B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

The Bag Of Shit Side Step

I woke up this morning

In a pool of my salty tears

From now on I will cry

Yet I realize why I have my rules

And why I follow them

Because every single time I fall

I fall into the darkness of emptiness

Where people shed their true skin

And expose their evil intentions and unwarming heart


Once again, perhaps I could have stepped into a bag of shit

But before I could try I got pushed into the darkness



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Wolf’s Flu

She asked me, “Would you like some more?”

I said “Yes please.”


Overhead, on the radio, I could hear what seemed to be the Talking Heads


We had a conversation, about the songs that related to every woman I dated

or was involved with. It’s weird, we both realized, ... it was a hot summer



Am I right or wrong? My god, what have I done?


Nowadays it’s no more 12 cups of coffee with 4 sugar and 2 sweet n’ low per cup.

Now I take it black, strong, thick.


It was a conversation unrealistic. I only spoke to her once. When she was

in California and I was in New York. We’ve exchanged before but not like

this. It was just grand. I recall my High School English professor using

that word.


Today I put on a suit and tie and got myself a new job.

In a way it’s kind of horrible, I have to ‘dress up’ now when I goto work.

Some days are better than others.

And, If I want to be free, I’ll be free.

It’s in my head.


She rolled over, next to the ice cold glass of water.

She was in white, the drapes moved with the wind from the open window.

Far in the back we heard the rumble of a stock train going by.

This is where we were that day.


Later I met with Paul and Andy and Myself.

I wish I had some tongues with me.


One summer I would drive my car on errands for my gay boss.

I would drive up the New York State Thruway and get off.

That summer I listened to two songs over and over again, and one tape.

She made me a turkey sandwich; He knew something was up.


My grandmother, on my mother’s side, she would make this potted chicken

dish stew thing.

I, pretty much hated it. But I really did dig the potatoes and carrots in

the stew.


If I’m out in the sun too long, I get an awful sunburn.

Who wants to go walk on a nude beach?

I was walking home the other day, just after a thunderstorm.

The sky was so incredible. The sunset was just over the clouds, but hiding.

The sky was pink and the light reflected all over me and on the streets and

buildings and people and taxi cabs, gosh I wish I could replicate that

beauty ... in a painting or photograph... But It will have to last in my

head. As long as I can take it.


So, like I said, I’ll bring down the government walls.


I finished, and asked her for the check.

I told her “Have a good night.”




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Woman In Blue

The woman in blue

My Azul

From Argentina

Showing her belly button

Her smiling lips

Her beauty bending

Few words spoken

Glances from chairs

I wish I knew her name

I wish I knew her name


She sat just a few chairs away

Just before we exchanged questions and answers

She would look back at me

I would look at her

Glancing her up and down

Following her contour

Her bare feet

And black low cut pants

Up upon her waist and her tight piercing-blue top

The curves of her breasts to her neck

And her rose lips and great baby brown eyes


Imagined the love we could make

She was, a guess, about thirty-four or five

Beautiful from the Southern Sea

All we did for the rest of the evening

Was glance at each other

Not speaking a word

Only exchanging smiles of wonder and understanding

And appreciation for the photographic memories


Woman In Blue

I wish I got to know you

Your aging hands and palms and ringless heart


Woman In Blue

I might bump into you and grind away at what makes you tick

Through our connection of wires that brought us together


I’ll see you later

Hopefully at Two

Tonight, I’ll dream of Blue



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 @ 296 @ 296

New York City

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I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I’m Happy

Walking home

Late at night, just after midnight

I noticed a man urinating on the side of the road

Next to the dumpster

We made eye contact

And he apologized

That made me really happy.



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296

New York City

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J, 1996 - 00 David Harth J, 1996 - 00 David Harth


USS Grasp won’t lift me out of the sea

The United States Citizens won’t pay to fly my father via helicopter

to my crash site out in the ocean bed

At least now I know there is a big loft available in Tribeca

I could be doing lots of art there, and not be just a rich folk

How come I’m not famous?

Because my father didn’t die?

Because my father didn’t work for the government?

Maybe my father did more, if he saved one person from suicide, does that

make him famous? A hero?

Would you dive for me?

Would you dive for my dead father?

And his airplane?

Would the President give a damn?

Will Newspapers cover my death or will I be buried in lonesome without

public knowledge?

Will a Coast Guard ship ferry my father out to see my dead plane?

Will England and Australia and Japan write about my disappearance in the sea?

Why is it appropriate for the Navy to find them?

Aren’t we all equal? all human? Isn’t there an Amendment?

If I contribute the birth of a child or a smile, is that not enough to save

my life?

Or now, my taxes, my money, must pay for the salvage of three I never knew?


I know what really happened, you see...

It was just a little Orgy.

You know the car fun, why not airplane fun?

JFK’s wife was going down on him, giving head, on that airplane, now there dead.

Her sister got hot, and her panties, damn wet - before you know it, the

windows were foggy

and wha-la! JFK was going speedy, and kaboom! (remember that cereal?)

All right, you may be disgusted, but we all know what happened.

It was a double murder-suicide.

You see - JFK was smackin’ around his bitch. The bitch’s sister interfered.

JFK lost his cool and punched her in the face and pushed and pushed and now

she’s gone without a trace; he pushed her out of the plane

JFK knows he done wrong - so now he must beat his bitch out of the plane too

He beat and beat and killed two - that’s a double murder on his plate - what

to do?

He didn’t want fame nor George nor boats nor airports nor common sense,

murder just led him to heaven,

so, he committed suicide after a double Dutch!

And now i buy the papers, it’s what we call art,

or I use for kitty litter and abbey road junior can make a piss on.


How can you say, that the Kennedy family contributed more than the Harth family?

And this justifies why I spent my tax dollars on a man I never gave a damn


I would never get the USS Briscoe out to sea for my commitment

Now I have to go home and take a JFK Jr highway home or bridge over waters?

And later plan my schedule to go around blocked streets because I’m paying

for the President to come to town to pay respect. Fuck that, It’s a free

world, let me walk on the street, or If I do, I’ll be arrested?


I went on the online auctions today

Did you see them?

You can get the first issue of GEORGE magazine for currently $150

You can get the current issue of GEORGE magazine for currently $26

You can get the next month’s issue of GEORGE magazine for currently $26

(with JFK Jr on the cover!)

I got mine; did you get yours?

You can also buy domain names, like JFK-Jr.com and such, for five thousand,

fifteen thousand and twenty thousand dollars. There’s something I need!


I went to St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral

Just a few blocks away

I was just there, a few weeks ago

Out on the street watching girls eat mangos and French films projected on

the church walls.

The old Irish lad came out and said it was a circus in there

Kind of like the media circus out here?

I heard the bag pipes

And took some photographs

The priest came out to those who couldn’t get in, though those that were in,

were hot smelly sweaty pigs and dogs. With no air conditioning, the FDNY

went in often. And Con-Edison, that I paid for, set up unique

air-conditioning that didn’t work.

The priest giving Communion. He came around. He placed a wafer in my hand,

circular with a cross in the middle. I saved it in my palm close to my

heart and now tomorrow, check out the online auctions I’ll make a million

with it!!

After services I toured the church, couldn’t find my art but lit a candle

for a friend.


I ran away and got more tape

I ran away and printed up signs

I trekked down to Tribeca where I posted signs on the Police barricade.

They said

(in small letters):


(in big letters):






A woman asked me, “What organization are you with?”

I replied, “None, I’m just Human.”


But the press didn’t like me.

Gave me weird looks

Yelled and called me names with sarcastic thankyous.

I took photos of my art and went on the waiting line.

It’s time to fuck up the mainstream, and I’ll start with my medium, the media.

so, I went to the flower shrine in TriBeCa

waste of money flowers? how about all the dying children and cancer?

i left an “I AM AMERICA” bill there to lay

and on it I wrote

‘In JFK we don’t trust to fly us’

I have photos to prove it, I’ll show you one day.

And I taped up all over the walls and flowers my signage to the press;



I passed the candles, American-flags, teddy-bears, signs, photos, children,

letters, drawings, paintings, guitars, caps, dead flowers, 20-dollar bills,

glitter, marker, ink, non-American flags, poetry, hands, flashes, elevator

shaft ways, and life

went back to my Police barricades and my signs were ripped down

The press doesn’t like it when I fight back


So now I plead with you all

Realize today we play the bagpipes all together

Like the bum on the corner making a dime

We once were told we were equal, but you see we are not.

Some pigs are more equal than other pigs




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ Tribeca/New York City

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I remember, one day, a few years back ...


While sitting on the toilet, peaking at my shit, as if they were clouds. I noticed the magnificent shape the shit was in. Like Disney characters Mickey & Minnie, ah, childhood. Believe it or not, I was reading Artforum on the potty that day. When talking on the phone and having a drag, my girlfriend calls. She tells me that she wants to tie my legs up to the kitchen chair and make me masturbate in front of her. I tell her she’s crazy but she comes over anyway and fucks me to sleep on my throne of porcelain. I wake up, she still on my shoulders, shit below me, she had pissed all over me. Madonna once said piss is a cleanser, today it got my fungus out of my ass and toes. So, I picked her up, way up high, and ate her out until her thigh was giving me a great big red television reception. She brought that tv in earlier. Just to watch porn, or maybe herself. My girlfriend is a porn star in daisy dukes, she shopped for those cut-off jeans on long ass lines just too entertain me and drive me crazy and insane. Which is why now I do nothing, not even walk or keep house; I just sit on my pot and give up my spouse for this daily shit I do. Too bad, I could have wed or even done med, but without a degree, I’m just going to continue to pee.


© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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M, 1996 - 00 David Harth M, 1996 - 00 David Harth


and as I lay there bleeding,

I yelled repeatedly “Mama, Mama”

in languages unknown to me.



© 1999 David Greg Harth @1515

New York City

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L, 1996 - 00 David Harth L, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Last Night

She was dancing in front of me

Up above my shoulders

On the table before me

Scattered with wine and glitter dust


Her tight white pants

Snugged her clean shaven legs

She grinded her waist

Before my blue eyes


She moaned all night

Sexy she was

I couldn’t help

But get harder and harder


I noticed her daisy flowers

Her breasts bare underneath

With the music playing

And the warm candles burning


She leaned into me

On her 57th street flat

We kissed and dove

And I was joined with Romeo


Embraced and kissed

Feel of a thigh

My fingers glided up and down

Around her navel and in her hair


Bodies pressed against each other

Her nipples stiff in my mouth

I lead her to the bed

Cascaded in gold and ravishing cream


Until late hours of midmorning

After four bottles of wine

Devouring the sex

Until the next night


The silver was all over me now

She and I lay in the nude

With the breeze over us

Laying still watching her

I traced her contour with my finger

Around her insides as she slept

The morning sun penetrated the room

Now whitely lit with a taste of mint


I rise out of bed

With my imagination in place

Step to the sink and splash my face with water

And I awake once more from my dream


© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296

New York City

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth

10th of July

I heard the shuffle of angel’s feet

Because today I managed to take my dagger

And deepen the hole that creates

My own passion and pain


I’ll see you next year

Same time, same place

Quarter of a century, as long as you remember

Bury me in the garden of the lost


Have bagpipes play at my funeral

And play the soundtrack for all

And let the womyn and men in blue jeans

Create paintings on the grassy hillside


Hear my song and chant

Listen to the wind, the music of the night

Dance naked in front of the wildfire

And look in the mirror and see my shadow


Today I’m an angel

Hear my feet sliding and stomping

Hear my heart pounding and my veins popping

Think about the times

And now I hold my dagger closer


Today is a day how we all remembered him

Always fucking around, not one soul knew truth

Except for the great spirit in Missouri land


Look into my blue eyes

Tell me what you see

Search the rest of the earth

And what you have forgotten


We lay him to rest

On this tenth day of July

In Nineteen Ninety Nine





© 1999 David Greg Harth

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V, 1996 - 00 David Harth V, 1996 - 00 David Harth

A Virgin

Oh my god, I did not tell you what happened with that cab driver I

went with last night.  I thought I was going to be possibly kidnapped,

DEFINITELY raped and possibly killed.  He was just basically telling

me how he and his fiancé never had sex and that he is worried about

the first time.  It was an arranged proposal by his mother and he has

yet to see the fiancé.  From this he is asking me about his first

experience to come such as if she is going to bleed a lot or a little and

should he continue or stop and if he does not stick it in the whole

way is it considered sex still and if I had a boyfriend and how my

first time was so I told him that you were my boyfriend and that we

never had sex.  I told him I was still a virgin and he was SO happy.

I was hoping telling him I was a virgin would make him more

compassionate about raping me if that was his intentions.  I figured

that would make him wait to take a slut instead or at least someone

“experienced”.  Anyway..his cell phone rang and I sat in silence for

the remainder of the way.





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296

New York City

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N, 1996 - 00 David Harth N, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I’ll catch you

When I can


You and my ninety

Stamped dollars

You & Nina’s Holiness

And the ticket for inspiration!


You should have been honest

But now it’s too late

When I see you on the street

I’ll know who you are


Because you are the man

With no thumbs


Ninety dollars is nothing

And I’ll shove

A cows tongue up your ass

And this ain’t

No Mapplethorpe photograph!


I’ll see you without pity

A man whose meals are free

For just a little longer

You’ll be wishing you were the fly on a bathroom stall door

Instead of the misery and the ass-mark you’ll have

Red and Black, the colors of America

For Twenty Five Dollars


I write a little note to you

Forever carried on me

So, when I meet you

And Mohammed

I’ll smack you in the face

Until your family feels my fists in your soul

And my children can spit on your blood





© 1999 David Greg Harth

99.06.26:22:12:00 @ St.Marks&3rdAve @ 296ES

New York City

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Five Years At Least One

I remember growing up.

My dad was at Attica.

And I would burn ants as a kid.

And play with the rat poison mom had in the cabinet under the sink.

Richard and I would come up with these weird con-cock-shins.

Like little league volcano science experiments.


I grew up in a farm state.

Filled with apples and I remember cow tipping and buying crap at Sugar Loaf.

And being yelled at to “Just answer the fookin’ question” by my uncle who

gave me the big-ass tannish teddy bear.


I remember the Fourth of July when both of my grandfathers would come down

the walkway and shake hands with open arms, as if they haven’t seen

each other in years.


It’s funny, when I think about it, I remember seeing my next door neighbor

completely naked. She saw a sock on my cock and I saw her breasts divulge

that her puberty had beaten mine. I once saw a kid on a roof and once in a

puddle of rain.


All my memories fade away now in the sun, because that’s when I get these

awful headaches and have to run inside in the shade and darkness. And when

I do, I think of my father that I had lost in upstate New York. The 2nd

largest killing of Americans by Americans since the Civil War. I feel

bleeding on my side because of that, and I’ll never be complete. Even though

I gain a brother every now and then.


I wonder where Jessica is. She sure was pretty, her golden long hair in

braids. That’s what I remember. Too bad I repress certain memories, she

wasn’t my kid. I would have supported her if she was. She didn’t have my

eyes. My eyes. You know what I mean. I’m a seduction sucker. But do I get

sucked or do I suck?


If I asked you to sit in the photobooth and take a photo with me, would

you? That reminds me, I have to go to the meat market and get something for

a self-portrait. Christo said that something was not his and I believed him.

Because I’m unconditional, that’s why I can do this. And he was broken and

bent out of shape? Maybe he should have gone to the doctor then, right?

Doctor? Page them please.


My grandfather would make little toy cars out of Quaker Oat Meal cylinder

cartons and pencils. He also helped me to draw. I remember one distinct

thing he taught me. If you look at the corner of a room, where the two

walls meet, the seam; you’ll notice that its actually lighter than the two

walls. You might think that this is wrong, but actually the two walls are

both reflecting light into the seam, hence, making it brighter. I recall

drawing a pack of True cigarettes with him one day.


She made some pasta for me, and we had some wine. She danced Infront of me

in my year of Nineteen Ninety Nine. We went skinny dipping in her outdoor

pool and the towel she wrapped herself in dropped to the floor.


I was making a list the other day and I was checking it twice. I didn’t want

to see who was naughty and who was nice. A lot are not nice and I want some

more to be naughty. Say naughty. Be naughty with me. Let’s get together and

feel all right. I’m a rebel and I can hear the chimes in the wind. And see

the kite fly above me on the beach of the New Jersey shore. I’m not from



One time I had a friend that introduced me to frog legs. He was an artist

at Columbia. He killed these little frogs and used the back leg muscles to

operate his art frog that was made of metal and machinery. It was a robot

frog with real muscles. David must have thought and wondered if the world

changed just because this little frog left the world. Kind of like when you

step into the ocean, the entire ocean rises around the earth, just because

you are in it! Amazing.


He had a dream about urinating in garbage cans. One Infront of Robin, one

Infront of Travis.


It’s kind of like design, or performance, or a bad artist, or bad move.

Almost like chess, but not checkers; that’s a hot dog, run it through, drag

it through the garden, take me to the river.


I once knew a man that had steel plates in his head. After gutting him I

tied my shoelaces around his neck and hanged him out in the yard.


My brother once taught me about love. But he left the family and has never

come back. He stole lots of things and hearts but I forgave him. He’s my

Valentine, and you are not. Do you hear that laughing or is it the gas in

my head?


Anyway, just a taste of fluid, that today, might be 100%. But give me at

most five years at least one year and I’ll show you something strange in the

mirror. But I won’t be talkin’ to you for a while. Sorry Pop, you know it

and I know it, I’ll catch your tears, if you catch mine.




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296NYC

Fathers Day 1999 @ 296NYC

Thursday after eating some French Toast at VG Bar

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I like the smell of your grape breath

Your New Jersey hairspray

I see your piglet ass

Tight red shirt and blonde hair

Like an ambitious tour and cherished moment

Silver shirt like the shot-gun used to wear

And I have hung

Your goods are baked just right

I’ll never forget handcuffing you

And recalling stories about what he did to you

In that limousine


I took a train ride and met them in Westchester

I took a train ride and met them in Long Island

I took a train ride and met them in Brooklyn

I took a ferry ride and met her in Fort Lee

I could have taken a ferry ride and met them in Staten Island

And I remember the joke my grandfather used to say


I collected the photographs

Didn’t take any yet

I have to phone her back

Wish I had a clock

And a few extra bucks


Thank you for the Oreo cookies

It was quite a dinner!

Where is she, I want to lay beside her

And whisper sweet poetry in her ear

Thank you for the strawberries

I’ll trace your inner thigh with my finger

Later tonight


They didn’t have a good selection in Denver

I paid in Seattle

Bermuda had free ones on the beach

Give me some Mahi-Mahi and bananas too


Wishing upon a star is silly

Hey, you, yes you -

Would you take a shower with me?

God I love showers.

Soapy wet, yum yum!

I wonder who it is

A reader? A volunteer? A hider?


It’s time to go

I’ll get the door

Look who it is

Dressed inappropriately tonight

Who hates that word?

I was once on a cruise ship and tossed plates to the sharks

Not to mention that Richard threw a beach chair over board

Did I say that? Did I make that up?

It’s kind of like the Ten Commandments yet I have a bible

I’m a witness are you?

Time to get romantic





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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C, 1996 - 00 David Harth C, 1996 - 00 David Harth


If you happen to bump into me tomorrow

Or see me


You’ll notice something new

Something different


Great big red rings



Circles around my neck

Around my wrists


Circles from my knife

Traveling around my wrists

Around and around

Cutting and slicing open the skin

Making it warm red

And irritated


The same around my entire neck

A complete circle around





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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M, 1996 - 00 David Harth M, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Not quite large

But bigger than small

Not happy

Nor sad

Just about on the line

Or even

On the line


She thought he knew

He only saw a thin line

He balanced

And waited to cross


He thought she knew

She was medium

Sized perfect

Waiting for something



Like between a devil and a dove

Mint chocolate chip ice cream

Dog walking bird chirping

Silent waves



Waiting of the time spent


Like an opera singer

In the musical devotion

Have a bottle of wine



Put Bob Marley on

And relax in a bath

Candles burn


Be medium

But be beyond



California dressing


Bermuda shorts

Miami screams



Reaching upwards

Bending and curving

Hear the calling


Howling at the wind

Or just the full moon

Picture snapped

Etched in my head



Don’t fear

Just go medium

Medium shade

Medium drive

Medium pulse

Medium rocket

Medium honey

Medium sheet

Medium paint brush

Medium color

Medium whiteness




© 1999 David Greg Harth

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I was with my family and friends at dinner

When I looked down upon each of my wrists

And had gaping holes in them

On the underside of the arm


My arteries were open

With black holes like dark shark eyes

And blood was spurting out

And dripping beyond


I look over the white linen table cloth

And it’s soaked with my rich red blood

I feel wet coldness on my shoulders

As old blood from the ceiling sprays upon me


I awkwardly look at my family and friends for help

Only to find they have no faces

But traces of dust shadows


I arise with my palms at my side

I look lost and had panic eyes in my skull


I step outside to my red earth haunting

And the sky is dark

And the stars are pelting down to the land

Like fireballs from hell


Dark black clouds rolling

And brought deep thunder

A blood red lightning that came up from the land


Creating cracks of flowing red rivers

And leeches and parasites unearthed

With swollen glands and venous eyes


I died in my ache

As I became engulfed —





© 1999 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Turning Insides

I love it

And I hate it

When things are in the flow

Like Yin & Yang

Do you know what I mean?


The other day, I was talking to a friend

About the full moon

The next night I look up, and the next, and just yesterday too,

The moon is full

In glory


The other day, I wrote a poem

And referred to Lord Of The Flies

And what do you know

Just the other day after that,

On the television I see

Lord Of The Flies


The other day, I listened to a song

I haven’t heard it in years

And then

I’m sitting in the diner to eat

And what do I hear?

That song


The other day, I was driving

Down along the Hudson

I wish I would hear this one song

Or at least a song from this band I know

And you know what happened?

The song I was thinking of

By the band I wanted

Just played on the radio

As I drove along


The other day, I admitted to myself

That I’m quite attracted to those New York City women

Who wear those pointed cow boy hats

It’s such a turn-on

It drives me crazy




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 w/PIP&59@287

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Selfish Learning

Velvet Elvis hangs on the mango wall

The elderly couple walk in from early-bird

   and the dog races

Last week it thunder rained

This week all sunshine


She used dry chalk for make up

And rotated Q-tips in her waxy ears until they bled

She brushed fake her teeth clean

   until the gums became a ravishing red and sore with blood

At night she cried in her death sleep and

   choked on her salt tears


Her husband wakes up

   and cleans her ass full of waste and debris

   from the restless night

He has a fag in the dawn light

   looking at his love


She raises herself upwards

  giving birth once more

  to a hairless creature of blind faith and albino devotion

It stinks of raw fish in the smoldering hot room

The paint chips and falls

And the vinyl player dances

Scum baby, Scum baby


The baby delivers his blue eyes

And the theatre audience looks on

The husband wishes he had a fuck

And sweet Jane gives good head


After her bladder gives new

She gets up on her all fours

Wham Bam Thank you Ma’am husband hops on board

And whales the fragile chalked woman

From behind

   way up in the ass


And the day starts once more

Married for only two years

On the west coast of Florida

They keep making children with no eyes and

   Velcro hair

Both previous spouses

   died in horrible car accidents or natural causes


The doctor came today and tied up the husband

   really good

The doctor fucked his wife today

And now the husband knows candle pain

The children scatter on the household floor

   imitate their dying parents

   by playing house and doctor

   with toys from the closet and cupboard


The doctor leaves

   untying the husband

   leaving him to clean up the mess on his wife’s

   old sagging tits

And sending the bill in the mail


The aging couple repeat yesterday’s day

  and when they lay to sleep

  once again

They pray that they will be the first one to die

  so, they will not once more be in mourning




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 1515/296 New York City @ 1515/296 New York City @ 1515/296 New York City

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth

54 look-a-likes (Version #1)

I saw a man that looked like Greg

I saw a woman that looked like Tiffani

I saw a man that looked like Jon

I saw a woman that looked like Jill

I saw a man that looked like Mike

I saw a woman that looked like Nina

I saw a man that looked like Scott

I saw a woman that looked like Mimi

I saw a man that looked like James

I saw a woman that looked like Carol

I saw a man that looked like Travis

I saw a woman that looked like Maggie

I saw a man that looked like Thomas

I saw a woman that looked like Ruby

I saw a man that looked like Dave

I saw a woman that looked like Doris

I saw a man that looked like Chris

I saw a woman that looked like Diane

I saw a man that looked like Marshall

I saw a woman that looked like Debra

I saw a man that looked like Opa

I saw a woman that looked like Carrie

I saw a man that looked like Matt

I saw a woman that looked like Constance

I saw a man that looked like Paul

I saw a woman that looked like Megan

I saw a man that looked like Jim

I saw a woman that looked like Nancy

I saw a man that looked like Jeff

I saw a woman that looked like Robin

I saw a man that looked like David

I saw a woman that looked like Jennie

I saw a man that looked like Me

I saw a woman that looked like Kathleen

I saw a man that looked like Peter

I saw a woman that looked like Erin

I saw a man that looked like Richard

I saw a woman that looked like Susan

I saw a man that looked like Jack

I saw a woman that looked like Claudia

I saw a man that looked like Ben

I saw a woman that looked like Jen

I saw a man that looked like Henry

I saw a woman that looked like Mandy

I saw a man that looked like Tim

I saw a woman that looked like Babette

I saw a man that looked like Lance

I saw a woman that looked like Amanda

I saw a man that looked like Charley

I saw a woman that looked like Sarah

I saw a man that looked like Kai

I saw a woman that looked like Marlene

I saw a man that looked like Patrick

I saw a woman that looked like Stacey


© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 1515 nyc

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