U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Available For Love)

I give up my world for you

For your touch

For the smoothness of your skin

For the revolution around your soul


I give up my world for you

To have the sensation

To kiss your cheeks

And hold you forever


I’ll show the world who I am

Come out of my hiding

Show no secrets

And answer all questions


I’ll stop my art

I’ll become a shadow

To save you from agony

To save you from hope


Notice me

The person inside

The man

The passion

The sweetness

The kindness

The lover

The artist


Don’t talk to me

Just show me the way

Put your words aside

Show me your emotions


Let me see your insides

Your heart

Your beating




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I’m waiting for the sun to burst

I’m waiting for the line to end

I’m waiting for the train


I’m waiting for her

For love

For she


I’m waiting for togetherness

Peace & Beauty

I’m waiting for the song to end

For my pain to halt


I’m waiting for art to show

On gallery walls


I’m waiting for the hunted

I’m waiting for my prey


I’m waiting for the food to cook

I’m waiting to bury my father with a puzzle


I’m waiting to kneel down in front

Holding hands


I’m waiting to caress her skin

To hold her hand

And lay upon her chest


I’m waiting for the sign

To Walk or Don’t Walk

I’m waiting for the rain

To pour and wash my tears away


I’m waiting to help the helpless

The sick, the dying, the dead


I’m waiting for the year

I’m waiting very long


I’m waiting for the optimization

I’m waiting for the tour

I’m waiting for the day

And for the tap


I’m waiting for the dream

And the memory

The shared time

And the first dinner


I’m waiting for the night

And the scent


I’m waiting for the sight

And the touch


I’m waiting forever

Until realism is defined

Until moments are defined

Until I am pinned

Into my corner of make-believe

And truth.






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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M, 1996 - 00 David Harth M, 1996 - 00 David Harth

My Crucifixion

For you

My tears are drops of rain

My affection is a wounded heart


Your beauty is a cobra’s venom

Poisoning my body to unearthly heaven


Making me spin out of control

In a tornado of optional corrupted hard thickness


Deep down inside

In the bush

Between the gods, the land, and the sky

I hide


I wait for people like you

To gather around my waist

And hold me tight

Like the grip of last night’s wind


For you

I slice at my skin and save your sins

I collect seeds to plant

To water and nurse

The growth of us


Seeing your smile

Hearing your laugh

I have to make noise

Yell and scream

Show my orgasm

As your beauty shades my existence


Again Again

I make myself known

To you and the world


I give up everything

For you

I crucify myself

To be with you




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth

458 (Found Poem)

blue eyes from the west

meet blue eyes from the east

she: olive skin

he: ghost from beneath

a thank you

a penetration

a no “please” on the ra-dio


smooth reaches

navel galore

experience truth, “A”

let the artist inside

and he may never come out

let the artist inside

and one day, I will dive


you reached an ocean

i took the lead

you felt the motion

I conquered the colors


crystal blue

round and yours

the touch, the feel, holy inside

the secrets, the fantasies


a division of society

sheets make a boundary

a simple hello

an intense hug


beauty surrounds

that glow within

from far they come

and to be with them


a wish from below

and above

a journey of no other

a complex wonder



the sensual

the enriched

the lasting


from day to day

a thought behind

baby eyes

eyebrows to die for


every curve

every inch

heat sensitive

and a cool breeze




no justification

just an imagination


outside or


over and out

i am about


feel the time

hold it

grasp it

capture it


then and only then

ask yourself

deep down inside


or why not?


wise, very wise


and today

see a new red shape





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth



Kissing at 4th

Candy given

Chocolate given



Served me

But did not wait for me






In the heart




Wanted me




I fucked up

At least I thought

And every time I remember



Never will I ever

Chugging along

Making it





Shove my tongue

Down that throat



Pouring gasoline

Most fun I had

Burned soul

And frightened ass

I tattooed the smoker’s grave!




Figure it



Shave me

For I hardly knew

But I was hard

As I mounted numbers



Fucked thrice

Thrived on my thirst

Bought me

And I gave it




It’s a game

Desire my lust?



It’s a game

Desire my lust?



All I can do is think

And recall

And the donation of the fucker



Gotta love it

Going down on me

Like a fluttering bee



Wish it was

Next to me

Beside me




I don’t know

Hidden behind paint

Get to know anatomy

It’s the future





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Bunny Rabbits Don’t Make Mistakes

I’ve made mistakes

I’ve skipped a few


I hide

A run from it

Instead of facing it


Yes, like you, I run

In different directions

A fear of the help


I ran down tree tunnels

And bunny rabbit trails

I hit holes

And travel in the fog


But the bunny rabbits

They continue to nibble

All in the right places


They never make mistakes

They do everything right

Hop along

Away from me

Towards me at times

Those certain times


But I, I made the mistake

The mistakes

I have forgotten the importance

Of patience among care and feeding

... said the little rabbit


Bunny rabbits never make mistakes

They guard the family’s territory

On the land of Christ


They make sure I burrow

Deep down inside

And pretend to not hear


You quickly pull out


As if unnoticed

Not from either direction

In the dark, you are a bunny rabbit

In the daylight, who am I?


Who am I?



© 1998 David Greg Harth

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I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I Need You

I need you more than ever.


I need you like a forest

        needs rain


I need you like a tree

        need roots


I need you like a serpent

        needs a sea


I need you like a great white heron,

        needs the sky


I need you like the ocean

        needs a current


I need you like a chainsaw

        needs electricity


I need you like a wolf

        needs meat


I need you like a temple

        needs prayers


I need you like a rapist

        needs power


I need you like an infant

        needs a nipple


I need you like the mountains

        need valleys


I need you like a television

        needs a viewer


I need you like a fuck

        needs love


I need you like a dream

        needs sleep


I need you like thunder

        needs lightning


I need you like a spider

        needs a web


I need you like a soul

        needs a body


I need you like a disease

        needs a host


I need you like evil

        needs good


I need you like a warning

        needs a cause


I need you like blood

        needs a place


I need you like a thought

        needs a spark


I need you like a breeze

        needs a direction


I need you like time

        needs movement


I need you like an engine

        needs fuel


I need you like a person

        needs a label


I need you like a candle

        needs a flame


I need you like dust

        needs a plain


I need you like a river

        needs a bend


I need you like a screw

        needs a nut


I need you like Columbus

        needed a map


I need you like Warhol

        needed a gun


I need you like Dorothy

        needed a home


I need you like Gilligan

        needed a boat


I need you like Santa

        needs a sleigh


I need you like the Bee-Gees

        needs a mirror-ball


I need you like Vox

        needs the media


I need you like one

        needs destruction


I need you like a film

        needs an audience


I need you like dinner

        needs a plate


I need you like boiling water

        needs heat


I need you like a logo

        needs treatment


I need you like color

        needs light


I need you like peace

        needs war


I need you like men

        needs God


I need you like religion

        needs followers


I need you like a fetus

        needs a womb


I need you like a bee

        needs honey


I need you like a tongue

        needs a taste


I need you like a worshipper

        needs an imagination


I don’t need you.





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Rugged Sexy Rebel

Shake of a bet

I met you at night


A drag you had

The look you gave me


We stared silently

As others looked on


Connected beneath your skirt

As you painted my portrait


Eyes locking & bending

Till Midnight

You watch me walk off



My memory recalls

Sexy attitude

I’ll find an artist’s tool

And phone you later





© 1998 David Greg Harth>NYC10036

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Your St. Sunshine hair

Your bright blue eyes

Wonders reflecting my own

Absorbing my own

Captivating and swallowing me up


Your peace of mind

And committed heart

To the artists and the young


Ignited by chance

At the heat of November

The rains drowning my sorrow

Thoughts of you - rapidly fly


Your exquisite bi-line

A pleasure call to those who defend

A human touch needed

Heart pounding for your uncommon desire


Quietness and calmness

Innocence revealed through years

Only your beauty is an image

Burned into my mind





© 1998 David Greg Harth>NYC10036

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth

220 sandwet

I was at your doorstep

With a semi-automatic

Ready to kill

Make your teeth bleed


You told me wrong

A lie

And now you must pay

For you have created time


An erotic porn star

In the doorway frame

Standing like an old fashion whore

From out west no where


You always make me weak

But every time I come back to fight

With strength so strong

Of raging black bulls


I’ve been to different countries

And fucked you everywhere

You wait on me and stare at me

You charge me and change me


A glowing business man waits

Your pinks, purples and blues

I think it’s time to change

The rules


I ask to photograph

Your pregnancy

Your fat belly

And large milk nipples


Talking drunk to me

Flirting with your eyes

Exploring art with me

Reading East books


Like a 76 deck

I watch you burn

You crumble and fall

And expect me to pick you up!?


No. Not me.

I’ll leave you for the vultures

For the pretty salt ones at sea

I’ll leave you for the celebrations

And the church worshipping beggars


I was at your doorstep

With a dozen flowers in hand

You slammed the door in my face

And now you ask me

Why I have your lover’s hand?




© 1998 David Greg Harth>NJ07430

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Heading West

At sixty-five

Seeing the hills roll over

The burning hills on fire

Glowing reds and oranges

With a great wonderful halo


Hearing the tune and hymns

Of rediscovery

And all I can say is

Freedom at Last! Freedom at Last!


Heading West

Realizing there is no more

Had it all

Until the end

Survived much

To continue on


Had a bird

And nut-less board

Missed my cat

His eyes and glare


Decision of mades

And maids dancing with red

Sled riding hills

The West on Fire


Freedom at Last! Freedom at Last!

With thoughts of you,

My friend



Messages of thanks

As re-runs get fatter

Recalling hatred

Over misty mountains

Control is thirst

And I for you.


Freedom at Last!

Freedom at Last!



© 1998 David Greg Harth

Father’s Day

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth


With you

Going down

Caressing your every curve



Soft skin


I slide

My soapy hands

Guiding them down

Your slender silky body


I remember your kindness

Your devotion

Your lust you shared

I remember our desire

Your heart

Your eyes


As you stand beside me

In our shower

With hot water dripping down

Our souls exchanging

Our hands rubbing



I stand behind you

Grasping your breasts

Your stiff nipples

Kissing the back of your neck

Your warm neck


Sliding my fingers through your hair

Wetness all around

Suds between


I pour

The wine

Red wine down your back

In your hair

Candlelit shown


The wine pours down

Between your ass cheeks

And on my cock

Across your breasts

And down your stomach

In the depths of your cute navel


And further down

Deep inside

Your wet pussy lips

Inside your warmth

The sex we shall have


Water all around

Red wine shared

Passion explored

In our steamy shower


As my cock rubs up against your ass

A tingle between your legs

I kiss you from behind

And give you poetry with my hands

My touch

My thrust

I give




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Triple X Make-Believe & PDBs For a Day

A man in Omaha found silver

Crazies with methods of money making

Advertising breasts

Popping in and out of lining sidewalks


Women braless bouncing with loose fitting tops

Abortion killers and bus driver low skirters


Scat singers and Pop Culture

Lime green shirts and checkered pants

Fitting fine

Fine man


Elevator lifters

9th avenue buttons



Park nectars

Brown captures


Devil keepers and stocking stuffers

White trash replicas

And grandma’s make-up


Transvestite hookers and game players

Fatality heat and laughing belt stranglers


Television, Radio, Communicating networks at net worth

I got the winning rub-off in my pocket


Grieving make-up old ladies

Parody at your feet


Industries of devil CEOS

Beauty queens along the park


Pretentious riders and fake believers

Gorgeous generations of generosity





People, People, People-

Listen to what they say.






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Tortured Crush

Stab me in the heart

Remind me of a memory


Walk with me to the park

Watch the swans go by


Hold my hand tight

And stare into my blue eyes


I bite my lip and taste my sorrow

Knowing that maybe

You don’t want the lust


I would give up everything

To touch you and feel you


To be drowned in your brown eyes

Falling from heaven into another heaven


Floating skies and flying doves in pairs

Swallowing up inside


See me, the one in front

See who I am

And don’t let me hide


Break the rules

And gather your thoughts

The crush gets deeper

With every move you make


Mysterious walks

And talks

A puncture in the back


I would burn my art

For the kiss at your lips


I would see no one on earth

For the warmth of your heart


I would sacrifice my thoughts daily

For your touch of every day


I would make every wish and dream come true

For the beauty gaze on your brown eyes


I would sacrifice my soul

For the sweetness of your lips


I would bleed forever

For you to survive in happiness


I would taste your tears

With my silent tongue


The crush kills me

It twists me

Like bent molten metal

Turns me upside down


Like Romeo and Juliet

It’s a Tortured Crush

A poisonous desire


I would let you inside

And see myself

My disease of emotions

I’ll be your sister and brother


You stripped me of my innocence

My virginity

And my belief



© 1998 David Greg Harth

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I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I remember

I remember watching the snowfall beneath the street lamp

While I hoped for the death of education at tomorrow’s first sunrise


I remember fucking the cocaine high mother

While her hubby with a stache jerked off while on-looking


I remember burning ants with a magnify glass as a kid

While hearing their pops and smelling their skin toast


I remember my big plastic green army machine gun

While playing army man at war in my treelined backyard


I remember the squirrel that chewed up electric lines

While I brought one as a gift in a bag for a friend


I remember the ones who said no

While I continue to kneel down and ask for forgiveness


I remember recording their conversations

While I masturbated to their smelly dates


I remember playing tic-tacs

While being psychic


I remember seeing the elder guy fuck the bonded one

While I on-looked the fat man’s praise


I remember Valentine’s and open air January

While winter came and gone


I remember pinning moths after the catch

While spreading their powder and glisten across my fingers


I remember watching peace

While nails came out of doors


I remember spray-painting ‘GASM’ on cement

While the stream sparkled and frogs leaped and croaked


I remember my big wheels

While skidding in the gravel dirt at the circle


I remember being pulled over by a trooper

While a semi-automatic was being fired just across my head


I remember writers taking cabs

While others talked dollars around round tables


I remember cows being tipped

While I told stories of lies


I remember my father in a limo

While dark race traveled through words of conduct on Broadway streets



I remember wet dreams in fantasy sheets

While urine tests proved nothing


I remember your face as you read my poetry

While I connected dots to satisfy your wet one


I remember your analyzation of my soul

While I take a bullet between my bitten teeth


I remember the love you have given

While I refused to listen


I remember the god in Florida

While I was a little kid who packaged large ones


I remember stealing plastic whores of fat drunken pigs

While skeptical apples knew of my existence


I remember falling in deep shit

While the shit didn’t even recognize my face


I remember your thoughts and feelings

While I write this damn mother fucker today





© 1998 David Greg Harth>NJ->NJ07430

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Together)

Two together

Feeling the souls

Pouring water

Washing the heat

Twisting the passion

All around


Caressing your lips

Following your silky legs

Up your thighs


Feeling the inside

With my tongue against yours

Two tongues exchanging

Exploring wonders

And the warmness inside


Sweat created

And devoured with thirst

Tracing the curves

Imbedded under water


Nibbling and stroking

From inside and out

Soothing and massaging

Wondering about


Smoothness felt

Fingers between hair

Gentle kisses

And thrusts of desire


Candle light by tub tonight

Hot water to cool

Flowers smelt and cheered

For you

For you




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Waiting For Love

People tell me I shouldn’t look

That I should wait

That love will come to me


Let me tell you -

For I have waited

My patience is a daily vitamin

And a drug I deliver outwards


I wait all day

For the sunshine to set

Because I know the next day

I will wait no longer


I wake up each day

Thinking a lot

It hurts so much

That I handcuff my thoughts

To pully systems of rust and thorns


That I shoot myself daily

With pains of starving children

And abused and tortured

Souls from heaven


I wait

I do not seek

I wait for its arrival

I calmly sit

By lakes and skyscrapers

Upon breezes and fireflies

And upon decks and concourses


I wait.


I wait for a prophet

Or an angel

I wait for a sign

but never look.


All I can do

Is wait.




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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H, 1996 - 00 David Harth H, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Home is where you think

Home is where you choose

Home is where you live

Home is

Over here

And over there

Home is mine

And yours

Home is his, hers, and theirs

Home is below and beyond

Above and inside

Home is music and art

Home is sex and poetry

Home is my lover and my partner

Home is my family and friends


Home is where children are beaten

And kids go home to kill themselves

Home is where wives get beaten and raped

And men get drunk and snort

Home is a junkie’s palace and whore’s nightmare

Home is a July bath and pilgrimage

Home is a safety slut and music concourse

Home is a rotten body in hell

And a governor’s secret


Home is a religious sacrifice

And a family reunion

Home is a place for self-esteem escapees

And starving rabies


Home is America and Antarctica

Home is Singapore and London

Belfast and Chile


Home is butterflies and flowers

Daisies and valleys

Home is tunes and currents

And fellowship wings

Home is brothers and sisters

And kind thoughts progressing


Home is a coffin

And cemetery

Home is a church and temple

A revenge and jungle

Home is my control

And your lost feeling


Home is a devil’s prophet

And a ruler’s gold

Home is a bunker and a blanket

A sailor and a buddy


Home is a doll and car truck

A river of scum

Flowing down earthling drains

Home is a toilet

Constantly being flushed


Home is the de-fucked earth

Swallowed up in corporate problems

Spilled oil

And burnt forests

Hard-to-breathe air folk

And jet engine silence


Home is Nuclear war

And racist handshakes

Home is color bled dyes

And revolution wars


Home is sweet

And to be shared

Home is ours

And will forever be there






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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L, 1996 - 00 David Harth L, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Looking For Love

I’m looking for love

In all the wrong places


I look under rocks

And between sheets


I look far beyond states

And travel to different cities


I look in the papers and magazines

I look on the television and

Pay attention to the ra-dio


I look at the park

And in elevators


I look below me and in front

I look on the street

And in taxi cabs too

I look on airplanes, trains, and buses


I look with fever

Hands held out

I look with money pocketed

And lust trapped in heart


I look with eyes

Never set upon

And look with a tongue

That never tasted love


I’m looking for love

In all the wrong places

Or maybe I’m just in the wrong place

Looking for Love






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth

South American Blood

I see your taint eyes

Like a tranquilizer at night

Cool ocean breeze

And swarms of bees


Your cold black ovals

Eyes squinting at me

Hearing your accent

A puke of innocence


Your black reversed letters

Commanding P’s

Your voice ringing bells

And alarms forgotten


Suicide phone calls

And dripping juices

Crimes and borders

Patrols of dinero


Thinking of multiples

And your name

Wish I knew it

And had a daisy in my hair


Feeling strokes

Wish I knew those folks

Rhyming with hatred

And tired old tires


Burnt lungs

And tropical trees

Mothers recalled

I missed the delivery


I missed your arms

Hardly knew you

You approached me beneath virgin lights

All I was; was a fashion freak


You rise a club

A dish or two

I eat plenty

Of your lost vision




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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