dhubpup (Poopsie the Rooster & Fluffernutter)

Poopsie Whoopsie Woopsie Doo!

I fell on my bottom

Oh boy oh booty do!


Rooster Goose I once knew a Moose

A mouse in a house of course


Cutsie Poototsie Plus

Whacky Wacky Wacked-A-Roo

Whimped Wump Woo


Barefooten frook-a-doo!


Guess What?

Chicken Butt!

Shut my mut til my smut gut lut

Shrink brink dink sink mink

link a kink a rink a fool!


Banana Peanut Butter

Fluffernutter shutter



April Fresh

Don’t want to make a mess

How about less stress better be ness!


Big boss moss

Lost a sea a man at frost


She shore sunny day

Maybe today maybe tomorrow

Hay day, Hey La La!


Whacky Whacked Whack-a-Roo


Jack Smack Pack my Rat

Jack Rack Duck my chin

Dine Mine Rhine o Rhyme!

Deep Deeper Deepest Dope


Poopsie Whoopsie Woopsie Doo!

I fell on my bottom

Oh boy oh booty do!

Now what do I do??



© 2000 David Greg Harth


If You Let Me In


Instruct The User