A, 2006 - 10 David Harth A, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Approaching The End

When everything caves

When everything is lost

When you feel like you have nothing

When you walk that edge

When you contemplate that line

When you are about to cross

When you are ready to hang everything up

When you are going to give up

Remember you have me,

And I’m here for you; forever

I’ll do anything for you

Because I love you


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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O, 2006 - 10 David Harth O, 2006 - 10 David Harth

The Only Reason

The only reason

is because the ease

of readily available

has not offered itself

upon myself.



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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L, 2006 - 10 David Harth L, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Love (Version #22)

Love is blind to my fingers. I can’t see nor speak.

I have left buildings unbuilt.

I left stadiums filled with trash.

I left back seat lovers alone to crumble into high tea.

High noon galleries are shot down from false trees.

I write, blind to the very alphabet I seem to have hatred too.

Its only love that makes me follow the words I now speak.

They tell me she is beautiful.

Beyond my dreams and my nightly nightmare.

Why does the nightmare continue to haunt my every day existence then?

I’ll never know,

Instead, I’ll get in the cockpit, and I’ll fight the fight a fighter jet fights.

Because love is love,

And love I’ll leave alone.

Because if its love I understand,

Then love is not what I’m in.



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Belief In An Ending

Without her

The skies darken

Louder voices crash upon my understanding

My thumbs tremble

Her laughter echoes in my head



Take the pale captive across the river

Show him what to believe in.


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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T, 2006 - 10 David Harth T, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Trying Hard

Pleasing you -

I try hard at my job.

I try hard at my art.

I try hard at my love.

I’m trying, doing the best I can.

I’m giving the best I got.

I know it’s not enough.

My tries are not hard enough,

I’m not trying hard enough.

I wish I could try harder.

I wish I could be someone else.

But I’m only me.

So, I think it is best to be said,

I’m better off dead.


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth


From a distance

Audience watched

Portrayal realistic

No more fiction told

This was the finish

Father would be proud


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

In The Middle Of Nowhere

Brought out on top of the hill,

beneath the same Oak tree.

The Oak tree just on the outskirts of Arcadia Hills

Near the windmill with the dog which always barked,

the dog with the long beard,

the grey goatee,

that haunted my dreams as a nightmare when I was a child.

The dog, a reality at the mill.


Brought there by nine men,

took me in an unmarked van painted a deep red,

windows tinted black, hubcaps rattled, the engine got louder with each gas.

They were rough, and they were buff.

They must have worked out too much

Or played the game.

They blindfolded me inside the dirty van,

perhaps rented, or recently abandoned.


Brought me sitting up to the hill,

tied for judgement.

One of the men,

he removed my blindfold, now soaked in sweat of fear.

With a strong strike,

he slapped my face.

I felt the cold blood trickle down my left cheek.

A mark left under my eye, must have been from his high school ring.


Brought me up to my knees,

they accused me of unthinkable acts.

Accused me of spreading the disease to their sister.

I explained, I claimed, unaware, not even here.

They didn’t listen, they only slapped once more,

as the Oak tree looked on in silence.



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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S, 2006 - 10 David Harth S, 2006 - 10 David Harth

She’s In Love

Stopped eating months ago,

Took off her gown, her dress,

Finished up her hair,

Put away her make up,

It was Tuesday,

She’s in love now.


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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D, 2006 - 10 David Harth D, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Don’t Die

I’m uneasy —

Today this day I die.

This new day, new year.


Bloody palms laid to rest,

Heart beat put to the test.

Glass shards thrown across the way,

I extended my unwelcomed stay.


Morning light, she slits her wrist,

In a fight, he raises his fist.

Night before marched soldiers of contradiction,

Artisan prepared for his crucifixion.


They said love wouldn’t last.

They said it would just past.

I’m a man of my word, commit to the fast.

I put up the sail, I put up the mast.



I returned to the scene.


I’m no longer corporate’s machine.



© 2008 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Back And Forth

We go back and we go forth.

Forth from the back and back from the forth.

Back and forth, Back and forth.

We go back, we go forth.

I’m going back, they are going back.

They go forth, I go forth, they go back, I go back.

Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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L, 2006 - 10 David Harth L, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Landing On Rocks

She was swift

Fast on the high seas

Next to the rugged shore

Fast on the row

She knew how to take charge

Present, challenge, confront

Signs of strength

Up and down the coast she loved

No matter how many curves or journeys

She was light when there was dark

She was bright when there was calm


She came forth

He set aside

The steps not taken

The hair not brushed

The lip not bitten


She put up the flags

She claimed her ground

Stood tall, stood proud

Of the life’s school

Learned defeat, he did

She smiled a span

It was the aged wood

It never sank

Only floated forever

Until twelve of second



© 2007 David Greg Harth

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V, 2006 - 10 David Harth V, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Virgin Eyes

China Seas

Autumn Leaves

Parachute trooper down on his knees

My heart he will fully seize


Secrecy is among intruder’s invasion

Welded hands together on sunset’s occasion

Madame of no persuasion

Her thighs have a telling abrasion


Blind man sees a reflection

Blooms in the ninth direction

My love is an infection

Last year’s rear inspection


Gotham bells ring

Choir of four sing

Black dove breaks a wing

Elephant imported from Beijing


Dedicated fidelity to you

Nerves of long pig are blue

The twisted tongue is true

I’m son of Sioux


Honesty ripped

History buried in the crypt

Life’s unwritten script

Canvas now stripped


Mediterranean’s East

Six year’s feast

Analyzed by master of the priest

Love will always be released


Unlock the purpose, open the door

From somnolence I lived once more

Vehement man of war

Hear me now, hear me roar!



© 2007 David Greg Harth

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I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

I Locked The Door, Turned The Key

Leaving my apartment, quarter to nine.

I locked the door; I turned the key.

I thought of our time in Japan, we had no idea what time it was.

An American restaurant on a hill.

I have to call Matthew today, to see Charles Ray.

I love his music, different Charles, I’ll have a beer at twelve.


I fell out of love, and fall for the loved.

I went back to your place, you gave me a massage, you gave me head.

So, we went back down south, I went down on you.

These crowds invite me to participate, I’ve got a headache.

Thunder clouds roll in, garbage disposal disposed.


I wake from my sleep, I post the mail, I make eggs, I eat cookies.

Blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes,

They all make love to me.

Never forget.

I can’t recall. I can’t reflect. I have a birthmark; I have a defect.


Rewind, revisit, redo.

Leaving my apartment, quarter to nine.

I locked the door; I turned the key.

I thought of Tokyo.

The air so crisp, so right, my black jeans tonight.

The rabbit comes out, the brothers come out.

You’ll have noodles, I’ll have rice.

Fish on my plate, fish on my knee, better to spank your ass with a bucket of tea.


I went out to the mountain.

After the post office run.

You pointed incorrect directions for me.

I went over the bridge.

Like all the other written materials written before me.

And I am me and me is you and you are me and me is you.

I’m dead, because if I’m not dead, I jumped.

Jumped on the tracks, shocked you all, it’s how I’ll go, but remember.


Re-love. Replicate. Justify. Get high.

I know what I meant.

After all,

I’m an elephant.

And I locked the door, turned the key.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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M, 2006 - 10 David Harth M, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Moving Nothing

Overcoming night’s dream.

Dripping wait you wake out of love.

Hands holding you back.

Beating you down into the mold you are.

You try to become who you are not.

Wearing clothes of a rock star or preacher’s son.

Wake up on the wrong side of the bed.

Wrong time, wrong day.

The battle begins, the tears roll down.

I hear you call my name, I wake up, restless,

Once more.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Breakfast With My Thumbs

I’m not a lover of Corn Pops.

My father ate those when I was growing up.

I love Cocoa Puffs, that’s perhaps my favorite.

Although, they kinda hurt the roof of your mouth – like Cap’n.

Crunch, but I love Cap’n Crunch with Crunch Berries, although,

now they have green and blue berries and it looks disgusting,

but, I think I’d still like it. Yum. Lucky Charms is good too.

I really love good old cheerios. Cocoa Pebbles is awesome too.

Even fruity. Maybe I’ll get some Count Chocula soon.

I haven’t had Frankenberry forever.

I’m a Cinnamon Raisin bagel man, if plain.

If with cream cheese and/or lox, then poppy please!!

I like plain coffee. At times flavored, but never vanilla.

I love all fruit too. Def. have to have my apple a day.

Kiwis are good too – lots of vitamin C!

I’m a HUGE apple cider fan. It’s quite orgasmic.

I can only really drink fresh squeezed OJ.

When OJ is processed, it becomes more acidic for some reason,

same with fresh squeezed OJ that is left over night.

I love potatoes too! And Asparagus!


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Black Chariot

Hollow heart grieves

For the third decade’s third

From the southern mountain top

To the oven’s last howl


She follows him in dreams

He walked the long road

With an unsolved disease

Found scatters of pewter


Empty son of unknown and drunken

Honored endorsed the written

The boxer loses his match

Mouth bleeds verse


Expiration draws moths near

Praying louder over your own rumble

Last dance has been sung

Spread upon leaves of grass


Fruit eaters of the way

Parting devotional waters

Finding sins in promises

Motions conducted the eagerly pleased


Trees roll down cascading autumn crops

Damaged dreamers climb higher

No steps to support loose footing

Your stones crumble into the sea


Men of cloth scold his activities

Molested last night’s politician

Shank bone departed in the chariot

Left the witnesses behind


Head given under the filthy

Behind velvet ropes pain radiates

Spinal fluid tapped out

Spilled protein leaked down to the eleventh floor


Awakened from sleep

Insects crawl out of his rear canal

Sparrows swallow her plea

Cries fetched no aide


Lonely die in drought

Tears reborn the ocean’s cacti

Mother’s scarlet soil grasps

And desperate fire burns him entirely



© 2007 David Greg Harth

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2006 - 10, S David Harth 2006 - 10, S David Harth

Sleeping (Version #2)

There is no time to sleep.

Only to command.

Movements of research beneath the sheets.

Let communists suck my thick cock.

Blondes line down the street

An officer finds my hole.

Peggy and take it on in.

Critics say I’m nothing

But they haven’t even critiqued.

I drool, I spit, I defecate, I spunk like two G’s.

Thank you Benjamin.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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S, 2006 - 10 David Harth S, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Standing For No Reason

I’m standing for no reason.

No reason at all.

But I want to meet you.

I cannot sit and I cannot read and I cannot listen to music.

I’ll stand until the exit and I’ll stand until the rain.

I’ll stand until the end and I’ll stand until you have completed.

I’ll stand forever until I meet you.

For it is you that I stand for.

You are the reason I stand,

I stand for nothing.

And nothing is what I stand for.

With no reason I stand.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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