As the end of the year nears
I walk these concrete sidewalks of my city
Evergreen soldiers stand tall
Like majestic canopies
That line bodega’s boundaries
The scent of spruce and pine and fir
Always remind me of you
How we’d walk hand in hand
Through the East Village grid
I have such vivid memories
Of being in love with you
But now that you’ve been gone for years
There is nothing I can do
But visit your grave
And never hold your hand again
© 2014 David Greg Harth
7th 8th 7th 8th
In my experience
The earth usually rotates on its axis
Like a pattern found in nature
Repeating forever in it's tiny little space
In this vast emptiness
This is the beginning of a love poem
In the past I've written love poems
Or attempted to do so
You see, I'm mainly a visual artist
Or, an artist that has been creating experiences
As of recent
An artist who socially engages
Who likes to involve his audience
But, there are times, which I write poetry
I think I'm pretty good
But I can get a shit load better
This is a love poem
It's a love poem
Because, well, I'm in love again
And at the start, this is what happens
I get crazy
And then I'll make a mistake
And like the wind that carried her here
She'll be gone once again
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Wasn’t Told
I didn’t get the telegram
And after the last look I gave
When I was on top of the hill
About to go over
And never return
I caught your last glance
But it was too late
Buried in a box
My fate is sealed
Along with everything
That was me
To you
Because I loved you
But you loved me too late
I am dead
I am dead
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Ability (Version #2)
We were freshly out of school
A little over a year
And you headed back home
I dropped you off at the airport
You caught the evening flight out of JFK
I said goodbye to your baby browns
And kissed your rose lips
Nobody inspires me like you had
Nobody captivates me like you had
Nobody captures my heart like you had
There is no one on this earth
That encompassed what you were
To me
Your touch was sensory overload of the majestic sense
Your kiss sent an electric charge down my spine
Your voice was a symphony to my ears
Your kindness was legendary
Your warmth was generous
Your affection was eternal
Your love was boundless
Your courage was heroic
Your sympathy was epic
Your grace was poetic
I no longer have the ability to love
You took my ability to the bottom of the sea that day
My heart died with you
On Flight 111, September 2, 1998
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Hannah Has A Story For You
I was standing in line at the DMV
I stood next to a woman named Hannah
She had a story for me
Hannah told me tales of truth and fiction
Even read my palm and told me my fortune
She knew about my morning's benediction
Hannah said I'm an old soul but that I'd die young
Predicted my future so eloquently
She said my nuptial song has yet to be sung
So if you go to the Department of Motor Vehicles
Go find Hannah for your story
Just don't get too close, because she'll grab your testicles!
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Mustard Sunday
On Monday I fell in love with a woman
On Tuesday I waited for her to call me back
On Wednesday she called me back, we made plans for Thursday
On Thursday we had our date, we made love
On Friday she broke up with me
On Saturday I sat on the couch, heart broken
On Sunday, I had a hotdog with mustard. I never have mustard on hotdogs.
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Mr. Richmond, Ms. Wright, and Mr. O.
First, while bent over the government issued grey desk
Mr. Richmond took the handle of the government issued mop
And placed that wooden handle way up my ass.
It was the first time I’ve ever had anything up my ass.
Even as I tried to give him an explanation
Of reasons of why he shouldn’t do this,
He just refused to listen.
I asked to speak to his supervisor,
To which he responded that he was the supervisor.
And he proceeded to shove that wooden handle up my ass
Splintering my anal sphincter along the way
Each time it went in further, I was in pain
More so with the thoughts about what it will be like to pull it out.
When I asked Mr. Richmond who was above him, he said, Ms. Wright
When Ms. Wright could not be found, he directed me to Mr. O.
Mr. O could not be found.
So, after he pulled out that government issued mop handle
Out of my bleeding ass
I attempted to sit down in the 145 person occupancy waiting room
Filled with cattle who don’t belong
But only because of me, the white man, they belong
And so, I sat.
Uncomfortable. Bleeding.
Soiling the grey government issued chair.
Finally, 45 minutes later, Mr. Richmond announced my name
So, beyond the screaming babies and greasy food
I went behind the closed doors
To be under surveillance
And observed
Once more
Mr. Richmond introduced me to Ms. Wright and Mr. O.
It was a two for one
And so, exclaiming my innocence
To prevent automatic judgment
And crucifixion by monetary value
It was determined that I had good cause
So, the stuffed-like a turkey worker could go fuck herself
Yet still
I’m out of the system
Because I made a dime
And had my ass fucked
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Mr. Exit
They asked me to solve the unsolved
I am the last person to come into the situation
I solve the problems
For all
No matter what technique is required
No matter how much time is required
For I am a man of no death and no fear
I am the man that haunts your children's patterns of sleep
I am the man who follows you around dark corners
I solve problems
For each and every cheated lover
For each and every crooked politician
I am
Mr. Exit
© 2014 David Greg Harth
One More Morning
At 7 O’clock I woke up this morning
The windows were open
Like most July 10ths in New York
The day was hot
I was restless but I woke up as I always do
Drank a full glass of water with my
80 mg of aspirin,
1400 mg of fish oil,
1200 mg of flax seed oil
And 20 mg of cetirizine hydrochloride
At 7 O’clock
Shortly after 7 O’clock
I took a shower like I do every day
The steam scattered around trying to escape
I always wash myself in the same order
Which, in brief, goes like this:
With Dove Men+Care Body & Face Bath Bar (Extra Fresh),
I first wash my ass, cock, and armpits
Then I rinse
Then with Head & Shoulders Classic Clean 2 in 1 Dandruff Shampoo + Conditioner
I wash my hair, followed by a rinsing
Then with Dove Men+Care Body & Face Wash (Extra Fresh),
I wash my entire body again.
Including the same body parts I washed with the bar soap
Followed by a final rinse
And I dry with my black towel while still standing in the tub
The towel that has been dryer spun way too many times
I carefully step out onto my bamboo bath mat and dry my feet
Then with Colgate Total Anticavity Fluoride and Antigingivitis Toothpaste, Advanced Clean,
I brush my teeth gently - not too vigorously, as to not harm my gums
That is followed by a minute of swishing around of
Listerine Total Care Zero Mouthwash
That was shortly after 7 O’clock
As the clock approached 20 minutes past the 7 O’clock hour, or so,
I brewed some Chilmark brand Single Speed Espresso, Ethiopia Negele Sidamo-Sumatra Mandheling coffee
My apartment filled with such an inviting and warming aroma
It truly was delicious
I drank my over 8oz. cup of coffee around half past 7 O’clock
At half past 7 O’clock I continued drinking my coffee and
I turned on the computer, an evil necessary gadget
Perhaps first considered invented back in 1872 by Sir William Thomson
I’ve been called a Sir before. Plenty of times
But that’s an entirely different context that we won’t get into now
And so I began checking email, the news, and facebook
Sometimes these sources of communication can truly be addictive
I try to limit my time in the morning using these technologies
Perhaps around 8 O’clock I turn off the nonsense
And so an hour after I woke up at 7 O’clock
I continue my day with what’s needed to be done
I review my calendar and contemplate:
Is today a day I have a date?
Is today a day I visit a museum?
Is today a day I donate platelets?
Is today a day I work at the art studio?
Is today a day I attend an art opening?
Is today a day I ate a burger with someone?
Is today a day I have a doctor’s appointment?
Is today a day I work at home on design work?
Is today a day I attend a performance or concert?
Is today a day I attempt to ask someone to sign my bible?
Is today a day I take a photo booth portrait with someone?
My days vary completely
But as they vary, they are the same
Constantly moving forward
With my Kuru shoes made specifically for people with plantar fasciitis
With my continued struggle to avoid cookies (I happen to really love chocolate chip cookies)
But onward I march
Like a poetic warrior of laboring love
© 2014 David Greg Harth
There are two ways
of making
Laughter we shared
Smiles photographed
Music we heard
Concert we danced at
Tears we tasted
Mourning in silence
Snow that fell upon us
Running in the rain
Soaring planes
Observing skies
Walking side by side
Holding hands down the street
Conversations had
Games of phone tag
Burgers eaten
Sharing dessert
Taking a photo booth portrait
Visiting an art museum
Laying upon the grass in the park
Bird songs echoing overhead
Riding the roller coaster
Drifting on the ocean’s edge
Waking up late
Eating popcorn at the movies
Standing for eternity
Witnessing a signature
Kissing beneath midnight
Making love forever
All these experiences
And I have nothing left
Nothing to give
And nothing to receive
Every bone crushed
Every organ destroyed
I become no longer recognizable
I am dead
It was impossible to survive a fall from such a height
A jump
After my body has impacted the ground
The mourners will ask you,
How has he impacted your life?
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Epic Battle
These monsters combat my moral insides
These demons assault my daily breath
I attempt to abide and keep in control
But the more I live on
The more I want to die by suicide
© 2014 David Greg Harth
I have no regrets
Except, perhaps, that one woman
I was in my young 20’s
We had a date
I walked her home
We were making out at the entrance of her apartment building
She asked me to choke her
I did
She was a twin and lived with her sister
Back then I wouldn’t go in on the first invite
I was invited
But I didn’t go in
That was the first woman who asked me to choke her
Afterwards, in reflection, that was one of the moment’s I realized I was a dom
I regret not going up to her apartment
Her name escapes me
But regrets are different from mistakes
I’ve made a lot of mistakes
But they aren’t regrets
There are people I should have married
There are people I should have had a baby with
There are jobs I should have accepted
There are opportunities I should have ceased
There are residencies I should have attended
There are benefits I should have gone too
There are art receptions I should have been at
There are lectures I should have been present at
Those were all choices
Perhaps not even mistakes
Choices led to the life I have now
And this life I have
Is grand
It is the path I have carved for myself
Even if I struggle daily to survive
That struggle keeps me alive
I need this pain to keep me going
Because the purpose I am here
Will be revealed shortly
And the last mistake will not be a mistake
But a fully crafted calculated decision
Years in the making
My longest art work
© 2014 David Greg Harth
The further I breach the border of sanity
The closer I reach the destructive addiction
The closer I become addicted
The higher the chances of full blown insanity
The higher the insanity the greater the chance I become a statistic
The chance of me becoming a statistic is within seven minutes
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Quietly Come, Quietly Go
I’ve been summoned
Synchronized and scrutinized
Not in my birth father’s footsteps
But in the footsteps of the undertaker
These are the blossoms of life that you don’t believe in
The chances you are unwilling to take
Like the swells in the ocean’s fury
Like the gusts in the wind’s scream
Each lover I’ve had
Contracted the worse disease of all
For the day I commit suicide
They can surely say
“I made love with him”
© 2014 David Greg Harth
The Depth of Darkness
Not even one
Knows the truth
No sister, no friend, no father, no foe
Everyone underestimates
How sad
How lonely
How horrific
How painful
How dreadful
How disturbing
How loathsome
This life could become
And when life becomes
Such a headache
Such a mission
Such a burden
Such a barren
Such a waste
Such a battle
Such a task
It seems to me
One could
Find end
Find escape
Find resolve
Find closure
Find answers
Find steadfast
Find conclusion
Quite easily
If you just look around
At the suggestions
At the architecture
At the substances
At the information
At the methods
At the objects
At the tools
You have readily available
Right in front of you
© 2014 David Greg Harth
The crimson darkness has fallen upon us
I have vivid memories of you
Courting you with everything I’ve got
With an ammunition of poetry
Lying next to you on the Great Lawn
Beneath the galaxy of shimmering stars
Penetrating your wetness deeply from behind
Your hands pressed up against the cold window pane
The crimson darkness has fallen upon us
We lost our child to a storm of resulting emotions
You moved so far away from me
Coital cephalgia still infiltrates daily
Voices of you scream a haunting echo
In the empty chambers of my heart
I was intoxicated with infatuation
Blinded by your secret allurement
The crimson darkness has fallen upon us
Liquid dripped from your inner thigh months too early
We were bound for complete sadness
Our eyes turned to unyielding stone
Everything failed and came to a complete halt
As we battled for each other's existence
Off the bridge you desired
You walked on and I fell deep
Turned once more
Your lips parted slightly
As if to say one last goodbye
The shadows swallowed you whole
And you were gone
As the crimson darkness has fallen upon me
I have become unrecognizable
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Something I’ve
She approached
With a wave and a hatless flow of hair
Her killer smile made my knees melt into the snow below
But I won't talk about that
For now
Because her intellect
Stimulated conversations
Of multiple directions
She kissed me
I kissed her
In the frigid air
Taught me well
A new perspective
Which I love
At my old age of dry eyes and acid reflux
To listen
Think, once again
Before I speak
A reflection
A believer
She enveloped me
Briefly we thought, scared me
I checked
Her bitten hands covered in gloves
There was that smile again
Hop on the plane
Next destination
Prediction, perhaps
Welcomed observations
If she never comes back
To the circle I have become
She shed light
To the fact that sometimes
I am indeed
Too square
But she
Is the circle with no fear
The courageous tiger that stares back at you
The global beacon
Which I hear,
Bing, Bing, Bing
The educator - The teacher
Not even counterfeiting
Or dancing
But prowling with determination
Sly, she knows
With a whispering departure
She goes...
At the end, it’s all
Something I’ve learned
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Taken Too Soon
Walking on the sidewalk
Passing reflections in the glass
Everywhere I look
I see haunting memories of you
It was twenty years ago to this very day
That I lost you
We were young and in love
We had grand plans
That our parents didn’t approve of
We talked of traveling the world
Making babies and love under a sunset’s ocean
We talked of setting up a small café
Among locals that spoke a different language than us
We talked about sailing oceans
From port to port
Even though neither one of us knew how to sail
We talked about writing a book together
About adventure and sex and loneliness
Even though we were virgins of life back then
I walk the cold streets of New York
And think about what could have been
An empty typewriter sits in my studio
My heart is broken
Because you were my first
And my only
Ever since you’ve been gone
There has been no one
Remotely comparable
No matter how many times I mend
No matter how many dates I attend
No matter how many samplings I taste
I wish the Five O’Clock was late
Bending around that curve
The train was on time
There was no warning
The lights weren’t flashing
The barriers weren’t down
My foot was on the gas
I was driving as late autumn leaves drifted in the air
Your hands outstretched from the car window
We were singing together out loud
Tom Petty’s “Free Fallin’” was on the radio
And that we were, so free
You were so cheerful and beautiful
It happened so suddenly
And in such slow motion
The cracking and crumbling
The shattering of glass
The car spun a few times
Around and around
When I came to
I felt the trickle of blood
Down my face
I looked at the passenger seat
And you were gone
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Roberta Smith Puts Crumbs In Her Pocket
I get on the subway at Union Square
Riding North on the N train
I see Roberta just sitting there
She is sitting quite near
I’m standing right next to her red auburn hair
Not to be compared to a Vermeer
What do I say and what do I do?
She signed my bible but doesn’t know my name
Do I ask her for a review?
Do I ask her to take a photo booth portrait with me?
Or invite her out for a burger?
Maybe I should just make one plea
You see-
I’ve been on this crazy diet recently
I’ve been doing well, lost 25 pounds
No cookies, no muffins, no cupcakes, no brownies
Because I stopped making the sweet rounds
But you see
I see this famous art critic on the train
And all I really wanted to ask her for was a bite
If only my tongue could have just one grain
From where I was standing
It looked as if Roberta was enjoying
A Nature Valley 100% Natural Oats ‘n Dark Chocolate Crunchy Granola Bar
I didn’t ask for a nibble, for fear of being insanely annoying
After she devoured that granola bar
Crumbs descended upon her transparent yellow folder which contained a possible critique
She neatly wiped the crumbs into her cupped hand
And placed the crumbs in her pocket in one smooth streak
I respected Roberta before
But now even more
For she doesn’t leave her crumbs
On the subway floor!
© 2013 David Greg Harth
The Ghosts We Have Become
With nothing to do
I place stories to nameless faces
Trying to reconstruct false memories
I make love to islands of women
And prevent true love from penetrating
Every defense system I’ve put in place
Falling from Hudson’s cross
I count the countless
And become just another statistic
It was so transparent and evident
But you were so blind and deaf
To all the signals and calls
Today’s decree witnessed by passersby
Aloft with yearning above my own termination
Until I am adrift with my last love letter to you
We have conceded to the future’s deathly grip
Permanently free from this perverse sense of rapture
All we have become are ghosts of yesterday
© 2013 David Greg Harth