your memory



© 2000 David Greg Harth


I Don’t Know (Version #2)


Escape (Version #2)