B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Booties (Version #2)


I love you.

For 15 years you were a part of my life.

From childhood to young adulthood.

You witnessed me in my crying times.

You were beside me when my brain escaped the world.

You were beside me when I stayed up late to study for tomorrow’s high school exam.

You were beside me when I opened up Holiday gifts.

Of course, you always just wanted the box to play in.

You were beside me as I slept. Most nights, if not every.

You shared my bed and my bathroom sink.

I gave you dinner scraps, not below the table, but on the table.

I took you outside for exploration.

I held you tightly whenever I needed you.

You taught me about love.

With no language or instruction.

You did not speak to me or read to me.

Your comfort. Your fur. The love you provided me with. That is what taught me.

I could hear your heart beat.

I could hear your purr from down the hall.

I could hear your bell from down the block.



You are a crazy cat.

Remember when Mum & Dad got that new mirrored closet in their bedroom?

You were racing around the house and into their room.

You then smacked right into the mirror! (You thought the room was longer!) ha ha!

You are a crazy cat.

Remember on Clay Street,

I had two windows in my room. One facing North and one facing West.

You were in the window sill and then ran downstairs. I then shut that window and opened the other.

A little while later you came racing in and jumped right up to the window sill where you just were.

Only that window was closed! And you went SMACK! right into the window, and fell down!


You are a crazy cat.

You escaped outside (Mum is usually at fault)

You ran through the woods.

And I bolted after you! You were so fast! But I needed you! So, I caught up and brought you back home.

You are a crazy cat.

Remember exploring?

You got stuck in a wall 5 feet down!

Mum had to punch a hole in the wall just to get you out!

You are a crazy cat.

Remember how many times you would run into the garage?

What would I do?

I take the plastic wiffle ball bat and bang it against the floor!

That would scare you and you would race back inside!

You are a crazy cat.

Remember you would always hide in the front closet each time you had the chance?!

You would run in whenever someone grabbed a jacket or took out the vacuum cleaner?

Sometimes after the entire day went by, we would find you sleeping in the locked closet!

Silly cat!



I recall all of your favorite spots.

All curled up in the bathroom sink.

Even if the water still dripped on your tail or back; you didn’t care.

In the heap of fresh warm clean laundry, right from the dryer.

You would love it, of course Mum wouldn’t. Your fur got all over the clean clothes!

How about that black bean-bag chair. The one with the green and orange blanket.

You made that little dip your home, didn’t you?

Of course, my bed too. I’d find you there all the time.

What about the living room chair? And sofa pillows.

You would flatten those pillows to fit your every curve.

How about the dining room chairs on occasion? Hiding under the table.

I could always find you.

How about all curled up in my dresser draw or even just a shoe box?

I also remember another favorite spot.

How about wrapped around the back of my neck?

That was pretty cool, eh?



You loved Tuna night.

It wasn’t tuna for you, but Tuna for Cara and I.

You knew it immediately. As soon as Pop took the can opener out. You were down in the kitchen right away!!

You loved French fries and pasta and potato chips.

You loved fish and meat and even had a fine taste for ear wax. (Yes, I know what you like!)



Remember how we played?

I used to take that tiny gold Christmas ball and unravel some of the gold string and drag it

around the house. You chased those balls all over. And I would have to take the cane and

get the ones you lost from underneath the couch.

You would always go after flashlights or the laser pointer.

You went crazy for bugs.

And loved catnip.

Remember stalking each other?

I was pretty good, for a human, eh?



Your soft grey fur.

Your white tummy.

And white little paws; making those boots, those booties.

Your half white mustache.

Your white whiskers.

Your golden green eyes.

Your curiosity.

Your love that no one could forget. No visitor, not even an enemy.

Your desire to sleep and eat and play.

They are tiny compared to the energy, that you had devoted to love me, and to love others.



I love you forever

Thank you for waiting for me.

I’m sorry it took so long.

But you knew I would be there for you,

as you went, when you were ready.

Gracefully. Peacefully.


I love you forever.



© 2001 David Greg Harth

Dedicated to Booties, my cat.

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth


Booties is dead.

I saw him go in peace.

His eyes locked with mine.

He was calm and innocent.

Not a meow or a flinch.

He seemed to lay lifeless on the table even before injected.

His tumor now the size of an eggplant.

His body frail.

He wasn’t able to drink for days.

A 22 pound cat now a 4 pound skeleton.

His bony structure unstable on four feet.

His drive to explore still there.

Curious as can be.

Dehydrated into nothingness.


A decomposing filth.

His stench was an invitation to death.

Now dead.




© 2001 David Greg Harth

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth


I want to light you on fire

You in your suit

White collar

Golden nugget around your finger

I want to burn you

Burn you to death


I want to see the fire come between your teeth

In the cracks see the fire

See the lies light up in reds and yellows and oranges

Burn you

Burn you to death


I want to show you the blue light

The intense heat and take your Italian suit to the morgue

I want your flesh to burn and all at Broadway to watch

Burn burn burn


I want to light you on fire

And throw a happening around your stench

Burn you to the cross

Or burn you to the market stock

Burn you to the television

Or burn you in the Hamptons


I want to see you burn

I want to hear your heated screams

I want to see your flesh melt

And the dollar coins fall from your pockets

Back to my earth

Burn, burn, burn.



© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC @ 296 NYC

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Buh- bye

And with those last words

She paid her dues


She’s gone forever

Turned the corner


Never before here again

“Buh- bye”

“Buh- bye”

She said in her muttered voice

Her hair messed up

Like she just got up

From last night’s pancake house



I won’t see her around here no more

Not at the cornerstone

Not at the bar

Not at the leftover room

Or under-stove stool


“Buh- bye”

She said

In her soft-toned voice

Her scratchy vocals

Her song of songs


“Buh- bye”

She said in my ear

Whispered to my insides

Kept from me for years


“Buh- bye”

She said along

Sing along

A children’s song


“Buh- bye”

She said

And she was gone



© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Bible Is The Womb

Inside I only hear lost voices

Taste buds of the tongue

And burnt sensations at fingertips

Healed now


Forgotten cries and howls

Daughters lost and stolen

Sons sent for battle to fight

Gone now


Her new spring dress bleached

Stained from the power struggle

Laughter kept away

Hidden from yesterday’s children


The trees now sway

Without a trace of wind

The rain soaks up the ground

And the dead rise from the earth


You are not sad today

Just remembering the horror

Of airplane dreams

And truth of today’s news


© 2001 David Greg Harth

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Blue Moon Daddy

High sky times

No more punk

Just corner planters

And teenage crowds


She made Daddy pay for the cab

And bubblegum

She made Daddy pay for hair bronze

And dance lessons


Four star tribute

And no one in white cares

Twenty-Four heroes

And not mine


She made Daddy pay for the work order

And golden pop

She made Daddy pay for the alcohol

And television show


Limousine won’t pick me up

And black cars ignore me

Irving Plaza wanted sex with me

And I didn’t even dare


She made Daddy pay for the pony ride

And limited edition vinyl

She made Daddy pay for court papers

And thankyous by grace


Candle memorials with signage

Directional turns and onlookers

Leather jackets and photographers

A piece of apple pie


She made Daddy pay for the helmet

And cherry flavor

She made Daddy pay for the holy prayer

And cream



© 2001 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


This is a damn ass bumpy bump

Bumpty bumpty bump


I go bump bump bump

Bumpty bumpty bump


© 2000 David Greg Harth @ FLT#22

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

A Brief Funny Story

I was at my Opa’s apartment last night.

In case you didn’t know, Opa is my grandfather.

Anyway, he is 89 years old and has an older brother, about age 94? in South Africa. They both fled Germany when Hitler decided to kill people.


I was showing Opa what I do at work. I had brought my laptop computer up to him last night and for the first time he was able to see and hear what I do at work and in my art world. I showed him websites I worked on and other things. Even played a video for him.


He was quite amazed at the technology.

We then emailed his brother and some other relative.

But first, he looked at his watch. He noticed the time and he said we couldn’t because if we did that, it would wake them up. I had to take about 4 minutes and explain to Opa that emails don’t wake up people like phone calls do. I still don’t think he fully understands. But it was funny.


And that’s my brief funny story.



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Barnes Summer

If I see an apple on the street now

I’ll pick it up and drink its juices

I’ll be allowed to

It would be appropriate

There is nothing you can do

But Pray, I don’t punch you in the face

And remember those nights

When I called down the hallway

While you were paid

And now you are left in my memory bank

And there is nothing I can do

But hope and expand

But I warn you now

As I do every year

Pray I only punch you

Punch you back

And don’t kill you



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


You are my heart

You are the eyes to my soul



You are beautiful

You are the symphony of life


You are soft

You are filled with the kindness of an angel


You are real

You are a white dove of truth


You are sunshine

You are always brightening the day


You are sensual

You are admired by mother earth


You are warmth

You are the fire that burns inside



You are my heart

You are the eyes to my soul





© 2000 David Greg Harth


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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Being Alone: Isolation

Silent Towers

Discrete Mountains

Cotton Plantations

Communicative Efforts

Reaching Regions

Pilgrimage Cross Checks

Limitation Events

Dying Ageless

Forgotten Chairs

Left Creme

Sugar Daddy

Silent Auction

Super Puppy

Sexxy Girl

Burnt Sienna

Survival Guide Complete



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


She’s my bitch

my honor

my mother fucker


why am I forced to lover her

i don’t even know her

Who she is or where she came from

i don’t know her true history

As I become the alcoholic I’ve always dreamed of becoming

Get me my scotch glass


That bitch

That fucker

Why do you need it

You’ll just be in pain anyway

And you’ll just eat the sand from which she grows


No please or sorry or children’s disease

No ammunition of romantic love for me

No words of wisdom

Or thank you for my art

Fuck you

go to Hell

see you on the other side of God

Like me now?


She didn’t whisper in my ear

didn’t even hold my hand at the shot-put zoo

didn’t even envelope a thought

I love you – the same.


She followed me up to the sky

Slowly I dripped a delivery

One time quicker than last

Nothing left, Nothing to do


She’s my bitch

a conquer

an underdeveloped nightmare


A picture perfect nothingness

A beauty for results

A bad ass

A smooth-over turn table

A crybaby

A silent asshole

She was my dick

My hole

My other

A dust

A tear

A bitten lip

A rose


I can die

In peace

Leave me alone.



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ PH17OBNC

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Brown Paper Bag

I’ve always known

What it was like

To be alone

In the cave of shadows

Being the person whom you only see in a mirror

And wanting

And craving to peel back your skin

And reveal your inner self and inner truth


I’ve been in that state

Standing still

For so long

But now with the current warmth

I can no longer hide

I can no longer let my eyes roll back

Because now I’ll let someone else


And lay my trench coat on the puddle before you


Now I can stand in motion

No longer still

But traveling

With a possible

Great big

Brown Paper Bag...



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC @ 296 NYC


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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


You didn’t touch me

You didn’t come inside

Or hold

You burnt me

Left me to the ashes

Where I might belong

Where maybe I’ll grow


You shut off the light

And slept until the next month

Until the daylight

And I was heated

And thrashed

And converted


You didn’t let me go

You only showed me the tunnel

With your open palms

That my fire couldn’t engulf

I backed

And backed away

Before you could say something


Now I’m burned

Nothing left to ignite

Or start over

Or revive



I’m burned






© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Big beat

Big bird

Big meat

Beat my meat


Big chest

Bid do


Dive my hive


Big man

Big toe

Deep bent

Meant dent


Big beef

Beef cake

Cake make

Snake shake



© 2000 David Greg Harth York City

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Blow me into the heaven I belong

Make me feel the pain that I have caused

Demonstrate the suffering I only dreamed of

Become the death beat in my pulse


Remind me of my father’s love

Listen to my buffalo thoughts roam

Tear open my skin and reveal my truths

Prevent me from eating the disease


Make me shiver in the coldness of tonight

Deliver your message with more conditions and rules

Show me the reflection of the past and image of the future

Become the agony from which I cry from


Get lost with my soul and make me beg for life

Reach for the sockets that hold my art sight

Make me wash my clothes continuously and never remain with the blood

Become my fallen teeth nightmare and crack me


Settle the upwards issue

Blow to my brains that will be televised

Let the hollow hole bring light to the earth from which a flower does not grow

Restore my history with your learned beauty


Stare at my darkness and hidden causes

Make me think about swallowing and never do

Feed me to the pit and make me never decompose

Cut loose the ties which bound me to my beliefs


Make a run for the silent hills

Make me shackled and naked and false

Make me love until I ache in fetal pain

And forget about me as I become my gorgeous depersonalized self



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Black Cars

I ain’t nothin’

I’m scrap

I’m trash

My sign is nothing

My image is nothing


My style is stolen

My behavior is imitated

My look is manufactured


I ain’t nothin’

I’m low

I’m invisible


They don’t notice me

They don’t consider me

They don’t allow me

They don’t acknowledge me

They don’t follow me

They don’t fondle me


I ain’t nothin’

I’m a no body

I’m worthless

I’m a piece of dung


I’m not heard

I’m not sought

I’m not reported

I’m not stalked

I’m not felt


I ain’t nothin’

I don’t have a voice

I don’t have a friend

I don’t have a telephone

I don’t have a white glove

I don’t have a back door


I ain’t nothin’

Because I don’t travel in black cars



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Banana Republic

In my mailbox the other day,

I received an advertisement from Banana Republic.

It said:




The Flagship Store at Rockefeller Center,


featuring accommodations, a person should be able to take

for granted, plus some very fancy gadgets:


A coat and bag check to free you for more noble pursuits.


Cell phone re-charging while you shop.


Store concierge. Whatever you need, someone will take care of it

within the limits of the law.


Complimentary delivery anywhere in Manhattan

(for purchases of $300 or more - through the end of 1999).


Palm Computing® connected organizer uploads of the store (and

other similarly fabulous places in Manhattan).


In other words, there may be more service than you can use at any

given moment, but don’t let that keep you from trying.





Now what I find amusing about this advertisement is statement number 3.

Let’s go over it again:


“Store concierge. Whatever you need, someone will take care of it

within the limits of the law.”

I have a question, actually, several, or, maybe they are propositions.


Would anyone here ask the store concierge to....


rob a bank?


murder someone?


rape someone?


bomb something?


hold up the store?






Now, why was this included on the advertisement?

Did lawyers suggest it from a fear of possible lawsuits?

Customers complaining that the concierge would not rob a bank with them?

I don’t know.


Advertising is weird. America is weird. I’m weird.



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


B because I never knew one

B because I never was sleeping

B because I never got lost

B because I never fell in deep


B because it’s a combination

B because it’s a wild roar

B because it’s the sun in the West

B because it’s a reflection


B because I never twisted along

B because I always imagined and hoped

B because I believe

B because I saw her smile


B because it’s real

B because it’s together

B because it’s a portrait

B because it’s about the warmth


B because I never was wrapped

B because I never was washed

B because I never was written

B because I never was willed


BB is an equal, a spirit

A hunted hunter

BB is lost and found

A laughter of captures

BB is tonight, a song

A magnet from the future

A heaven, a self, a crying animal




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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