Imagine (My Heart)

I want you to imagine

Just for a moment

Imagine I’m taking out my heart

I’m pulling the pulsating muscle

Out through my breast bone

Out through my chest

I pull out my heart

And place it on the table beside me


I want you to imagine

My heart still beating

On the table it sits

With holes and gorges in it

And punctures and concave valleys

All these dents and bruises

For all those who pretended to display


I want you to imagine

My heart on this table

And I want you to imagine

What is in my hands


In my hands I hold destruction

I pour gasoline on my heart

And light the pulsing wonder to flames

I burn it to a crisp

Blackened and charcoaled

It still beats


Imagine with me

I take out a six-inch knife

And stab the still throbbing heart

Continuously over and over

I sever the heart multiple times

With liaisons spreading rapidly

It continues to beat


Still not complete

I take a .38 and aim

Shooting bullets through the heart

Through the wild beast that beats so rapidly

The heart still beats


I want you to imagine

I take that burnt, stabbed, shot


And I stretch open my chest

And carefully place it back

To its secret chamber


I want you to imagine

For only a moment



©1998 David Greg Harth


Dollar For A Dream

