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Don’t be afraid to ask me

Or bite me


Wear pink or black or blue or green


Be secure and in tune

Know who you are and who I am not

Eat good be good eat bad be bad

Remember to be exciting


Don’t be afraid of the new

Of Handcuffs or feathers or strawberries

Of Diamonds or leather or porn

Of Exhibitionism or multiples or outdoors


Be real and able to cry

Hold, Care, Hug

Learn, Live, Love

Outreach and dig and fall


Don’t be afraid of meeting

Old, Older, New, Newer or past

Accept the future and illness

Battle like a fighting beast


Talk, Communicate, Experience

Feel, Think, Remember

Try, Attempt, Succeed, Fail

Write, Create, Smile, Develop


Don’t be afraid of difference

Birth marks, nipple hairs, bellies

Accents, nose curls, pubic hairs

Of cock rings, shave-less, loneliness



© 1999 David Greg Harth