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Dollar For A Dream

Why did you bend down towards me?

Show me your cleavage?


And how do you do that trick

And spin your necklace around and around

Your charm falling between your breasts?


Why do you do that?

Flaunt and tease me

Putting handcuffs on my warm hands

And make my heart full of a snake’s cold blood?


And how do you cast shadows

And make the darkest night darker

How come my depth is only commercial to you

Yet you can reveal your inner self

Infront of me with your tits?


Why is it when I mention real English

You shutter at the thought of what I say?

Why do you do that?

And question my origin?


How come you can leave it open

Or close it

But when I come in

It does not exist?


How come the power that can be seen

And the mirage that can be felt

May seem to me

Just a fake orgasm?

Just a time that I want to hold onto forever?


Why do you do that?

Why do you shove your breasts in my face

If I have not given you a dollar

for a dream?





© 1998 David Greg Harth