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Your smelly stench

  Encompasses me


Raw fish sea-weed armpits

Whirlwind of gunk

  Around my body


As I hide and pray

  And prey


You lift your arms for strength

  And a breeze


But all you give me is hell

  As Marley sings in my head


Feelings rust out

  And your science fiction novel

  Ignites in flames

  From your dirty scum-disease




Welcome to Puberty

Ain’t no Fuckin’ ‘Can


Do use?

As I spray and splat bugs

On the back of your thicket of a head


Come on Rebel Rebel

Dog biting Warhol

And you 60’s Dick Scratcher


Take your filthy

Nighttime for school girls

Back to your Wife!


And remember

The carpet I put

Down for her

For her!


Take your whiskey

  Saturated hairy ears

And mop up the urine

  You left behind


Smelly fuck!

You wanna piece of me!?

You want it!?


Fuck you!




© 1998 David Greg Harth