B, 2016 - 20 David Harth B, 2016 - 20 David Harth

Birds in Flight Die in the Night

// Razor sharp

// Hard edge

My finest suit for the occasion

Jacket on the hanger

Tie around my collar

Tightly around my neck

So stiff

I’ve been collecting the finest pads

Some favorite handmade books from Third Avenue

Never had a chance to put pencil to paper

Typed up words for the audience to read

Sleeves pushed up

I cut four inches

From the base of my wrist

Through my square

Forming a straight line upwards

Tomorrow’s papers

Buy a copy

For the world news

Infinitely a legend

On the 26th

Wish I had a sparrow

To sing me a song

On this very night

© 2016 David Greg Harth

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L, 2016 - 20 David Harth L, 2016 - 20 David Harth

Love’s Executioner

The empathetic one with oar

Was silent with purpose

In destiny I crossed the river

With an obol in my mouth

To join my mélange of lovers

Winnow down the truths

For there was an eternal one

That my heart belonged too

She made me evaporate my lies

And surrender my soul

She was the nectar of my strength

And my last destination

In death’s paradise

I love, love, love.

© 2016 David Greg Harth

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A, 2016 - 20 David Harth A, 2016 - 20 David Harth


High fever set in for the second time

Thought we were in the clear

Threat of infection is still highly imminent


The passage out was a long and tedious one

Carried on a stretcher along the rocky sodden path

Each awkward turn sent a tremble through by bones

I felt my brain violently pound against the inside of my skull

Knocked around like an embryo in an uncontrolled free fall


Scattering between the tall oaks, maples and firs

Sunlight would reach my face on occasion

Dense fog seemed to levitate from the ground

Dangerous path becomes blind


Scent of fresh rain dripping on bark

Damp fallen leaves unearthed by a trenched march

Pine beds lining the exit strategy 


Unclaimed fibers itch my skin that I can not scratch

Random insects land on my face that I can not swat

I feel the warm trickle of blood ooze out of my wounds

My palms sweaty with unknowns


The snaps of twigs beneath their boots

Rattle hollow echoes between my listening

Voices howl and crackle in concise misguidance


These bearers with sheltered hearts 

Fighting for my own mortality

Every effort to keep me conscious


I have become an alternate once more

Reflection did not accurately portray

Sharing water with the ghost of her


Detached, I am at my finest

Lost, I am catapulted 

Deep realms of forced solitude

Amongst the forest floor


Selected for departure

The hunting wolf follows my trail

Picked up my fallen limbs 

Hot coals placed in my mouth

Lost and gained

I am slayed

© 2016 David Greg Harth

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R, 2016 - 20 David Harth R, 2016 - 20 David Harth

Repeat Silence


I stepped off the westward train

At a station unknown

Walked north into my silent retreat

Among velvet dirt roads

Nothing in front of me

Everything behind me

This is what love does

When we were together

I begged you to open up to me

We fought

We loved

We were stuck in a pattern on repeat

Pattern on repeat

You left me

Yet your parents blamed me solely

My parents stateless

Children in wonderment

Was it I at fault?

Been blamed –

Take responsibility

The serpent visited your dreams before I arrived

Took you on the darkest passage

Nothing saved, nothing learned


Mourning comes and goes

The echo of your voice never leaves

Let’s see where these dirt roads lead me

I’m walking to the arches you’ve always wanted to see

Nothing in front of me

Everything behind me

This is what love does

I once drowned in my sorrow

Judged no more

Bound by no one

My footprints unseen


People sometime wonder why I don’t own a tuxedo

I find it hard to explain


Your dress, and my tuxedo still hang together in the garment bag

We were to go away that weekend

Attend your best friend’s wedding

But we never made it – did we?

Pattern on repeat

An unforgivable leap

Nothing in front of me

Everything behind me

This is what love does

Oh, so deep

Pattern on repeat

© 2016 David Greg Harth

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S, 2016 - 20 David Harth S, 2016 - 20 David Harth

Skin & Bones

"Skin & Bones"

All she ever was

To my silent majority

And catastrophic heart

Skin and bones

And skin and bones

And skin and bones

Contemplating spine crushing

Chastity locking

Ego stroking

Couldn’t be at yesterday’s benefit

Couldn’t be at the reception

Couldn’t be at the morgue

Skin and bones

And skin and bones

And skin and bones


Skin and bones



Up off the floor


Skin and bones


Seasons come and go


Lessons to be learned

Skin and bones

© David Greg Harth 2016


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M, 2016 - 20 David Harth M, 2016 - 20 David Harth

May 22nd

Silent pursuit

I look to the future

Reflections of you and me

Once strangers in passing

Now hand in hand

No introductions

Just secret glances

They’ll wonder how

Not me - certain

From the very start

I was in love with you

For an unwritten time

I have become ooze melting

Into an oblivion of paradise

Deep within your heart

© 2016 David Greg Harth

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I, 2016 - 20 David Harth I, 2016 - 20 David Harth

I Once Asked You

I once asked you

If you loved me

You said yes

I once asked you

If you loved me

You said yes

I once asked you

If you loved me

You said yes

Three times of love,

And the sparrow

Is shot dead.

© David Greg Harth (Tallinn > Helsinki)

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F, 2016 - 20 David Harth F, 2016 - 20 David Harth

Five Years Too Late

Five years too late

Our love affair

Seems to coincide again

I find myself

Crossing the Baltic Sea

North once more

I left my heart behind me

For a moment’s gaze

Is about to become

A debauched reality

Without awareness or reason

She emerged from the sea

As my canopy of Eden

And poison to which

I surrender

There is something about

These fluid waters

Creating an ignition of 

Craving to dedicate

A bonding word said

Remember my name

I’ll find you again

For your allure

Is what carries this current

In your direction

Descend into

The madness

You are my cure

My hope

And my only love

© David Greg Harth (Tallinn > Helsinki)

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S, 2016 - 20 David Harth S, 2016 - 20 David Harth

Sometimes in the Sadness

In fear

Reaching into the unknown abyss

Attempting to find location

Empty handed

Blind to the reasons

Crawling upon the ground

Pulling the weight of your body

With digging fingernails into the splintering floor

Scratching the dirt

The sound of chalk on board

Burning decaying eyes

Guilty pleasure standing tall

Expensive expanse

These battles and quiet hymns 

Raging fires scorching

Dying screams unheard

Sunken heart of despair

War is on

© 2016 David Greg Harth

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L, 2016 - 20 David Harth L, 2016 - 20 David Harth

List of 10: Quotes about my cock

1. “…please don't take this the wrong way but your cock is sooo big it's painful sometimes!! seriously i feel like i was fucked by a sledgehammer!”

2. “Your cock is massive...i couldn't even get my entire hand around it...kindda intimidating/amazing”

3. “Did I mention that DGH has a beautiful penis?  And a beautiful heart?  Tough combo to find!!”

4. “…really is a donkey cock ... HUUUGGGGEEEEEE!!!!!!!!”

5. “I was thinking about how large and in charge your cock is”

6. “dear god what is that ginormous thing”

7. “I’m already totally distracted thinking about your gorgeous cock.”

8. “I’m working from home because the craving in my loins that I have for you has made it difficult to stand up straight.”

9. “I seriously never ever saw such a big one!!!!”

10. “You are an amazing tonic! Smile on my face all day. Can hardly wait for you to put me in line again!! I guess I'll have to be extra naughty from now on. XOXO (Your dirty naughty rebellious little slut who cannot get enough of your magical cock)”

© 2016 David Greg Harth

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2011 - 15, V David Harth 2011 - 15, V David Harth

The Violent Heart




Out of control

Chaotic spin

Fall to the ground

Can’t get back up on your feet

Drowned in constant sorrow

Letting the quicksand swallow you alive

No pat on the back

Or job well done

No congratulatory exclamation

Or greeting card mailed

Another life wasted

With roads ahead

Forks not decided

With open ports

And sails down


Exiting the room

Like a ghost through the door

© 2015 David Greg Harth

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W, 2011 - 15 David Harth W, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Winter Approaches (Version #2)

Each passing season

I attempt to recall

The last time I was in love

It’s been so many months

And years

Since that time

I was in love

With you

But now I’m damaged

And forever broken

Because once you love the one and only

And she disappears from you

And she leaves you

Not for another

Not with fear of being loved

Not because she fell out of love

But because she no longer wanted to live

But because she departed so young

But because with a leap

A chord 

A truth

Desire I couldn’t prevent

Everything I knew turned dark




That day

You were my love

And you ended love for me

When you decided your life

Was no longer viable

© 2015 David Greg Harth

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U, 2011 - 15 David Harth U, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Unknown Answers

I couldn’t fall asleep last night

I was twisting and turning

And turning and twisting

Getting tangled up in my sheets

And my blanket 

I would twist and turn

In a restless motion

Of flipping and adjusting and readjusting


I was thinking about her so much

Wondering if she felt the same way

Did she like me?

Like I liked her?

Was I back in time?

Was I in High School again?

Or are these just the games of love?

That we all play?


Should I pass her a note?

Beneath the desk?

Should I tell her best friend?

That I like her?

Should I smile at her?

That kind of smile that indicates,

“Hey, I like you.”?


These are the games.

These are my questions.

I hate to play games.

And I hate games played.


But what are you supposed to do?

When you’re in love.

And love is in you?

These are the unknown answers.

And the answers I seek.


So give me a sign.

And I’ll give you my heart.

© 2015 David Greg Harth


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H, 2011 - 15 David Harth H, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Haunted Heart

Times like these are so difficult

Because every time I fall

I fall hard

Granted, each time I fall, I pick myself up

And march along

Because I’m a soldier




© 2015 David Greg Harth

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F, 2011 - 15 David Harth F, 2011 - 15 David Harth

The Family Announcement

After washing my hands

I dried them with the towel that hung just to the right of the sink.

The towel was blue, freshly washed, slightly warm from just being removed from the dryer.

It felt good on my hands, soft to the touch.

For some reason I thought of childhood as my wet hands were wrapped up in the towel.

Which made me think of the buzzing sound of a lawn mower.

And the scent of freshly cut grass.

And the clumps of green grass left on the yard or in the street.

Leftovers from a mower’s passing.

And the sound of other neighborhood children playing outside.

Their laughter and screams of joy.

After washing up, I went down stairs to join the family.

I walked slowly, passing the picture frames on the wall.

Examining each one quickly.

Each contained a different portrait. Some in black and white. Some in color.

All of family. Some older than others. Some depicting long deceased family members.

Some formal portraits. Some candid shots.

I got downstairs to the family room, which was busy with people. 

It was like a major transportation hub. People moving from afar to near. And near to afar.

Talking and noshing and greeting and hugging and sharing and telling and listening and smiling.

The family was new, or, at least we had some new members to introduce.

It’s been many years since we all gathered in the same place.

But this was an event we all looked forward to.

A big announcement was to be made.

She knew I was nervous as I ducked into a corner.

A corner which managed to drown in shadows.

A corner which escaped the outside sunlight.

The sunlight which was doing an excellent job of draping most of the room’s walls with warm light.

She grabbed my nervous hand.

My palms were sweaty.

But with her hand in mine, I began to feel more secure.

Conscious of the sounds around me.

The high-pitched greetings, the grumbling of elders, kids telling imaginary secrets.

A lonely chocolate candy without its wrapper sat on the floor unclaimed.

We all watched as he took center stage.

Which was actually just a chair. A chrome metal chair with a vinyl seat. Green-yellow. Left over from the 70’s.

He carefully got on top of the chair. Balanced like a professional tight-rope walker.

He stood tall and proud to deliver the announcement we’ve all been waiting for.

© 2015 David Greg Harth

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F, 2011 - 15 David Harth F, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Four Apologies

Four notes of yours.

I found shortly after.

An apology for you on this day.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be the man you wanted me to be.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be the father for our son.

I tried my best to raise him alone.

Painfully, shortly after you departed us;

I had to give him up.

We were so young.

I was so young.

What was I to do? Now that you were gone?

What was I to do? Alone with him.

A memory of you daily.

The pain was too much.

I wanted him to have a good life.

A solid one. With a good foundation. A good support system.

You know me. The artist that I am.

I couldn’t give him what someone else could.

You know that. I always knew that.

But as you forever drift,

Know that I will always be his hidden angel.

I watch him from a distance;

I observe him in my own way.

He carries a different last name,

But has your hair and your nose and my eyes.

Between the two of us, I’m sure he is a creative soul.

I wish you didn’t leave me.

I wish I could hear you say good morning,

I wish I could smell the nape of your neck.

I wish I could hold your hand.

I wish we left five minutes later or five minutes earlier.

I’m sorry the train came along the tracks.

I’m sorry I’ve lost you forever.

I love you.

© David Greg Harth

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P, 2011 - 15 David Harth P, 2011 - 15 David Harth


The frost takes control of my heart

Hardening into impenetrable stone

You had complete jurisdiction

Behind closed broken glass

You saw me at my deepest lows

And you held my hand hoping for the highs

Together we heard whispers

From little footsteps on the hardwood floor

You lost twice

For twelve more years I’ve gone on

Buried the three of you so long ago

With such magnitude my heart aches

Turning corners on each city street

On every airplane bound trip

I hope I’ll meet you again

My rage is premature

A dozen more times I attempted

And I have failed

In the past I got such pleasure

Out of this constant thirst

That I have for you

Wandering in a state of existence

Not wanted without you

I question what I’m supposed to do

All I have now is desolation

That no one understands

I’m planning my departure

© 2015 David Greg Harth

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M, 2011 - 15 David Harth M, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Middle River

It was easy to hire a small boat to take me across the first river.

I approached the man who straddled the side of his boat.

He was the proud, obvious owner of the small vessel.

Decked out in different shades of brown, with an unkempt white beard.

He wore a dark blue corduroy cap with small brass snaps that snapped to nothing.

The cap seemed to be too snug for man of his size, while everything else in brown seemed to fit well.

He looked as though he stepped out of a mail order catalog for fly-fishing wear or a backpacker’s guidebook to Alaska.

With a sturdy yet muffled and raspy deep voice, as if he smoked for many years and has many stories to tell,

He asked if I wanted to cross the river, "Do you want to get to the other side?"

I replied "Yes, how much?"

The third river was more difficult to cross.

This river was the merging run off between two great mountain regions.

Given that it was the annual spring thaw, the river was raging, as if escaping its winter bondage

Rapidly gushing, washing away, and bringing down crushed boulders to lower ground

The river was ever changing, as the powerful water would indiscriminately carve new bends

On each new turn, earth was on earthed, and earth was discarded

Animals small and large, would come to the river edge in search for food and water

Carefully, they dodge being a victim of the fierce pounding against the banks

As I walked up and down along the river, it took quite a few weeks where I finally found a way to pass

And the discovered way to pass was easier than crossing the first river

The middle river was calmer than the first and sat still unlike the third river.

It was as if there was just a huge pane of glass that blanketed the ground

Slickly mirroring the innocent sky above that we each gaze upon

I could easily see my reflection in it and as I looked closer

I could see the bed, with no pebbles, no stones, and no rocks

No plants, no fish, and no sand. 

It seemed to just have a black bottom that didn’t reveal how deep it actually was.

There was no boat to cross with. No bridge to walk upon. And no obtainable solution for a crossing.

The middle river was impossible to cross

© 2015 David Greg Harth

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W, 2011 - 15 David Harth W, 2011 - 15 David Harth


I take my wife’s knife

The one she stashed below the mattress

Beneath the bed frame was my baseball bat

Both were there just in case we had intruders in the house


My wife wasn’t home

My kids were at school

I didn’t tell my wife that two weeks ago I was laid off from my job

I’ve battled depression for decades

It got worse as the years went on

My marriage was falling apart

My kids hated me


Alone in the house I took my wife’s knife

I made clear and concise cuts

From my wrist downwards toward my cubital fossa

With clear and concise cuts


© 2015 David Greg Harth

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A, 2011 - 15 David Harth A, 2011 - 15 David Harth

And Then

Uncommon shooting stars

Interrupting the nightly gaze

As a welcoming cherished surprise

Rolling thundering clouds

Bringing the scent of coming rains

Opportunity to break free of the bondage

Harbor no more the impossible dream

Sail away with the unbelievable

Under a snowflake’s dreamscape

Such ardor in between passing moons

Sometimes the road from Mecca

Is a triennial in disguise

Ride with no fear into uncharted territory

Conquering each historical despair of yesterday

The poet’s sword has been removed from its sheath

Become the defenseless martyr

Concede to true virtues

Surrender with eternity’s defiance

Lift the cloak and abolish the blindfold

For when she is near

Like molten lava you melt

© 2015 David Greg Harth

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