T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


B01, taken, contracted


B03, taken, extracted




B07, painted, felt-up


B09, revolted, taken


B11, changed

B12, taken, changed, better

B13, taken, returned


B14, misplaced

B15, (B), taken, new

B16, created, currently

B17, taken, because






B23, me


B25, taken, first, quarter, cents


B27, I love you


B29, taken, remind me later


B31, exchanged, taken, taken


B33, taken, possible





B38, 2nd


B40, taken, long




© 1998 David Greg Harth @ 296 nyc

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Two Little Children

Two little children

One boy, one girl


Brother and sister

Around age four


The little girl wears

a small denim blue dress


While the little boy is in

a special-forces uniform


They chase each other

running around

with screams of happiness and joy


Stopping at every corner

to explore their interests

and feed their curiosity


The little girl sings songs

and hums tunes

of cartoon shows


While the little boy

shoots his make-believe handguns

at imaginary enemies


Both in tune with each other

yet existing in external worlds

as a happy brother and sister




© 1998 David Greg Harth @ NYC Lincoln Tunnel

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Your St. Sunshine hair

Your bright blue eyes

Wonders reflecting my own

Absorbing my own

Captivating and swallowing me up


Your peace of mind

And committed heart

To the artists and the young


Ignited by chance

At the heat of November

The rains drowning my sorrow

Thoughts of you - rapidly fly


Your exquisite bi-line

A pleasure call to those who defend

A human touch needed

Heart pounding for your uncommon desire


Quietness and calmness

Innocence revealed through years

Only your beauty is an image

Burned into my mind





© 1998 David Greg Harth>NYC10036

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Triple X Make-Believe & PDBs For a Day

A man in Omaha found silver

Crazies with methods of money making

Advertising breasts

Popping in and out of lining sidewalks


Women braless bouncing with loose fitting tops

Abortion killers and bus driver low skirters


Scat singers and Pop Culture

Lime green shirts and checkered pants

Fitting fine

Fine man


Elevator lifters

9th avenue buttons



Park nectars

Brown captures


Devil keepers and stocking stuffers

White trash replicas

And grandma’s make-up


Transvestite hookers and game players

Fatality heat and laughing belt stranglers


Television, Radio, Communicating networks at net worth

I got the winning rub-off in my pocket


Grieving make-up old ladies

Parody at your feet


Industries of devil CEOS

Beauty queens along the park


Pretentious riders and fake believers

Gorgeous generations of generosity





People, People, People-

Listen to what they say.






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Tortured Crush

Stab me in the heart

Remind me of a memory


Walk with me to the park

Watch the swans go by


Hold my hand tight

And stare into my blue eyes


I bite my lip and taste my sorrow

Knowing that maybe

You don’t want the lust


I would give up everything

To touch you and feel you


To be drowned in your brown eyes

Falling from heaven into another heaven


Floating skies and flying doves in pairs

Swallowing up inside


See me, the one in front

See who I am

And don’t let me hide


Break the rules

And gather your thoughts

The crush gets deeper

With every move you make


Mysterious walks

And talks

A puncture in the back


I would burn my art

For the kiss at your lips


I would see no one on earth

For the warmth of your heart


I would sacrifice my thoughts daily

For your touch of every day


I would make every wish and dream come true

For the beauty gaze on your brown eyes


I would sacrifice my soul

For the sweetness of your lips


I would bleed forever

For you to survive in happiness


I would taste your tears

With my silent tongue


The crush kills me

It twists me

Like bent molten metal

Turns me upside down


Like Romeo and Juliet

It’s a Tortured Crush

A poisonous desire


I would let you inside

And see myself

My disease of emotions

I’ll be your sister and brother


You stripped me of my innocence

My virginity

And my belief



© 1998 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I was a traveler today

Passing in front of everyone

Behind a car


It was a station wagon

Of maroon color

Two children were in the back


Back of that 4-runner vehicle

I saw them waving and yelling

Yelling at each other

A boy, a girl

Fighting humorously


I only saw them

Through the rain absorbed windshield

But oddly,

I could hear them

Hear them in my head

The sounds coming from behind me


The children’s laughter

And amusing little cries

And wonderful tearful sounds

Pleading, cracking, smiles


I was a traveler today

Followed the children

I heard them all





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

take her there



beaming down

flying thru the night

smelling the way

peering thru the darkness


following the scent

the trail

the beauty


to the castle

the forest

the deep ocean


the midnight skies

the moonlight guides

the sweetness leads

the thighs open


take her there

to that place

the cliffs alongside

beachfront horror

death below

orgasm above


She is there, He is there

take her apart

bite at the neck

knife to the hand

He cuts his, and cuts hers

trickle blood

down her spine

way down low

and around again


finger the blood

around her every curve

ice blood

warm to touch

animal heat


a meat


slowly push

take the dripping finger

up to her thigh

glide inwards,

in her inner thigh


smell the horror

the taste of shadows

the taste of angels

devils too


in he pushes

his finger

over and over

with blood boiling

hot; around

inner walls

tear the inside

heal the outside

the mind




feel her need

give her a want

take her head

on her knee



the seas below

the danger surrounds

the cuffed

the bound

the broken


red, black, silver

make a night

nighttime true

She is there, He is there

take her there...


Now answer this,...


Who is she?

Who is he?

And where is there?




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Talk this, Talk that



Black ties

and gourmet dresses

diamond backs, running up their shoes


diamond rings

diamond earrings

necklaces; galore


ostrich feathers

from lace to leather

pure Italian fabric

to the American blend

No Gucci,

a higher standard;

of living...


young, old, mostly mid, mid old

thin, physique

pretty frame; in a picture

fifty year old


sheer dress

white ruffles above black

what’s this?

Her dried out nipple





walk by



all over


but no smoke


bubbled water

walk thru

no eats




and beautifuls

french, asian, american too

men of high,

none of low

except me

and mine

and a few others



satin, silk,


soft skin


older; bring out the breasts

younger; bring out the crime


blue eyes

red eyes



blue eyes

green eyes

why isn’t my art here?


men in haircuts


fitting suits

navy and midnight


pipes in the pocket

frizzy hair man

always there

always here



on the wall

spread open

wide for us

the viewer

the rich folk

the non-common folk

the irony of


high art/low art


no snobs

we did not talk

just drink


and talk

lots of talk


no security



outdoor garden

a picasso?

a magritte?

a water baby


towers above

pollution outside those walls

or is it in these walls?

the artists hide

the contributors pay

who is the judge

not you

not I

but they


Why is it them

and not I

Why is there crap

on that bottom floor



a mention goes out

a radio talk shout


americana clean


and one with

a black



little ones

get out of my way


a smile

a rub

a portion,



a smile

a rub

a friendly hello

and an eyebrow liner

a stream down her leg,


talk this talk that

pornography on the walls

talk this

talk that

its pornography they want?

talk this buy that

its garbage they have

talk this bought that

its shit in their pockets;

death at their head

bring out the artists

and the irony

i do not get




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Tears roll down,

I would wipe them.


Tears roll down,

I would taste them.


Tears roll down,

I would catch them.


Tears roll down,

I would keep them.


Tears roll down,

I would help them.


Tears roll down...

no one ever catches mine.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

Mother’s Day

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


The rivers of red, they flow down virgin thighs

The pulling of sheets, the clench of a fist


The tears run down, the beauty cheeks

The yells unheard, from deep inside the heart


The power struggle, sounds are muffled

The reality of him, he over she


It may be a response, but a force will blow

It may be a fight, but the winner will not pull


Scratch his back, nice and calmly

Scratch his back, dig deep inside


Scratch his eyes, pull his hair

No bitch- lets pull yours


Pull down those borders

Pull down those barriers


Intrude, not to produce

Intrude, not to love



Spread open

Wide open

Don’t be alarmed

You will not be harmed

Don’t be fake

You aren’t going to wake


Kneel down

Kiss it baby

The river flows

That virgin river


The pool; in red

The pool; in horror


It’s not going to hurt

It’s not going to be an answer


Don’t tell

I’m only mama’s boy

Don’t tell

I’m your friend

Don’t tell

I’m your lover

Don’t tell





For we have to stop that virgin river.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


push them

bleed them

take it to utopia

an internal

a love of everlasting

give more

take more

i can see the light

but you stand in the shadow

i’m chained

you don’t let me see

you don’t let me in

i want it more and more

i can have it

i don’t know how to have it

i can be in it

i don’t know how to be in it


at my side

or at my wrists

around my head

spike in my heart

my tears roll down

for you

for you whom I do not know






© 1997 David Greg Harth

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