Mothers talk to your sons
Fathers talk to your daughters
Grandchildren talk to your grandparents
And brothers to their sisters
Rabbis talk to priests
Jews talk to antisemites
Catholics talk to Arabs
And Atheists talk to born-again Christians
Women talk to men
And rich talk to poor
Black talk to white
Fags talk to homophobes
Artists talk to other artists
Teachers talk to your students
Song writers talk to your fans
Doctors talk to patients
Depressed talk to those who smile
Friends talk to your enemies
Hosts talk to your guests
And lovers talk to lovers
Sun talk to Moon
And Earth talk to Sky
Let your heart talk
For, without talking,
No one will get anywhere.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
Banana Toothbrush
You might not think
But this is indeed
A love poem.
I’ll be your monkey
And you’ll be my duckling
You’ll have my banana
And I’ll have your quack.
I see your toothbrush
Every day staring at me
I wonder when you’ll use it
Unravel the laughter
Sing songs out loud
Even bananas and toothbrushes
Can be coming around the mountain, when they come.
Call me in the morning
And let our eyes meet once more
Declare you are mine
And I’ll be yours
I welcome you to the Heart of Harth
Please step inside
Find a cozy spot to curl up
And stay a while.
When we do our river walk next
At the end of the night
Let me walk you to your door
And kiss you goodnight.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
August Wind
I walk the streets
The warm breeze runs through my hair
Like your fingers
The lights are dim on the skyscrapers
People walk in chaotic serpentine paths
Avoiding pockets of heat
Water drips from the sky
As air conditioners empty out
Upon the sidewalk below
Circling towards my home
Contemplating, reflecting, thinking.
A smile widens my horizon
Her blue eyes are on my mind
The soft skin I yearn for
It’s the August Wind that brings her to me.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
My Heart Has Spoken
I put out my hand
and now it’s up to you
if you’ll take it.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
My heart, once ached, now stone.
My heart, once available, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
My eyes, once matched yours, now stone.
My eyes, once opened bedside, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
My hands, once held yours, now stone.
My hands, once cupped your breasts, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
My soul, once enlightened by yours, now stone.
My soul, once shared yours, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
My spirit, once beautified by yours, now stone.
My spirit, once raised by you, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
My poetry, once inspired by you, now stone.
My poetry, once written for you, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
My mind, once wrapped in yours, now stone.
My mind, once thought of you, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
My life, once seen with you, now stone.
My life, once here to stay, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
My laughter, once engaged with yours, now stone.
My laughter, once loud with smiles, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
My voice, once whispered in your ear, now stone.
My voice, once spoken words of love, now stone.
You have turned me to stone.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
Everyone stops to think
and everyone stops to reflect.
Everyone stops to smell the flowers
and everyone stops to inhale.
Everyone stops to smile
and everyone stops to laugh.
Everyone stops to rest
and everyone stops to sleep.
Everyone stops to create
and everyone stops to grow.
Everyone stops to thank you
and everyone stops to welcome.
Everyone stops to write
and everyone stops to read.
Everyone stops to witness
and everyone stops to admire.
Everyone stops
But who will stop to love?
© 2006 David Greg Harth
The Sweeper
I am the sweeper,
I’ve come to sweep you off your feet,
But you’ll have to let me.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
My Munro
Eyes of the hawk are on you now
All land west of the great Hudson
Bows to your beauty.
The great rock of Elbert
Buckles beneath the weight of your heart
The beats echo through canyons East of Death.
Eyes of blue will protect your clutch
Should your wax melt to the sea
My grasp shall hold tight like a river bend.
I am the lasting smoke of White Shield
Born in the Long House by spirit
Place of Goshen by womb.
Sun rises and sets with you
Wind has brought you here
I wait for the calming night dance.
Joseph’s Perce have taught me well
To follow the secrets of my chambers
And be with she, my Munro.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
When all the spectators have dispersed,
When the last crow sung its morning call,
When migrant workers marched on,
When heaven came to meet the horizon,
When your open heart became available,
It’s when I kneel,
hold, kiss, and touch
and become the man
of your half.
So, declare your honesty,
Let the silent heart speak,
For I have been listening.
Beneath the stars,
We’ll make love by the Mediterranean.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
And on the last day
All had gathered
Trying to remember him
Attempting to contemplate
Not one could come up with reasons
They did not understand his decision to do what he had done
But only one
Had loved
© 2006 David Greg Harth
Emptiness has filled my heart.
Upon my return,
Fill it with all of you.
Become the keeper of my affection.
Let me witness you,
Dance with yourself.
Meet me at El Gran Café on Avinyó.
We will have pastries,
While we get lost in our own blues.
Hold my hand down midnight streets.
Capture my mind,
You’ll gain my soul.
Feel my soft breath on your nape.
The rotation of earth has not paused,
Only your heart has skipped fourteen beats.
Many more sunrises and sunsets are to be seen.
With you in my arms,
Makes them so much more extraordinary.
Strip off the facades of disbelief.
Say your last goodbyes,
Welcome forever a man of lasting chivalry.
No longer a secret.
Such passion of two
Is beyond infinite divine.
Pull up the battering ram.
Break down my walls of stone and clay,
Make me fall beneath my two feet.
Years without hatched seeds.
You stumbled upon my heart,
Now you’ve taken up residence.
Let us make love beneath a Van Gogh sky.
You are my sanctuary of tranquility,
The only one that can part my seas of reason.
Allow me to enter.
I’ll cascade you with all my love,
Forever I’ll be in your soul.
Open up your atriums.
Discover that I really do have wings,
My whispers will cuddle you to sleep in a Sycamore’s shade.
Pull back the curtains.
See what is in front of you,
Listen and become the woman you truly are.
Get lost with me
Before the bagpipers play their last respect,
And I’m lowered to the donation
Of man’s life long journey of ache.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
4th of July
I was ready to open up,
Almost completely.
You were about to be given a key.
I would have let you inside my heart.
But now,
The door that was once ajar,
Is now closed.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
The Dead Swan
So brave with everything given
Beaten, still and motionless
Struggles to awake
With every rise his neck breaks again
Searching for his pen
Nothing found, not even a heart
Alone death embraced him
Love he had not
© 2006 David Greg Harth
Thump, Thump, Thump
and she wondered, “Was it really he that was at my door? Was it he that was knocking all night long?”
and she woke up, unsure of what was real and what was her imagination.
the only thing she did know, or so it seemed, was the faint, thump, thump, thump.
the beating of his heart,
just outside her door,
just outside her door.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
Moon Ring
Looking South
Into the tropical night sky
I see a mysterious ring
Around the moon
Moon light bounces
On the surface of the ocean
The warm air is above me
While my body floats in the water
That ring around the moon
Perhaps caused my humidity
Or the clouds in the tropic
It reminds me
I tread in the moonlit water
Engulfed in heat
Getting lost in thoughts
I think of you
© 2006 David Greg Harth