If You Let Me In

Your lips

Penetrated my armor suit

What am I to do?

If you let me in

If you let me in


I remain silent


Not knowing


My guard falls down

I’ve been strong for years

Solid with concrete walls

Huge doors and locks


Your lips

Penetrated my armor suit

What am I to do?

If you let me in

If you let me in


I circle your navel with my tongue


Not feeling


My eyes look up at the darkness

It’s all I can do

Until you let the warmth come out

And I can hold you tightly


Your lips

Penetrated my armor suit

What am I to do?

If you let me in

If you let me in


I engulf your body and mind at times


Not experiencing


My heart beats

I know I’ve been evil

But my truth keeps me alive

And your beauty makes me want to be alive


Your lips

Penetrated my armor suit

What am I to do?

If you let me in

If you let me in



© 2000 David Greg Harth




dhubpup (Poopsie the Rooster & Fluffernutter)