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My Cat

I was driving my cat

From New York to New Jersey

Just across the border


He usually meows and cries

A lot

On these mysterious trips


But this time he was silent


Did not say anything


It was a short trip

Only lasting four minutes

Or so


Listening to “Running to Stand Still”

And “With or Without You”

While sticking my finger

Into my cat’s ‘kennel cab’


Still, my cat would not meow

Nor would he rub his face

Or body against my fingers


He was eerily silent

And I knew something was odd



The music playing

No meowing

No touching

I knew my cat was dead


I felt happy and sad

He wanted to be with me

When he died


He tried so hard

His tired old body

Waiting to be with me

One last time


I was prepared

To end my trip in New Jersey

And take my cat

Out of the car


And cradle his soft

Not yet stiff


In my arms


Looking up towards the sky

Embracing on of the rare beings

I will have ever loved.





© 1998 David Greg Harth