I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I Got Shot At

I’ve been up working on my art through Christmas Eve and the entire night.

It’s now early morning Christmas Day.

I am an atheist, so I don’t celebrate the holiday.

At about 3:30am I went out to Han’s Deli on Broadway and Bleecker St.

to get a snack to eat. I knew Han’s Deli would be open on Christmas.

They are always open! While walking East on the south side of Bleecker back to my studio, I was approached by a man between Mulberry and Mott Streets. He was a Caucasian man, slightly taller than I, with a black haired mustache. He had dark green pants and white sneakers, Nike to be exact. His jacket was quite puffy, unsure of the brand, but it was black, or a really dark shade of midnight blue.


The man approached rather quickly. He didn’t surprise me, because I am well aware of my surroundings. After all, they call me a Bad Ass Mother Fucker. (well, that’s what I call myself when walking the streets of New York City) I saw the man was on the same side of the street as me. I had a plastic bag in one hand, which had some cookies and a Hershey’s chocolate milk in it. (That was my snack.) As we approached each other even closer, that’s when I knew something might happen. It was in my gut I guess.


I’ve always waited for the day for this to happen. It finally did. We walk closer and closer to each other, he going West, I going East. In the final moments in our head on collision, his eyes meet mine and he deliberately pushes his shoulder in mine, causing me to drop the plastic bag and stumble into the wall. He grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall, with his other hand he pulls out a gun from his right front jacket pocket.


Confronted with a gun just blocks from my studio is where I am at 3:30am on Christmas Day. He demands money, with the actual classic phrase “Give me your money!” Although it actually sounded like “Gimme Yoh Money!”


Again, I’ve always waited for this day. I always knew that I would never give up my money for someone. It’s mine. And my theory was always ‘to say no, and if they wanted it, they would have to kill me for it’ I responded with “No.” The man looks puzzled in disbelief, and in that split moment I just took my right hand, brought it up as quickly as possible and knocked that gun right out of his grasp! The gun went flying in the air (more in a sideways motion). I saw the silver piece shine in the street lamp’s light and it hit the wintery concrete side walk. All this happened extremely quickly in a matter of seconds. I seized my opportunity to run. And run I did.


But I discovered something I knew already. Humans can’t out run bullets. As I ran down Bleecker St, only a few yards now away from the man. He fires his gun, probably more out of rage, then out of determination to get my money. I hear a ‘BANG!’ and, which seemed like at the exact same time, a whistle right by my right ear. It must have been a bullet, but I’ll never know. Still running, about to near the next corner, I hear another ‘BANG!’ Only this time, I did not hear the whistle wizz by my ear. This time I felt a bee sting on my shoulder. This whistle sounded different from the previous one.


I then rounded the corner as fast as I could. I hear no footsteps following me and make it to the next corner, breathing heavily. I look back and do not see the man. I take a few slight detours before determining that it would be best for me to get back to my studio as soon as possible.


I arrive back to my studio and find that the bee sting on my shoulder was actually an open wound. The bullet actually grazed my skin! I couldn’t believe it. I’ve actually been shot! That fucker actually shot me! There was a hole in my jacket and my shirt was missing some cloth. And there was a big streak which appeared like a heavy rug burn on my right shoulder!


As I inspect my slight wound some more, I phone 911. I speak to the police and give them details and information. The officers arrive in full force, I must say! EMS, the Fire Department, NYPD, all converged within a matter of minutes on my block and front door. It’s about 3:40am now. In my studio there is about 10 Emergency workers. Attending to my slight wounds, but many asking me questions.


As they clean up my shoulder and the cops continue to ask me questions, over the radio we are notified they picked up the man which fit the description I gave earlier! Of course, this was now about 4am. The man was found on 2nd Ave near 5th street. A few blocks East and North of our location.


It is now 6am when I write this. I went to the Precinct to identify the man, fill out paperwork, and file charges. In the meantime, the NYPD told me that the guy will be put away for a while. Especially since they had evidence and an eye witness.


Now I’m going to bed because I have a lot to do today.

I might go back to the Soup Kitchen to feed the homeless,

as I had such a wonderful experience doing that yesterday.





© 2002 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I swallowed my tongue for you

I love you so very much.

My love is so powerful for you.

So very intense.


I couldn’t help myself

but begin to chew on my tongue

Putting my tongue side to side

In between my teeth

Chomping and biting down on it

Tasting the warm blood swoosh around my mouth

Chewing it and thinking of you at the same time.

Thinking about how much I love you.


My meaty tongue

Bitten over and over with my powerful jaw

And bony teeth

Puncturing it and pulling it apart.

Tearing it from the tendons that hold it secure in my mouth

The blood dribbling from my lips

I feel the blood dripping down my throat

Coating it with a lovely warmth


Finally, no longer,

I love you so much,

I swallow my tongue

And devour its every taste bud.

I love you.



© 2002 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I’ve seen you

I’ve seen you brush your hair

I’ve seen you turn the corner around the city block

I’ve seen you get a manicure on your toe nails

I’ve seen you in line to get bakery cookies

I’ve seen you on the subway car

I’ve seen you pass me in the hall


© 2002 David Greg Harth

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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I’ve Failed

You asked me to love you,

and I could not

You asked me to provide

and I could not


I have failed.


I tried my best,

but I was unable to deliver


I couldn’t get myself out of this trap of loneliness and pit of sorrow

I deeply apologize


I’ve failed.



© David Greg Harth 2002

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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I Could Only

If I could only be with one person

just one person

in this entire world

From Scotland to India

From Argentina to The United States

From Germany to Cuba


If I could only be with just one person

That one person would be you

And only you



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Intimate Monthly Gathering (Version #1)

I invite you all over to my home

for breakfast and tea

just after sundown

we’ll sit around the fire

and have our standard intimate monthly gathering

if you know what I mean, if you know what I mean.


We’ll have a field day among ourselves

Conduct traditional heat

Let our bodies ride the train

And become fluent in languages unspoken


Wake up friends

It’s time to come home

Come for my Intimate Monthly Gathering

I won’t let you leave without a loving hug



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I Cry

Because you have won

You are a winner


All I can do is lose

And I have lost


I cry because I can’t dance

I watch you sway back and forth

But my legs won’t move, wont step


Because you are a winner



I am restrained to this bed

Broken glass in your footsteps


You can’t walk to me

Beneath this radiating iridescent light

Above Eleven stories, so many untold

Bullet wounds forgotten


I’m not allowed to pray to God here

Just count the tiles

And forget the Love

Wish I was in,

Wish I was in


You are a great winner, remember that?

The January Spring air

The January Honey dip


Directions given

Didn’t take a drink

Thought you might hide the pills

Punch you in the face


Now all left behind

Nothing is hidden

Come see me now

See what I’m made of

And I’ll show you the actions of love

The visuals of love

The feelings of love

But, you’ll never quote me...


© 2002 David Greg Harth


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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I Didn’t Promise God Anything

I didn’t make any promises

I didn’t even give you my word

Or set up crosses

I didn’t promise god shit


He promised me the world

Riches and gold and glorious inspiration

He promised me love

Beautiful women, sea grass and hills filled with flowers and peace

He promised me life

Long lasting, never ill, and forever solid full of health


I Didn’t Promise God Anything



© 2001 David Greg Harth

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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Interrupted Continuum Better Environment, made Broadcast

Haven’t talked to you in a while.

The storm has passed

I couldn’t find my way around the walls.

The darkness shadowed my beliefs, it was the night’s thief


Haven’t seen you in a while.

Saw you upstairs, behind the bedroom light

Asked you to pass the salt,

 you wouldn’t

Asked you to pass the pepper,

 you wouldn’t


Haven’t talked to you in a while.

Felt your ear against mine, but haven’t heard your voice

Felt your eyes look at my insides, but I’m already blind

Felt your hands on my heart, but haven’t bled enough

Felt your soul in my soul, but I don’t even know your name


Haven’t had peace in a while.

Found it yesterday

She introduced herself

She had the most amazing name

A crucial name, a beautiful, unusual name.

A name I’ve never heard of, a name so intense it’s hard to comprehend.

A name that only horns and organs of love can play.

A name that only children dream of.

A name that encompasses the world.

A name that is so powerful, it makes me cry.


Her name was Zero.



© 2001 David Greg Harth


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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth


Indigo by the ninth sea

Room lit by TV


Your hair shown in a glare

Leaning over the wooden bar


Reflections cast on window panes

A mixture of London and African decent


Hidden secrets and oceans arriving

Don’t know what to say, but Monday away


Indigo in my mind

Blue all over the streets


Indigo I denied tonight

Blue under the sheets


Indigo poured rain

Blue inside a tear


Indigo blew a fire

Blue my great fear



See you at the sea,





© 2001 David Greg Harth

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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I Don’t Give A Shit, But You Send It To Me Anyway

Internap Network Services maintenance notification:



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EVENT ID:             27548


DATE:                 07/19/2001

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IMPACT OF WORK:       None expected


If you have any questions or concerns please address them to the

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Brian Kallinen


Internap Network Operations Center


(206) 256-9500

(877) THE-INOC




© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

Read More
I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I Haven’t Given Up (Version #2)

I haven’t lifted the gun


I haven’t lifted the drink


I haven’t lifted the razor


I haven’t lifted the cord


I haven’t lifted the drill


I haven’t lifted the knife


I haven’t lifted the rope


I haven’t lifted the drugs


I haven’t lifted the belt


I haven’t lifted the hammer


I haven’t lifted the fire


I haven’t lifted the blade


I haven’t lifted the can


I haven’t lifted the needle


I haven’t lifted the phone



But I will lift up this boulder,

this rock

and drag you out

from beneath this weight




© 2001 David Greg Harth NYC

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I, 2001 - 05 David Harth I, 2001 - 05 David Harth

I Haven’t Given Up

I haven’t lifted the gun


I haven’t lifted the drink


I haven’t lifted the razor


I haven’t lifted the cord


I haven’t lifted the drill


I haven’t lifted the knife


I haven’t lifted the rope


I haven’t lifted the drugs


I haven’t lifted the belt


I haven’t lifted the hammer


I haven’t lifted the fire


I haven’t lifted the blade


I haven’t lifted the can


I haven’t lifted the needle


I haven’t lifted the phone



But I will try to lift up this boulder,

this rock

and drag you out

from beneath this weight


this weight that traps you

holds you down

and bores you...



1: But I will try to lift up this boulder,

2: But I will lift up this boulder,




© 2001 David Greg Harth NYC

Read More
I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I Have A Gun

I have a gun

I’m going to shoot you

Shoot you up

Fuck you up

Shove it in

And shoot you down


I have a gun

I’ll make it memorable

I’ll make the news

And the newspaper headlines


I have a gun

I’ll be famous

I’ll be history

And the television will broadcast my portrait



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

Read More
I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I’ve Had Enough

I’m bored with today


I’ve had enough of passion and pain

I’ve had enough of guilt and grief

I’ve had enough of accessories

I’ve had enough of popularity contests


I’m longing for the future


I’ve had enough of building

I’ve had enough of unknown diseases

I’ve had enough of examination tables

I’ve had enough of your eyes and throat


I’m longing for October


I’ve had enough of summer

I’ve had enough of waitress looks

I’ve had enough of four-lane highways

I’ve had enough of cellular communication devices


I’m longing for stroke treatment


I’ve had enough of making purchases

I’ve had enough of copyrighting material

I’ve had enough of posing for the testing

I’ve had enough of losing the battle of the self


I’m longing for the gift


I’ve had enough of incomplete songs

I’ve had enough of wishing for dreams

I’ve had enough of fast food chains

I’ve had enough of tour accommodations


I’m longing for something new


I’ve had enough of fighting

I’ve had enough of believing in all

I’ve had enough of microwave ovens

I’ve had enough of elevator shaft re-runs


I’m longing for the cry on my shoulder


I’ve had enough of people wasting their life

I’ve had enough of death defeating popstars

I’ve had enough of victims and taxes

I’ve had enough of mothers close to the art


I’m longing for survival


I’ve had enough of canned vegetables

I’ve had enough of sitar instruments in my head

I’ve had enough of white knobs of undergarments

I’ve had enough of dot memories and black bananas


I’m longing for a dozen


I’ve had enough of money stories

I’ve had enough of fire promises

I’ve had enough of dead cooking

I’ve had enough of feeling evil


I’m longing for you





© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

Read More
I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I Don’t Know (Version #2)

I didn’t know what to do

I was afraid of where I was heading

I couldn’t recall my name


I didn’t know how she felt

I was unaware of the possible outcomes

I couldn’t think straight in this state


I didn’t know about the past

I was blind to the truth

I couldn’t pretend anymore


I didn’t know my own history

I was in an unfamiliar deepness

I couldn’t see the light


I didn’t know how to react

I was covered in my own cause

I couldn’t recover from my illness


I didn’t know where to turn

I was in trouble with my one and only law

I couldn’t come around and share


I didn’t know who I was

I was wishing too hard when the dream collapsed

I couldn’t build myself to recognition


So, in the world alone

In the world that not one person on earth can even imagine

or know about

or even begin to ponder

I hung myself

I jumped in front of the train

I cut my wrists

and became your memory





Are you sad?


Are you happy?

Read More
I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I Don’t Know

I didn’t know what to do

I was afraid of where I was heading

I couldn’t recall my name


I didn’t know how she felt

I was unaware of the possible outcomes

I couldn’t think straight in this state


I didn’t know about the past

I was blind to the truth

I couldn’t pretend anymore


I didn’t know my own history

I was in an unfamiliar deepness

I couldn’t see the light


I didn’t know how to react

I was covered in my own cause

I couldn’t recover from my illness


I didn’t know where to turn

I was in trouble with my one and only law

I couldn’t come around and share


I didn’t know who I was

I was wishing too hard when the dream collapsed

I couldn’t build myself to recognition


So, in the world alone

In the world that not one person on earth can even imagine

or know about

or even begin to ponder

I hung myself

I jumped in front of the train

I cut my wrists

and became your memory



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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